Moby: What is Docker container exit code 137?

Created on 10 Mar 2016  ·  12Comments  ·  Source: moby/moby

Is there an official exit code list?



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Commenting because this shows up in google searches.
You'll see this exit code when you do a docker stop and the initial graceful stop fails and docker has to do a sigkill. Per @HackToday's comment/link it is a standard: 128 + 9 = 137 (9 coming from SIGKILL).

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I think it is linux standard, check here

if it is your needs?

The exit code is not from Docker, it is from the process in the container.

Commenting because this shows up in google searches.
You'll see this exit code when you do a docker stop and the initial graceful stop fails and docker has to do a sigkill. Per @HackToday's comment/link it is a standard: 128 + 9 = 137 (9 coming from SIGKILL).

To tackle, you might want to try changing memory allocation in Docker > Preference > Memory (for Mac with local docker setup). Should try increasing it.

Also commenting because I ended up here from Google. If you're getting this error from Docker 4 Mac, it's likely because the Linux OOM killer is getting triggered. Allocating more RAM to Docker solves it.

I came across this page when ElasticSearch failed to start. I was trying to keep it's memory low so had configured mem_limit=384m and it was terminating with this error code. Setting the limit to 512m fixed it. So perhaps the issue is memory related.

The exit status is documented in (source:, but may need some additional explanation; if someone is interested in opening a pull request, that would be welcome

Repeating what's said above, this happens on OSX because of Docker 4 Mac's hard memory cap. You can increase your memory limit in Docker App > Preferences > Advanced.

You can also try increasing the disc image size, Docker > Preference > Memory

I think the problem can be solve by this

The solution that worked for me: In “Docker -> Preferences-> Advanced” I have increased the Memory from 2 to 3 and it fixed the Error 137. If it doesn't work, then try increasing Swap also.

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