Moby: How do I combine several images into one via Dockerfile

Created on 29 Dec 2013  ·  97Comments  ·  Source: moby/moby

I have several Dockerfiles to build images which eg setup a postgresql client, set up a generic python app environment

I want to make a Dockerfile for my python webapp which combines both those images and then runs some more commands

If I understood the docs correctly, if I use FROM a second time I start creating a new image instead of adding to the current one?

arebuilder kinfeature

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I can see how to do that, i.e. genericA --> specificA but is there any way to do something like:

genericA --
             ---> specificAB
genericB --


All 97 comments

you Chain them :)

so for example, if you have one Dockerfile that sets up your generic postgres client and generic python app env, you tag the result of that build (eg mygenericenv), and then your subsequent Dockerfiles use FROM mygenericenv.

for eg

## Dockerfile.genericwebapp might have FROM ubuntu
cat Dockerfile.genericwebapp | docker build -t genericwebapp -
## Dockerfile.genericpython-web would have FROM genericwebapp
cat Dockerfile.genericpython-web | docker build -t genericpython-web -
## and then this specific app i'm testing might have a docker file that containers FROM genericpython-web
docker build -t thisapp .

I can see how to do that, i.e. genericA --> specificA but is there any way to do something like:

genericA --
             ---> specificAB
genericB --


Not through any official means, but some people have had luck manually modifying the image hierarchy to achieve this (but if you do this, you do so at your own risk, and you get to keep all the pieces).

The reason this won't be supported officially is because imagine I want to take "ubuntu" and graft "centos" on top. There will be lots of really fun conflicts causing a support nightmare, so if you want to do things like that, you're on your own.

Ok I see why. I was looking for composable blocks of functionality but maybe this isn't the Docker use case... seems like I should be using it to set up the raw containers then run something like ansible or saltstack on top to configure the software in them.

The idea behind containers is that the smallest unit of real composition is the container. That is, a container is the smallest thing you can produce in advance, not knowing what else it will be combined with, and have strong guarantees of how it will behave and interact with other components.

Therefore, any unit smaller than a container - be it a ruby or shell script, a c++ source tree, a binary on its own, a set of configuration files, a system package, etc. - cannot be safely composed, because it will behave very differently depending on its build dependencies, runtime dependencies, and what other components are part of the composition.

That reality can be partially masked by brute force. Such brute force can be pragmatic and "good enough" (giant Makefile which auto-detects everything for a more portable build of your app) or overly grandiose ("let's model in advance every possible permutation of every dependency and interference between components, and express them in a high-level abstraction!")

When you rely on Ansible, Chef or any other configuration management to create "composable components" you are relying on a leaky abstraction: these components are not, in fact, composable. From one system to the next they will produce builds which behave differently in a million ways. All the extra abstraction in the end will buy you very little.

My advice is to focus on 2 things: 1) the source code, and 2) the runnable container. These are the only 2 reliable points of composition.

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 1:46 PM, anentropic [email protected]

Ok I see why. I was looking for composable blocks of functionality but maybe this isn't the Docker use case... seems like I should be using it to set up the raw containers then run something like ansible or saltstack on top to configure the software in them.

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Thanks for giving more perspective.

So you're saying that for reusing parts of Dockerfiles the only tool available is copy and paste? Coming from more of a 'dev' than 'ops' point of view it feels a bit wrong.

Maybe it's a mistake having the public index of images, it makes it seem like you can share reusable building blocks vaguely analogous to Chef recipes, but my experience so far is it is not useful because:
a) for most images there's no info about what it does and what's inside
b) the docs encourage committing your work to the index (so you can later pull it) even though what you made is probably not useful to others, I'm guessing most of what's in there is probably not worth sharing

I feel like the docs don't really guide you to use Docker in a sensible way at the moment

@anentropic The right way to do this with Dockerfiles is by building multiple images with multiple Dockerfiles.
Here's an example: Dockerfile 1 builds a generic image on top of an Ubuntu base image, Dockerfile 2 uses the resulting image of Dockerfile 1 to build an image for a database servers, Dockerfile 3 uses the database server image and configures it for a special role.

docker build should be quite easy to run and unnecessary complexity shouldn't be added.

The public index of images is extremely useful. Docker images are usually meant to run one service or a bunch of services which can't run in separate containers. You can usually pull an image, run it and get some useful software up and running without much effort.

Understood... so in the scenario I outlined with ascii art above, the Docker way would be:

  • start with Dockerfiles for independent images GenericA and GenericB
  • to make an image SpecificAB I would copy and paste the contents of the GenericB Dockerfile into a new Dockerfile that starts with: FROM GenericA

The problem I see is that if the 'recipe' (to borrow a Chef term) for GenericB is quite complex and has many steps there is no way I can share this info, except by publishing the Dockerfile _to Github_ so that others can _copy and paste_ the relevant parts into their own Dockerfile.

Have you tried using the public index? For example, I did a search for "postgres"... how do I judge the usefulness of (or distinguish in any way between) images such as these:


What value do these provide when the only way to be sure I have got a Postgres server set up the way I want, on a particular base image, with nothing dodgy hidden in there, is going to be to create it myself from scratch.

I can see the value of some 'officially blessed' base images in a public index. I can see the value of having a private index of my own custom images ready to pull from.

But it seems a shame that there's no way (apart from copy & paste) to share the series of commands in the Dockerfile as a recipe... such as the suggestion for an 'include' command that was rejected here

@anentropic You can use a trusted image and you can also find a postgres Dockerfile to build the image yourself.

Images are usually more useful when you customize the Dockerfile to ensure they fit your exact needs. That's why you've discovered that more users have uploaded an image for the same piece of software to the registry.

Existing specific images like the postgres images might not meet your particular needs, but there are also base images and these can be used right away to build something which is useful for you.

Base images like ubuntu, centos and some images from stackbrew/* are images you can use to build what you need.

An example of a great ready to use image is stackbrew/registry. This image lets you play around with a private Docker registry as soon as docker pull stackbrew/registry and docker run -p stackbrew/registry are done executing.

