Meilisearch-laravel-scout: scout:import on large data (5 million records) taking a lot of time

Created on 9 Nov 2020  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout

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php artisan scout:import -c 10000, 5.5 million records in 6 hours, sounds good

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@curquiza do you have an idea if it's related to scout or meilisearch, I have never experienced on a such large dataset.

Hello @Kladislav and @shokme!
This might indeed be linked to MeiliSearch and not to scout.
@Kladislav, can you explain what you mean by "taking a lot of time": do you get any error message? Does the update take time to be preccessed? How many times?

Idk, no errors, api works fine, but i spend 18 hours and got only 2/5 million records imported, can i speed up it?

If you don't already do it, you can try to run multiple queue with scout.

Hello @Kladislav!
MeiliSearch allows you to send documents by batch. You can increase the size of these batches with this MeiliSearch parameter:
If you have a huge amount of batches, this leads to a huge indexation time. So, you should increase the number of documents sent per batch to reduce this indexation time. But be careful, do not create too big batches: when the batches are big the memory usage can be high and MeiliSearch could be killed.
If your documents have around 20 fields, you can try to send your documents by batch of 10 000 documents.

Also, we are currently actively working on improving the core-engine to reduce this indexation time 😉

php artisan scout:import -c 10000, 5.5 million records in 6 hours, sounds good

can I close this issue then @Kladislav? 🙂

@curquiza =)

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