Mocha: `beforeEach` and `afterEach` are running in nested suites/contexts

Created on 28 Jun 2013  ·  17Comments  ·  Source: mochajs/mocha

There is no documentation on _when_ a beforeEach or afterEach will run. My intuition states that it should be run before/after every describe/it block in the current context completes.

However, the behavior I am noticing, is that beforeEach and afterEach are run before/after _every_ it block in the current context and all nested contexts.

I have created a proof of concept to demonstrate that the noticed behavior is occurring:

For convenience, I will copy/paste the script and output here:


describe('An afterEach hook', function () {
  afterEach(function () {
    console.log('afterEach run!');

  before(function () {
    console.log('before run!');

  describe('in some nested contexts', function () {
    before(function () {
      console.log('nested before run!');

    it('runs after this block', function () {
      console.log('nested it run!');


    it('runs again after this block', function () {
      console.log('second nested it run!');


before run!
nested before run!
nested it run!
afterEach run!
second nested it run!
afterEach run!

The behavior I intuitively anticipate is afterEach to run once, after the second nested it.

before run!
nested before run!
nested it run!
second nested it run!
afterEach run!

My use case for the intuitive functionality is cleaning out the this context after a context completes. The current implementation will clean out the context after every assertion.

afterEach(function () {
  var key;
  for (key in this) {
    delete this[key];

describe('A banana', function () {
  before(function () {
    this.banana = new Banana();

  describe('when peeled', function () {
    before(function () {
      this.peeledBanana = this.banana.peel();

    it('is white', function () {
      assert.strictEqual(this.peeledBanana.color, 'white');
      // `afterEach` is invoked here, cleaning out `this`

    it('is soft', function () {
      // `this.peeledBanana` is no longer defined since `afterEach` cleaned it out
      assert.strictEqual(this.peeledBanana.hardness, 'soft');

A comparable example to this would be opening a database transaction in each new context of a test suite.

I can work around it by invoking after in each nested context but I feel like there could be a hook in the framework.

Most helpful comment

To everyone with this common scenario i created this helper function that iterates over all suites in the current block and add a beforeAll hook to each of them:

function beforeEachSuite (fn) {
  before(function () {
    let suites = this.test.parent.suites || []
    suites.forEach(s => {
      let hook = s._beforeAll.pop()

This unlock the use case i describe almost an year ago:

describe('Create Article', () => {
  beforeEachSuite(() => console.log('CLEAN DB'))

  context('When Article is valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should not fail')
    it('should have some properties')    
    it('should send an email')  

  context('When Article is not valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING NOT VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should fail')
    it('should not send an email')  

Still don't get why this use case is not considered useful, or legit.
Maybe this solution can be turned in a PR for a beforeEachSuite and afterEachSuite

All 17 comments

For those curious, this is the workaround for my use case:

// Before anything else is run
before(function () {
  // Iterate over all of the test suites/contexts
  this.test.parent.suites.forEach(function bindCleanup (suite) {
    // Attach an afterAll listener that performs the cleanup
    suite.afterAll(function cleanupContext () {
      var key;
      for (key in this) {
        delete this[key];


afterEach runs after every Runnable instance; in your case, an it() block. If you do not want the nested behavior, don't nest your tests. Altering this behavior is not on the table.

If your second test depends on something defined in your first test, your tests are dirty and you're doing it wrong. The order in which your tests execute should not matter. Write your tests accordingly, and they will be more valuable.

Also, it's not necessary to put anything on this 90% of the time.

describe('A banana', function () {
  var banana;

  before(function () {
    banana = new Banana();

  describe('when peeled', function () {
    var peeledBanana;

    beforeEach(function () {
      // I'm assuming peel() has no side-effects since it returns a new object.
      peeledBanana = banana.peel();

    it('is white', function () {
      assert.strictEqual(peeledBanana.color, 'white');

    it('is soft', function () {
      assert.strictEqual(peeledBanana.hardness, 'soft');

Is there a way to run hook methods in the describe() level instead of it() level? It might be useful in some scenarios.

@RathaKM What's the use case?

Not sure if this is a good example but, would the following be a good use case for this? @RathaKM feel free to correct.

describe('A banana', function () {
  var banana;

  beforeEach(function () {
    banana = new Banana();

  describe('when peeled', function () {
    var peeledBanana;

    before(function () {
      // Lets assume peel() HAS side-effects and doesn't return a new object.
      peeledBanana = banana;

    it('is white', function () {
      assert.strictEqual(peeledBanana.color, 'white');

    it('is soft', function () {
      assert.strictEqual(peeledBanana.hardness, 'soft');

  describe('when set on FIRE', function () {
    var flamingBanana;

    before(function () {
      // Same assumption as above
      flamingBanana = banana

    it('is hot', function () {
      assert.isAbove(flamingBanana.temperature, 9000);

@cpoonolly: thanks for your comments and bring it back. :) Your example is what logically expected to work in the describe level(the BeforeEach). But, this could be achieved with 'before()' within each describe.