Docker's goal is to help with deployment and with preparing the environment where your software runs. This means that builds are linear and done only during the initial build, but you will run the exact same software every single time.

Configuration management systems may allow you to do something more or employ some other tricks, but they're not as "immutable" and you can end up having two hosts which have subtle differences which aren't picked up by the configuration management software.

Hate to necro an old thread, but wanted to offer something that IMHO helps resolves the original posters problem and may help others looking for a similar solution to this problem here.

Let us assume for simplicity that they all use the same base image R. Imagine I have service A and service B. I want them in separate Docker images and both on the same Docker image.

Write a script to install service A and write a separate script to install service B. Then have a git repo with the script for A and another one for script B. Create git repos for all three Docker images that will be built. Each contains git submodules with the install script(s) that will be used. Each Dockerfile will simply ADD an install script and then RUN the install script and do this for one or both scripts. If you wish to remove the script(s) from the image, tack that on after running it.

This way there is one copy of each install script and any docker images you want using them. This avoids unnecessary copying of code and keeps the maintenance burden minimal. The only duplication of effort is moving up the commit used by the submodules, which is significantly better than the alternative and probably could be automated.

I think I mis-understand how this works, so I'm replying to get clarification. I want to use Ubuntu 11 with the official selenium docker images. They use Ubuntu 15.

What is the correct way for me to do this? To clone that repo and edit all the files to say Ubuntu 11 and not 15? This can't be right, can it? This would mean that everyone with any disagreement with any aspect of official images can't make use of them without duplicating the code for them. I think I have it wrong, can someone explain? What is the right way to use the official selenium image with Ubuntu 11?

@rjurney yes, that's how that would work; in your example, the whole Dockerfile is developed with ubuntu:15.04 in mind; are those packages available on ubuntu:11? Do they work? Does selenium run on them? Chances are that modifications need to be made in the Dockerfile to make it work on another version of Ubuntu.

"swapping" the base image of an existing image also wouldn't work, because Docker only stores the _differences_ between the base-image and the image. Using a different base-image therefore leads to unpredictable results (e.g., "remove file X", where "file X" exists in the original base image, but not in the base image you selected). Also, the packages/binaries in images building "on top" of a base images, are packages that are built for _that_ version, those binaries may not be compatible with a different base image.

This would mean that everyone with any disagreement with any aspect of official images can't make use of them without duplicating the code for them

Yes. The official images are supported by the maintainers of those images (which in this case, are the maintainers of Selenium). If you think changes are needed to those images, the best way is to open a feature request in their repository. If that feature request is not accepted, you should probably build your own version.

(Also note that there is not official ubuntu:11 image)

In the rest of the software world, single inheritance is not seen as
adequate to reasonably express needed semantics. It leads to much code
duplication, which would be considered a bug. Why is this seen as
acceptable for docker? Even if you're building one service at a time,
composition is needed at the operating system level. I don't mean to beat a
dead horse, but this limit seems a little extreme. Might it be better
expressed as a best practice? As a result of the strictness of this
decision, someone will build a tool that does composition or multiple
inheritance and expresses them through single inheritance and duplication.
Having this be outside docker proper will not serve the docker community.

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Sebastiaan van Stijn <
[email protected]> wrote:

@rjurney yes, that's how that would work; in
your example, the whole Dockerfile is developed with ubuntu:15.04 in mind;
are those packages available on ubuntu:11? Do they work? Does selenium run
on them? Chances are that modifications need to be made in the Dockerfile
to make it work on another version of Ubuntu.

"swapping" the base image of an existing image also wouldn't work, because
Docker only stores the _differences_ between the base-image and the
image. Using a different base-image therefore leads to unpredictable
results (e.g., "remove file X", where "file X" exists in the original base
image, but not in the base image you selected). Also, the packages/binaries
in images building "on top" of a base images, are packages that are built
for _that_ version, those binaries may not be compatible with a different
base image.

This would mean that everyone with any disagreement with any aspect of
official images can't make use of them without duplicating the code for them

Yes. The official images are supported by the maintainers of those images
(which in this case, are the maintainers of Selenium). If you think changes
are needed to those images, the best way is to open a feature request in
their repository. If that feature request is not accepted, you should
probably build your own version.

(Also note that there is not official ubuntu:11 image)

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

@rjurney multiple inheritance is also extremely complex and not just something you just add in without thought for consequences, corner cases, and incompatibilities.

12749 was the latest attempt to add such functionality -- ultimately declined because there is other work to be done first.

There's a lot of work being done on the builder, including enabling client-driven builds which can open this up quite a bit.

Single inheritance Dockerfiles works for the (vast) majority of use cases, as such there is no rush to enhance this. It needs to be done correctly and deliberately.
And based on your comments above I'd say you don't actually need multiple inheritance, just a way to specify a base image that the Dockerfile is run against without duplicating the existing code.

That would satisfy my needs, yes. Being able to modify some property of the
chain of dockerfiles.

Ok, glad to hear you are on top of this. Thanks for your patience :)

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Brian Goff [email protected] wrote:

@rjurney multiple inheritance is also
extremely complex and not just something you just add in without thought
for consequences, corner cases, and incompatibilities.

12749 was the latest

attempt to add such functionality -- ultimately declined because there is
other work to be done first.
There's a lot of work being done on the builder, including enabling
client-driven builds which can open this up quite a bit.

Single inheritance Dockerfiles works for the (vast) majority of use cases,
as such there is no rush to enhance this. It needs to be done correctly and
And based on your comments above I'd say you don't actually need multiple
inheritance, just a way to specify a base image that the Dockerfile is run
against without duplicating the existing code.

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

@rjurney Where do you get your information. To my knowledge Java has never had multiple inheritance, and never will. I'm sure the same is true for many languages. Many consider multiple inheritance extremely harmful, as it can result in almost impossible to predictable code. The same would be true for a docker container.

