Meilisearch-laravel-scout: install error with laravel 7

Created on 10 Sep 2020  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout

when i try to install meilisearch-laravel-scout with laravel 7
it shows error:

composer require meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout

Problem 1
    - Installation request for meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout ^0.11.0 -> satisfiable by meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout[v0.11.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.5.x-dev, 7.0.1].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[7.0.1, 6.5.x-dev].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.5.x-dev, 7.0.1].
    - Conclusion: install guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.5.x-dev
    - Installation request for guzzlehttp/guzzle (locked at 7.0.1, required as ^7.0) -> satisfiable by guzzlehttp/guzzle[7.0.1].

Most helpful comment

Hi @dreamcog, I wouldn't recommend using that approach. Although that's okay for testing the changes, it's not a permanent fix. I have a PR open which will fix this issue and merge my changes into this repo.

All 14 comments

Hello @dreamcog!

This issue might be linked to this issue in meilisearch-php and should be fixed soon. Tell me if I misunderstood your problem!

Thanks for your feedback and for trying MeilISearch 😁

@curquiza thanks for your reply.
i read the issue which was been post in meilisearch-php today , i will try to fix it myself :)

Keep us informed about your fix! :)

same problem here. is there any quick solution?

Hello @felixgoldstein! Sorry, I don't have any quick solution to provide right now. This PR (that you might have already seen) will fix this issue. The new release containing this change will be available soon!

@felixgoldstein I'm using the package with Laravel 7 you just have to use "guzzlehttp / guzzle": "^ 6.3" until this solved meilisearch/meilisearch-php#81

Make this support for older version of Laravel please.

@curquiza @IvanG11 i solved the issue for me by creating a fork of meilisearch-php and applying the open pull request on my fork - worked with laravel 8

i have solved it with @bensherred 's branch , thanks very much.

1.install the v0.14 melisearch-php
$ composer require meilisearch/meilisearch-php symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7:^1.0

2.install the @bensherred meilisearch-laravel-scout branch
"repositories": [ { "type" : "vcs", "url" : "" } ]
"meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout": "dev-update-meilisearch-php",

thanks @bensherred

Hi @dreamcog, I wouldn't recommend using that approach. Although that's okay for testing the changes, it's not a permanent fix. I have a PR open which will fix this issue and merge my changes into this repo.

The v0.12.0 is now out and fixes this issue.

this is not fixed yet on Laravel 7

  Problem 1
    - Can only install one of: laravel/scout[8.x-dev, v7.2.1].
    - Can only install one of: laravel/scout[v7.2.1, 8.x-dev].
    - Can only install one of: laravel/scout[8.x-dev, v7.2.1].
    - meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout v0.12.0 requires laravel/scout ^8.0 -> satisfiable by laravel/scout[8.x-dev].
    - Installation request for meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout ^0.12.0 -> satisfiable by meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout[v0.12.0].
    - Installation request for laravel/scout (locked at v7.2.1, required as ^7.2) -> satisfiable by laravel/scout[v7.2.1].

@rizalfauzie can you send the contents of your composer.json dependencies?

Installation request for laravel/scout (locked at v7.2.1, ...)

you probably need to upgrade your version of laravel scout to ^8 (required for meilisearch).

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