Materialdrawer: withStickyFooterDivider(false) seems doesn't work

Created on 23 Apr 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: mikepenz/MaterialDrawer

Hi Mike,

There's no difference between withStickyFooterDivider(true) and withStickyFooterDivider(false). I think this method doesn't work correctly.


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@meNESS just tested. withStickyFooterDivider(true) will correctly add a 1px high line at the top of the StickyFooter to divide it a bit more from the normal list. (it is disabled by default)

This will not remove the shadow, which is enabled by default. You can change it with:

You might need to be a bit more specific what you want to achieve as I have the assumption you talk about something else?

All 3 comments

@meNESS it makes a difference. It will add a tiny line at the top of the StickyFooter it is just a tiny bit but noticeable with the correct colors and so on.

@mikepenz So, how can I remove the top horizontal line (divider line) which is created by default?

@meNESS just tested. withStickyFooterDivider(true) will correctly add a 1px high line at the top of the StickyFooter to divide it a bit more from the normal list. (it is disabled by default)

This will not remove the shadow, which is enabled by default. You can change it with:

You might need to be a bit more specific what you want to achieve as I have the assumption you talk about something else?

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