As I see it, what we need for docker is not the concept of multiple inheritance, but the concept of an include or external dependencies. e.g. You can mount containers at run time. What is truly needed is a way to to the equivalent with images. So you could for example have an imaged that was defined to be based on Fedora 22, and mount an oracle image to add database functionality.

This can be done quite successfully when running containers, but there is just no syntax for specifying it with images. So until run-time there is no way docker can know about these dependencies or in anyway manage them for you.

Please note that I mentioned multiple inheritance and composition.
Composition is the preferred way to do this, definitely.

I agree with everything else you said, so +1.

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Bill C Riemers [email protected]

@rjurney Where do you get your information.
To my knowledge Java has never had multiple inheritance, and never will.
I'm sure the same is true for many languages. Many consider multiple
inheritance extremely harmful, as it can result in almost impossible to
predictable code. The same would be true for a docker container.

As I see it, what we need for docker is not the concept of multiple
inheritance, but the concept of an include or external dependencies. e.g.
You can mount containers at run time. What is truly needed is a way to to
the equivalent with images. So you could for example have an imaged that
was defined to be based on Fedora 22, and mount an oracle image to add
database functionality.

This can be done quite successfully when running containers, but there is
just no syntax for specifying it with images. So until run-time there is no
way docker can know about these dependencies or in anyway manage them for

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

I'm going to shut up after this, but I put this rant in the aforementioned pull request instead of this ticket, by mistake. So I'm putting it here.

Someone is going to build this. Not accepting a pull that adds INCLUDE will delay and externalize this feature. This should be the basis of the decision here: should this be inside docker or outside docker?

An example comes to mind. In Apache Pig, the team made the decision not to include loops, despite many requests for them, because it was decided that Pig should be great for DAG dataflows and that is it. Instead, an integration was created to script pig scripts, so you could loop through scripts from any JVM language. Note that this was a conscious decision and that alternatives were pursued. This is the model process in my opinion.

Another Pig example comes to mind... Pig Macros. They didn't exist and were 'un pig' until someone (ok, me) started a thread about how incredibly ugly their large pig project was and that there was no way to fix this problem without generating Pig from an external tool, which was undesirable. Many people chimed in, and the Pig team added macros. Macros make clean pig possible, and the community benefitted.

I suggest that you address the decision head on and have a discussion around it, which hasn't occurred here yet, and for findability probably belongs here. This will exist. Duplicating scripts in domain specific languages is terrible. The people will demand it. Will this feature be inside Docker or outside Docker? How will you facilitate this behavior outside of docker?

Sorry, I'm probably missing lots of context on the mailing list, but as a new Docker user... I feel very hesitant to do much with Docker without the ability to compose dockerfiles from existing recipes. I went down this road with Pig, and it nearly killed me. I think many people will feel this way.

In case anyone cares...

The half-adopted presentation about loops and macros in Pig:
Pig Macro JIRA:
API Interface to Pig JIRA:
One that was outright rejected to respect Apache Hive... add SQL to Pig:

Finally, I had an idea that might make this change easy... what if INCLUDE'd files can't inherit? i.e. you would avoid objections by keeping things super simple. Deal with the rest later as more is learned. There could be a simple Dockerfile for instance that installs the pre-req's and binaries, and sets up daemons for MySQL on Ubuntu. If need be, this could be versioned by version of Ubuntu and MySQL. Personally, I'm going to hack a utility to do these simple INCLUDEs and use it to organize my dockerfiles in this way. I can't wait to order and re-use my code.

+1 for the INCLUDE idea. Though I believe prohibiting inheritance will only shift the issue, since now you would be able to modify the mainstream image you're inheriting from but not the other images you include. Basically what would make sense would be if you could specify an image to be "includable" in that it does not deliver any operating system stuff that might break existing base image stuff. This flag would have to be set by the docker build process and would prevent non-adequately flagged images to be included. And I mean let's face it. If you're playing with Dockerfiles you're probably not a person that is seeing his machine for the first day so I would believe that while it makes sense to prevent the end user of docker to do stupid things, there should be a little more freedom for the guys that actually create those images. And I mean seriously, being able to select a base image and including all the stuff I want into it to provision my app would be pretty damn awesome.

+1 for INCLUDE. I simply need nginx and ssh image combined in one. Why does this have to be so hard?

The idea that this isn't needed is frankly confusing to the point of being
disingenuous. Most users will use this, if it is created. "Add ssh to
ubuntu" and "add nginx to ubuntu" are pretty common tasks that everyone
need not repeat. What docker HQ really seems to be saying on this is,
"Obviously needed, but we think it will get too ugly. So we pretend." It
would be better if you could actually just be honest and open about this.
Sorry if I'm cranky.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 6:22 PM, Vazy [email protected] wrote:

+1 for INCLUDE. I simply need nginx and ssh image combined in one. Why
does this have to be so hard?

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

@rjurney let's wait for the build spin-out ; because this way, there will be more than one way to build images (and thus a custom builder could appear that does that). One of the reason docker maintainers (working or not working for Docker) are frisky about it, is because it would add complexity where we want to add flexibility and simplicity. By extracting the builder, we'll have better separation of concern (between building images and running them) and lots of use-case will be more freely implemented in custom builders.

Here again, are you pushing this out of the project? Custom sounds... not
the default, included way. When in fact, includes are a simple need that
most everyone has. Repeating yourself is complexity. Inheritance only is
complexity. Includes match a need everyone e has in the simplest way

On Sunday, January 24, 2016, Vincent Demeester [email protected]

@rjurney let's wait for the build spin-out ;
because this way, there will be more than one way to build images (and thus
a custom builder could appear that does that). One of the reason docker
maintainers (working or not working for Docker) are frisky about it, is
because it would add complexity where we want to add flexibility and
simplicity. By extracting the builder, we'll have better separation of
concern (between building images and running them) and lots of use-case
will be more freely implemented in custom builders.

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

+1, combining images would be extremely useful. Imagine a (god forbid) C++ use case. I build an imagine with boost, another with say Qt, all with the same compiler, etc. Now say I want to build an app with both boost and Qt, I just need to combine the two and presto - a dev environment ready. This would be incredibly useful.

