Materialdrawer: Translucent status bar with multiple drawers

Created on 20 Mar 2016  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: mikepenz/MaterialDrawer

I have a left drawer and a right drawer. I want the left one to be drawn over the status bar and the right drawer under. I can't seem to get this behavior. I either get both to be drawn over or both under. This was working in version 4.6.4 and it's not in current version.


All 4 comments

Calm down, this is not a place where you can request things...
Is not "i want" is maybe "can you help me ?"

If not working, keep using previous version.

@kakai248 as of v5.0.0 and upwards the MaterialDrawer depends on the fitsSystemWindows flag to manage the paddings and shadow behind the StatusBar everything is now handled by the system.

If this is possible with a normal DrawerLayout and the flags it is also possible with the MaterialDrawer.

More or less this was a good side effect of the previous implementation as paddings were managed manually (it required the fullscreen flag which had other side effects).
I think the only way how you could get this working is to use 2 DrawerLayouts where one is fitsSystemWindows=true and the other one fitsSystemWindows=false (which will prevent any CollapsingToolbar behaviors etc. Content won't be possible to go behind the StatusBar)
I highly recommend that you don't do this because this will add another view layer, and might cause lower performance.

@christianguevara thanks. ;)

I'm sorry if I sound demanding, it was not my intention at all. I expressed myself incorrectly, I only want some guidance.

@mikepenz I was trying to follow this, where the right nav is under the status bar. How would Google go about doing that with a single DrawerLayout? It's merely a design issue, for which I don't want to overcomplicate. So you're saying it's not worth it?

@kakai248 everything is fine. Don't worry.

To be honest I do not know about a google app having a two sided drawer. I know about this guideline. But if the default DrawerLayout from Google does not generate it automatically like this, I guesst the only other solution is to go with 2 DrawerLayouts which is in my assumption a bit to overcomplicated. Perhaps someone else has a better solution how to get this done.

Otherwhise if everything is fine, you can just stay with the pre v5.x.x version of the drawer.

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