Personally, I feel this is too important of an issue not to tackle. That being said we need to get a good understanding of what the problems and scope are regardless of where it is implemented.

So, I see these problems presented by merging.

  1. Handling merge conflicts.
  2. Resolving different bases (Ubuntu and CentOS).

With the first one I think the simple answer is don't. To me it sounds to complicated and potentially problematic and would require suite of tools to solve and still might be too magical. So, if this were added merging conflicts should just fail. I suppose it could be revisited later, but that seems like more trouble than it is worth.

As for the second case, it seems like you could add a constraint that they share some base layers. Now the question becomes how many is enough. I think the correct answer when starting would be the two images being merged must have the same FROM image. There might need to be more constraints here, but it isn't clear to me that those case wouldn't fall under problem 1, which have resolved by simply disallowing it.

Are there some other problems I am missing here?

I think there should be no attempt to merge... I can't see that happening

A more realistic approach might be a templating type of solution, i.e. allow to INCLUDE a Dockerfile _fragment_ (which has no FROM clause, just a list of commands) into a real Dockerfile... the fragments can be shared, reused, and included against any compatible base image Dockerfile

I am completely new to Docker and learning humbly. But I thought the main point of Docker was to build very small _reusable_ applications to later combine them in whatever ways to great big final applications as in a web app. If that is so, IMHO a statement like INCLUDE is mandatory.

@jmcejuela in many cases "reuse" is creating images dedicated to a specific service, and combining those images/containers to form your application. The individual components of your application are reusable (possibly, only the configuration of the container differs), but the way you combine them forms the actual application.

@thaJeztah I understand, thank you.

But making it concrete like people posted before, say I build a web app that runs a scala application (image A), then make the web server with nginx (image B), then have ssh (image C), and need an extra python application (image D). Say I've created 4 Dockerfile's for each. How do I combine them with Docker to create my final web app (image E ?)

I just need a simple way to do this. I don't care about philosophy disputes on multiple inheritance, include or not, compose or not, etc. Though certainly I wouldn't like to copy & paste as was proposed before.

Thank you so much for your time. I am still learning Docker.

@jmcejuela you wouldn't combine the _images_, you would run them as separate containers, and have them cooperate to form the application. You can do so using Docker Compose, which allows you to define your "stack". For example, see (and the README;

For the "ssh" part, it really depends what you want to use it for; overall, containers are considered "immutable", so you won't ssh into a container and modify it, but spin up a new container to replace the old one; data that needs to persist beyond a container's lifecycle is then stored in a volume, so that the new container can use those files.

@jmcejuela Docker builder accepts Dockerfile contents on STDIN, so one could "relatively" easily generate one? If a context has to be passed along, then everything should be tarred and fed into docker build. To my experience this is the simplest possible way to get a composition.

I am developing (and playing with) an approach, which builds off the above concept. A nodejs application prepares TAR file in memory (with Dockerfile and added files) and dumps it to STDOUT. The STDOUT gets piped into docker build. Composable parts are versioned, tested and released as NPM modules. I put up a very short example, which demonstrates a testing image for crond -

Thanks @thaJeztah In the end I just need a single file that my co-developers can run to have the whole dev stack, and then be able to run it on prod too if needed. I will look more deeply into docker compose.

Also, INCLUDE was proposed a long time ago ( ).

@jmcejuela The fact is that most docker users install and use ssh to setup containers and fix issues in a running container. This is how docker is actually used.

Only if you're doing it wrong, the docker exec command has been around for quite a while now and I never needed ssh since...

@anentropic That only holds if you are deploying simple services without dependencies. If you have a complex chain of dependencies for any service, anything involving machine learning, for instance, you will be duplicating code to deploy services. And there is no good reason you should be doing that. Just because docker is a domain specific language doesn't mean the bulk of knowledge about programming languages is thrown out the door and none of the old lessons apply. Sanity still needs to matter. Copying and pasting recipes is insanity.

It also only holds if you subscribe to the 'single service' worldview, which is not all docker users.

@anentropic According to Docker roadmap provisioning running containers through docker exec may be(come) equally wrong.

P.S. The rkt engine has hit v1.0.

@rjurney, :100:

Multiple inheritance whether loved or hated is a complex feature and will undoubtedly have resistance. Include turns Dockerfiles from a build recipe into a language with path problems that are challenging to resolve.

What if we look at the problem differently. What if we were able to "ADD/COPY" select files from another docker image into one that is being built. This way one can benefit from reusing functionality and avoid code duplication. As we are not using FROM multiple times in an image, but just copying binaries over in an explicit manner, this should behave in a well defined manner and when it doesn't it is a failure. Given that this works with docker images and it is able to leverage registries as the solution as opposed to some new search path, I would hope this is a reasonable proposal. An added bonus is that we don't have to rerun the same code multiple times either. Also, hopefully, a massive change to the builder could be avoided. Thoughts?

Maybe this is proposed elsewhere, in which case a link would be nice.

Whatever solution that is selected, preparing an image from multiple independent sources is something that I was very surprised that is impossible.
I would have liked to skip image preparation as in runtime we can perform this process, so that at runtime a set of images will be deployed, no need to remake image every time a dependency is modified.
I searched for alternatives, have not yet found any valid, this is a major usage gap.
Looks quite easy to perform using ACI.

:+1: would love a solution to this and glad it is at least being talked about. Even if it requires base images to be the same.

Turns out copying from other images is proposed elsewhere. This is the issue ( ).

thanks @jakirkham ..

+1 for docker multiple inheritance functionality

I think the problem you're running into is that the inability to compose recipes doesn't make sense. Docker compose is great for using multiple containers in an application. Docker swarm is great for doing same with multiple nodes. But there is no way to include the work of others at the source-code level, in many cases. You must inherit once or recreate it, which is limiting.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Alvin Chevolleaux <[email protected]


The reply by @thaJeztah is very
enlightening. I'm new to Docker and don't understand why you can't combine
multiple _images_ together but Docker Compose seems to be the solution to
combining multiple _containers_ into one application that I was looking

I think the problem for me is that I thought I understood Docker at first
but am now finding out that I don't. I'm going to go back and do some more

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

@rjurney Yes after looking into Docker Compose a bit more you're correct, that is exactly my confusion. For example there is a PHP image and a Centos Image but no inheritance between different images so it's sort of all or nothing. In the official PHP image it's using debian:jessie but I want my setup to be Centos based, so it seems that if I want to use a particular image I must accept the rest of the setup or copy and paste the source Dockerfile and roll my own image from scratch, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground where I can mix and match images.

Just to clarify I understand why you can't mix Ubuntu and Centos based images together but I don't see why you couldn't have some sort of a hierarchical structure. Then instead of downloading an entire image you'd just download the changes from one image to the other.

INCLUDE would be insanely useful for me as well. Without it, I'm left to copy-paste.

@RomanSaveljev I don't get it:

According to Docker roadmap provisioning running containers through docker exec may be(come) equally wrong.

It does not say that docker exec will get deprecated. docker exec has always been a debugging tool, and so should SSH in a Docker container.

I feel foolish for participating in this, but what the hell... I'll suggest this again:

Why don't we simplify the issue and start by implementing INCLUDE so that it does not allow inheritance? In other words, you can only include files that have no FROM.

That would handle many use cases, and the impetus would be on the files people INCLUDE to work on any reasonable operating system. uname exists for a reason. This would be a first step, and feedback on this implementation would help define anything further.

That seems like an easy decision to make. It would not be a ton of work. It would not be complex. Right?

@rjurney that's basically what does

@rjurney : Don't feel foolish. While an INCLUDE does not really fully cover the initial ask, it is a step in the right direction. There are several problems encapsulated.

  1. How to combine several pieces of independent work?
  2. How to store such compilations efficiently?
  3. How to combine several pieces of work at a binary level, not a build level?

There are probably more items that could be added to this list. The INCLUDE solution handles the first bullet point. Once that is in place, that lays a standard framework where binary storage efficiency could be improved transparently to the end user. Once that is in place, then it makes sense to talk about tools that do the same manipulations on the image files directly. However, this last step is of course very questionable. As soon as you are doing it directly on the image files there is a huge potential to just end-up with a broken image. However, if it is assumed only power users (those who know exactly what they are doing) will do the third option, that to me does not seem like an unreasonable add ... eventually.

For those that want something truly composable in this way, you could look at Nix (NixOS, a Linux distribution and package management system). It merely requires you to repackage all your software, usually build from source, and abandon everything you thought you knew about Linux ;). It is a nice system, but it takes a lot of work given not many people use it, but I sincerely hope that it catches on.

As others have said, Docker composability is more about composing at the service level.

:+1: defo worth thinking about a composable model - it would be brilliant if you could import behaviours into a dockerfile. for example I have a use-case now where I want to include apache thrift in a number of very different build containers based on Alpine linux - some will build Java services, others PHP and other Node.

It would be good to be able to include the thrift installation rather than copying and pasting - I guess I can easily enough extract to a shell script though and ADD and RUN it.

So how do I use both ruby-2.3 and the java-8 images? They use the same debian jessie image as the base (I read the dockerfiles). I just want to execute the commands present in both of them. As it stands I had to copy/paste the Java Dockerfile into the Ruby Dockerfile. The app needs both, there's absolutely no way I'm getting around that.

I did take the opportunity to remove some Dockerfile commands while I was pasting them in - they were not harmful, but simply superfluous, since the "base" Dockerfile (that I was pasting commands into) already did those steps. I can thus sort of see the argument that I didn't really want a "ruby" & "java" image, I was actually building a 3rd "ruby+java all-in-one" image.

However, in this particular case, the commands in those two images seem to be fully compatible - if I did simply concatenate them, they should work. It would be useful to be able to specify such circumstances. I'm not a huge fan of the copy/paste approach - in my case the Java and Ruby Dockerfiles were simple enough, but some Dockerfiles are much more complex.

However, to everybody else like me who wants this feature - I can see lots of situations where this would be problematic. So it's not just a question of providing the capability to run "nginx" and then "ssh" on the same docker image - the same functionality would also enable you to run "debian" and "centos", which definitely won't produce a workable image. If it is ever introduced it seems like it would have to be an experimental option, off by default, which has loads of warnings attached to it.

So whatever the interface is to this feature, it would have to make it very clear that the onus on getting the reusable behaviours (sets of commands) right is on the Dockerfile developer.

EDIT: Ah, I missed the INCLUDE discussion.

Why don't we simplify the issue and start by implementing INCLUDE so that it does not allow inheritance? In other words, you can only include files that have no FROM.

That would handle many use cases, and the impetus would be on the files people INCLUDE to work on any reasonable operating system. uname exists for a reason. This would be a first step, and feedback on this implementation would help define anything further.

That seems like an easy decision to make. It would not be a ton of work. It would not be complex. Right?


@rjurney that's basically what #12749 does

:+1: perfect, looking forward to seeing what that will be able to do in its final form.

Very interested in this concept too. An "INCLUDE" mechanism is a very crude solution, but honestly would represent a pretty big step forward in maintainability of a set of docker files.

Personally I wouldn't want it to _fail_ when it encounters a FROM, I'd want it to _ignore_ the FROM and just apply the rest of the commands in sequence.

That this hasn't happened yet without FROM support is an open source

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Ken Williams

Very interested in this concept too. An "INCLUDE" mechanism is a very
crude solution, but honestly would represent a pretty big step forward in
maintainability of a set of docker files.

Personally I wouldn't want it to fail when it encounters a FROM, I'd
want it to ignore the FROM and just apply the rest of the commands in

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Russell Jurney russell.[email protected]

Here's the thing, I don't necessarily need merge. I think a lot of the problems could be solved with a rebase. My normal use case is

A (ubuntu) -> B (e.g. nginx)
A (ubuntu) -> C (e.g. node)

And I want a combined B & C image. Usually they don't have anything to do with each other, so it would be sufficient just to rebase all the diffs between A and C onto B. i.e.

A -> B -> C'

That seems like a simpler problem to solve.

@cloutiertyler Typically Node.js applications don't need this feature to work with Nginx (in my opinion). The Docker way would be two containers, one for Nginx, the other for Node. We configure the Node container to expose its port only to the Nginx container, and let Nginx container listen to the public port (like 80). Any reason why Nginx needs to be in the same container as Node?

An sample Docker Compose file may be

version: "2.1"

  app: # Node.js application image
    build: .
  nginx: # Nginx container who can make request to app container
    image: nginx:1.10-alpine
      - app
      - "${PORT:-8080}:80" # public port, you may want PORT=80

@franklinyu I appreciate the reply. I actually just used two random services as an example. My usual use case would be starting with a generic service (e.g. node based off of ubuntu) and a custom image of my own (also based off of ubuntu) and wanting to combine them.

btw, it's not exactly rebasing but opens up a lot of use-cases for Dockerfiles.
Dockerfile now supports multi-stage builds. Example:

FROM golang AS myapp
COPY . /myapp
RUN cd /myapp && go build

FROM scratch
COPY --from=myapp /myapp /usr/bin/myapp

You can have as many stages as you like.
The --from parameter basically switches the context to the specifed build target name.
When you docker build -t myapp ., the resulting image called myapp:latest will be from the last stage.
You can also build specific stages with docker build --target=myapp, for example.

There's a few other very nice Dockerfile enhancements in 17.05 (currently available as RC1), give it a try!

Now that is interesting! I didn't know you could do that. I'll have to give that a try to see if it solves my common use cases.

While this is a great feature, having tried it out it doesn't really solve my most common problem. I just ran into it again today.

I would like a Jenkins image that has Docker installed so that I can build from within the container. The fact of the matter is that there's no way to do this without replicating the install process of one or the other in my Dockerfile.

This is a case where the blinkered arguments about this not being necessary since each container should only be one service obviously don't apply. My "one service" combines the functionality of Docker and Jenkins.

The fact of the matter is that there's no way to do this without replicating the install process of one or the other in my Dockerfile.

So you want to smash two dockerfiles into one so you don't have to copy/paste stuff?

Copy/paste is the equivalent of forking in this case. What I want to do is avoid forking a Dockerfile so I don't miss out on bug/security improvements or other changes when it invariably changes later on.

Can't just pass by. Looking for a way to distribute changes over a long chain of images inheritance (deeper than 2). Multi-stage doesn't seem to be the thing that claryfies a problem. Having an entity that could contain just block of directives, allowing me to include it into all my inheritor images, together with base image functionality looks like rational evolution.

For those wondering the right way to do this, from a Docker perspective, take a few minutes to review:

Here he creates an entire tree of Dockerfiles. As you go down the tree, you find different combinations of dependencies, each FROM the level above in the tree. So if you followed the tree from
and you really wanted


All you would do is add a node (folder) under deepLearningBase for both, eg

Now, you still have to make a dockerfile that combines pyTorch and TensorFlow dockerfiles, but
they key is that those files will be VERY SIMPLE, just a couple lines of install on top of deepLearningBase.

So what is really needed is for several Larger-scale github repositories like this, for different "worlds", such as Web Development, Deep Learning, Embedded software, etc.

Then you would just follow the tree to your required build, and if no one else made it yet, just add a node and combine 2 or 3 apt-get lines and make your new environment.

That looks like the "choose-your-own-adventure" style of composition. INCLUDE would be a lot simpler. Hell, I just want to compose a specified gcc image with nano so I don't have to install nano from apt-get every time!

I concur with @chambm in his above comment. There's no reason this shouldn't be possible in most cases (conflicts should be fairly rare, as they are on manually-managed OSes).

This is a use case quite similar to the one @cloutiertyler commented, where neither @franklinyu 's solution, neither multi-stage builds commented by @cpuguy83 apply:


  • The steps from A to C are exactly the same as those from B to D (dockerfileAC).
  • The development team of B knows nothing about C, D or E.
  • The development team of C knows nothing about B, D or E.

A user willing to build D (and/or E), must have access to dockerfileAC, but it is not required to know about dockerfileAB. Therefore, the user must have a better understanding of one dependency (C) than the other (B). Ideally, it should be possible to rely on teams A and B, and just build D as either A + (diff(B,A) + diff(C,A)) (merge) or A + diff(B,A) + diff(C,A) (rebase).

Because GHDL is not a web service and VUnit is not a web client, both tools need to be installed in the same image/container (E). Multi-stage builds are not useful, because we need to build a (probably unknown) dockerfile with two FROM labels, it is not a single forward chain.

If find this use case similar to the merge/rebase of two git branches: sometimes there are no conflicts, sometimes the conflicts are easily resolvable, sometimes it cannot be merged at all because there is no common history... Is there any tool, either official or external, that provides this feature? Note that it is ok if the tool just exports two images to git branches and actually uses git for the merge.

Amazing this is still an issue and topic. How hard is it to "INCLUDE someimage", then when parsing it, check the base is compatible (in the FROM chain) and if so, execute the rest of THAT file at that point (as if I had copied the Dockerfile from the project and pasted it into mine)?

The whole "people will do bad things they don't realize" excuse is absurd in this context. This is already insanely complex and that why we need this to help simplify it.

@rainabba This is an entirely unhelpful comment.
There are basically two reasons for it's why it's not done, either:

  1. It's not so easy
  2. No one has taken the time to do the work.

In reality, it is usually both.

  1. It's a parsing and string-replace problem that any new coder could accomplish in all of 10 minutes IF they knew where in the code. I'm not saying it would be usable in all cases, but for the limited cases I'm seeing suggested here over and over (where bases are effectively common), it's a dead-ringer.

  2. Of course not, this thread provides ~102 reasons it can't or shouldn't be done, so why would anyone think to do it regardless?

On the other hand, my comment serves (like SO many others here) to demonstrate that there is a need and with the hope to influence either the obstructing attitudes or to at least act as a reminder. If that's "entirely unhelpful", then you've just explained why this issue (ignored feature request) is still here and active and it's not a technical one.

It's way more than parsing a string.
Docker and the Dockerfile is used by millions of people. Adding API's is a significant thing... even outside of that the underlying implementation is not "parsing a string".

In any case there's many proposals to solve the problem and this is a very old and closed issue.

I do think that if Docker doesn't figure out a clean solution to this scenario, it will probably be replaced by whatever tool does figure it out.

I noticed one of my colleagues using the following pattern, which might be a decent workaround:

ARG from
FROM $from
... rest of dockerfile

I haven't tried it myself though, so I'm not sure how it would work in practice, e.g. how it behaves with caching, etc.

Indeed, this is a very important problem, and hasn't been addressed properly. I'm amazed a company as big as Docker haven't tackled it yet.

Just my two cents... I am just learning more about Docker at the moment and I feel something like INCLUDE would be very useful. I liked the multiple inheritance example above and wanted to address the comments about possible problems and conflicts with it.

Multiple inheritance is hard in any language that supports it but when a conflict occurs it's the responsibility of the Docker file creator to rethink what they are doing and start again. Docker should just build the image and not try to prove the build has no issues.


I feel something like INCLUDE would be very useful

I have support for macros in I could support "include" too.

That would be missing the point. The goal is not to include the Dockerfile
definition. The goal is to include the docker image. This is going to
seem absurd because it is off the top of my head:

from fedora
include ubuntu /ubuntu
include debian /debian

Reasonably I would expect this to start off with the image of fedora.
Then add the image for ubuntu under the folder /ubuntu. Then added the
image for debian under /debian .

This is of course absurd, in that why do I want to mix a bunch of operating
systems into one image? But a more useful example might be:

from fedora
include plex /plex
include commericalremover /plex/add-on/commericalremover

Now in this case it makes more sense. In that if these are other images
don't have operating specific components I have an easy way to make things

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 15:48, Arkady Miasnikov

I feel something like INCLUDE
I have support for macros in I could add "include"
support too.

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That last one is possible already; COPY --from accepts both a build-stage, or an image, so for example;

FROM busybox

COPY --from=alpine:latest / /
COPY --from=docker:latest /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/

Edit; or to take the actual example;

FROM fedora

COPY --from=ubuntu:latest / /ubuntu/
COPY --from=debian:latest / /debian/

Exactly. Which is why I would consider the 2017 update that added "COPY
--from" as having completed the original request. There is absolutely
nothing more I was looking for from this ticket.

Ideas that were brought up later like auto-rebasing the include, would be
nice features. But they do go beyond the original ask.



On Thu, 9 Aug 2018 at 12:55, Sebastiaan van Stijn

That last one is possible already; COPY --from accepts both a
build-stage, or an image, so for example;

FROM busybox

COPY --from=alpine:latest / /
COPY --from=docker:latest /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/

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@thaJeztah Using multi-stage builds for this still requires you to know which files _exactly_ to copy from each image; that's even harder to maintain than copy-pasting the setup code from another image.

Of course, merging Docker images is not trivial. Since arbitrary scripts can be run during builds, the build process resists any general attempt of automatic conflict detection; the halting problem says hi! The best you can do (short of significantly limiting what builds can do) is to define precise semantics: say the last FROM/INCLUDE wins (e.g. if they "write" the same file) or fail on file-system-level conflict or ....

The sometimes stated issue of different "base" images (stretch vs ubuntu vs alpine vs ...), however, _is_ simple: require that the DAG of image dependencies not only has a single source (the current image) but also a single sink (the shared "ancestor" of all images in the "hierarchy").

Ultimately, of course, you'd get garbage-in-garbage-out -- is it ever different, really?

FWIW, my use cases are:

  1. Running a Tomcat web application with a PostgreSQL database and an S3 object store.
    While this can be solved by using Docker Compose, a single container may be nicer.
  2. Multi-language builds run in Docker containers (e.g. on Jenkins, Circle CI, ...).
    There are official images for most popular toolchains, but getting a single container equipped to handle more than one runs in exactly the issue discussed here.

@reitzig This is not the only option. The right options is to constrain INCLUDEs to avoid big problems. INCLUDEs can't inherit. There it is. Simple. Still incredibly useful.

This feature request is popular but Docker is Free as in Beer but not by any means Free as in Freedom.

@rjurney With the inclusion of buildkit support since 18.06, users can provide their own frontend parser for the builder. There is already an official (from Docker Inc) experimental Dockerfile parser that includes lots of new features (support for secrets for starters).

You can of course also add your own "INCLUDE" behavior in a custom Dockerfile frontend, or you can do something totally different that's not Dockerfile at all (there's an example for buidpacks).

To use a custom frontend, just need to point Docker at an image which can handle it. Do this as a comment on the first line of your Dockerfile (or whatever thing it will be) syntax = myCustomFrontendImage

More details here:

With buildkit enabled, Docker can build whatever you want it to (doesn't even have to be a Dockerfile format) with whatever features you need.

This feature request is popular but Docker is Free as in Beer but not by any means Free as in Freedom.

As offtopic as that note is, I think it should be noted that you are wrong. Thanks to Docker's Apache licensing, everybody has the freedom to fork and develop their own interpreter for Dockerfiles that provides the features developed here. If they are careful, the resulting images will be compatible with existing Docker runtimes/tools.
Of course, the maintainers of the Docker project are similarly free to not merge such a feature into their fork (the original?).

@reitzig That is obviously just meaningless rant without actually referring what is free software. Moby is free software of course.

I did not know it was now Apache licensed. I apologize for the remark and
think this is great!

Russell Jurney @rjurney
russell.[email protected] LI FB

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:17 AM Raphael R. wrote:

This feature request is popular but Docker is Free as in Beer but not by
any means Free as in Freedom.

As offtopic as that note is, I think it should be noted that you are
wrong. Thanks to Docker's Apache licensing, everybody has the freedom to
fork and develop their own interpreter for Dockerfiles that provides the
features developed here. If they are careful, the resulting images will be
compatible with existing Docker runtimes/tools.
Of course, the maintainers of the Docker project are similarly free to not
merge such a feature into their fork (the original?).

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I'm sorry, I didn't sleep well and I made a mistake. My comment stands.
Free as in Beer means Apache. Free as in Freedom means community control.
An Apache project or some other form of governance.

Russell Jurney @rjurney
russell.[email protected] LI FB

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 12:32 PM Russell Jurney

I did not know it was now Apache licensed. I apologize for the remark and
think this is great!

Russell Jurney @rjurney
russell.[email protected] LI FB

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:17 AM Raphael R.

This feature request is popular but Docker is Free as in Beer but not by
any means Free as in Freedom.

As offtopic as that note is, I think it should be noted that you are
wrong. Thanks to Docker's Apache licensing, everybody has the freedom to
fork and develop their own interpreter for Dockerfiles that provides the
features developed here. If they are careful, the resulting images will be
compatible with existing Docker runtimes/tools.
Of course, the maintainers of the Docker project are similarly free to
not merge such a feature into their fork (the original?).

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Free as in Beer means Apache.

Disagree. Freeware can be proprietary software.

Free as in Freedom means community control.

What's community control? Projects run by a foundation? So you would consider VS Code, Atom editor, and Ubuntu as non-free software? Then your definition is significantly different from the one proposed by FSF, EFF, and many other organizations.

I agree that Docker Inc is not actively discussing with community in this issue, but this has nothing to do with "Free as in Freedom".

Sorry folks, let's not have these sorts of discussions on the issue tracker.

I agree that Docker Inc is not actively discussing with community in this issue

We have made it possible to support any build format you want to have via docker build. The "official" Dockerfile format does not support this option, but that doesn't mean that docker build can't make use of it.
Check out as an example of building a custom frontend that works with docker build.
Note that this frontend is an example of how you can do something completely different from the Dockerfile format, but that is not necessary. You can take the existing Dockerfile format and add your own functionality if you like.

As far as adding something into the official Dockerfile format.... I will say proposals are always welcome, the format is maintained in
Bear in mind, though, every new feature means new burden of maintainership, including often limiting what can be done in the future.

I think it's likely that many of the use case for combining multiple Dockerfiles can actually be solved with new functionality in Dockerfile... specicially the ability to COPY --from and RUN --mount from arbitrary images.

If this hypothetical INCLUDE could just create the extra containers as an impl detail with me NOT having to give a @#$% it would greatly reduce the amount of frustration surrounding the implicit and dodgy sales pitch of composable containers. I really just want to get back to the application and delivering functionality. Sorry for the the bad vibes, but I am docker/container noob and ran into the same confusion that a lot of other posters have already expressed.

What if you could do this:

              /--- python:3.8.3-alpine3.12 ---\
             /                                 \
alpine:3.12.0                                   custom image (with both python and rust)
             \                                 /
              \----- rust:1.44-alpine3.12 ----/

_Notice that both images are descendants of the same image. This is key!_

As easily as this:

FROM alpine:3.12.0
INCLUDE rust:1.44-alpine3.12
INCLUDE python:3.8.3-alpine3.12

_Compared to when using the "COPY --from image"-instruction (multi-stage builds), you won't have to think about the implementation details (which files/environment variables to copy over)._

What it looks like right now if you want to combine the images

FROM alpine:3.12.0

# INCLUDE rust:1.44-alpine3.12
COPY --from=rust:1.44-alpine3.12 / /
ENV RUSTUP_HOME=/usr/local/rustup \
    CARGO_HOME=/usr/local/cargo \
    PATH=/usr/local/cargo/bin:$PATH \

# INCLUDE python:3.8.3-alpine3.12
COPY --from=python:3.8.3-alpine3.12 / /
ENV PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH
ENV GPG_KEY E3FF2839C048B25C084DEBE9B26995E310250568
ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 b3153ec0cf7b7bbf9556932aa37e4981c35dc2a2c501d70d91d2795aa532be79

_ENV-instructions are copy-pasted from the Dockerfiles of these images._

This would also allow for much better container reuse, and make it extremely easy to throw things together that could otherwise take ages to compile or build yourself!

Consider that with this approach, a program only needs to be compiled once per platform/base image version - and it is easier to reuse, rather than implement it yourself. Just think about how many times the "wheel has been reimplemented" in C++ due to the lack of a good/universal package manager. Do we want a similar situation to arise for Docker?

@bergkvist, see and

It feels to me that none of the solutions you propose corresponds to the diagram. Instead, you are doing:

              /--- python:3.8.3-alpine3.12 ---\
             /                                 \
alpine:3.12.0                                   \
             \                                   \
              \----- rust:1.44-alpine3.12 --------\ custom image 

So, any file which was modified in rust is overwritten by python. Combining them without copying one over the other would require some merging.

@eine Yes, in case of conflicts, files will be overwritten. That's true. So the figure being symmetric would be a special case of when no (relevant) files overlap. Your version of the figure is more general.

My point about having both images inherit from the same exact image, is that the chance of critical conflicts might be slim.

I imagine that there could arise some conflicts related to the package manager files. If both images used the package manager to install different things. I'm not sure if there are any other "common conflicts" like that which could be handled with some kind of special case.

Merging two files is anything but straight forward. I think in the general case, it might be better to just overwrite than trying to be smart. At least then it is easier to debug when things don't work.

Since I commented here 4 days ago, I decided to learn Golang, and look into the frontend code for the moby/buildkit code.

I have now created a custom frontend that accepts INCLUDE-statements as I discussed above.

FROM alpine:3.12.0
INCLUDE rust:1.44-alpine3.12
INCLUDE python:3.8.3-alpine3.12

To use the custom syntax, remember to set DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 when building.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t myimage .

The code is available here:
And image on Docker Hub:

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