The issue I was facing is given in the below example.

var testData = [{country: 'NIL'}],
dataDriven = require('data-driven'),
assert = require('assert');

describe('@Testing_For_Describe_Level_Hook_Method_To_Update_TestData@', function () {

    describe('@Updated testData for US@', function () {
        before(function (done) {
            testData = [{country: 'US'}];
        dataDriven(testData, function () {
            it('expecting updated testData for US', function (ctx, done) {
                assert.equal(, 'US');

    describe('@Updated testData for UK@', function () {
        before(function (done) {
            testData = [{country: 'UK'}];
        dataDriven(testData, function () {
            it('expecting updated testData for UK', function (ctx, done) {
                assert.equal(, 'UK');

Here, the test suite will fail. We update the _testData_ within 'before()' hook method which will be called just before the '_it_' block. But, we use the _testData_ variable within _dataDriven()_ which will be executed before executing the '_it_' block.

So, what we need here is a place to update the variable before the _'it'_ block execution begins. May be we need the _before()_ hook method execution just before the 'describe' block(describe level hook method).

Hope, the issue is clear now.

Has there been any additional discussion on this?

why is not possible to get something like this?

describe('Create Article', () => {
  beforeEach(() => console.log('CLEAN DB'))

  context('When Article is valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should not fail')
    it('should have some properties')    
    it('should send an email')  

  context('When Article is not valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING NOT VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should fail')
    it('should not send an email')  
  • Clean the DB before each context block.
  • Set up the scenario before all it blocks

Isn't this a legit use case?

@marqu3z I am trying to follow your use case. It is legit. It sounds like the problem is: the before hook runs prior to the beforeEach hook? but you need the before hook to run subsequent to the beforeEach hook?

(do you really want to clean the DB for every test case? seems like only your first test case will succeed, the others will have no data. But I will assume you want to clean out the DB for every test case).

Here are my two attempts to solve your use case given Mocha as is:

(1) use a beforeEach, but flip a boolean, so the beforeEach only runs once (this kinda sucks)

describe('Create Article', () => {
  beforeEach(() => console.log('CLEAN DB'))

  context('When Article is valid', () => {
    let flip = true;
    beforeEach(() => flip && (flip = false; console.log('INSERTING VALID ARTICLE')))

    it('should not fail')
    it('should have some properties')    
    it('should send an email')  

  context('When Article is not valid', () => {
   let flip = true;
    beforeEach(() => flip && (flip = false; console.log('INSERTING NOT VALID ARTICLE')))

    it('should fail')
    it('should not send an email')  

(2) The other way to do this - this is not much better!

describe('Create Article', () => {

  let cleanDB = function(fn){
    return function(done){
            if(err) return done(err);

  context('When Article is valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log('INSERTING VALID ARTICLE'))
    it('should not fail', cleanDB(function(done){})
    it('should have some properties', cleanDB(function(done){}))    
    it('should send an email', cleanDB(function(done){})) 

  context('When Article is not valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log('INSERTING NOT VALID ARTICLE')))
    it('should fail', cleanDB(function(done){}))
    it('should not send an email',cleanDB(function(done){}))  

Please let me know if I understand your problem, and I will spend more cycles thinking of a solution. Neither of my solutions are very good, but I just want to make sure I understand the problem you have.


are you registering your it() test cases asynchronously? If so, that is not allowed. You must register describe/after/afterEach/before/beforeEach all synchronously.

// event loop tick X
 dataDriven(testData, function () {
     // it() must be called in the same event loop tick as X above
        it('expecting updated testData for UK', function (ctx, done) {
            assert.equal(, 'UK');

also, where is ctx coming from? Maybe I am not up-to-date on the latest Mocha features, but I have never seen

it(foo, function(ctx, done){
   // where is ctx coming from?

I'm in the exact same scenario @marqu3z described. Would love to see support for a describe level beforeEach

To everyone with this common scenario i created this helper function that iterates over all suites in the current block and add a beforeAll hook to each of them:

function beforeEachSuite (fn) {
  before(function () {
    let suites = this.test.parent.suites || []
    suites.forEach(s => {
      let hook = s._beforeAll.pop()

This unlock the use case i describe almost an year ago:

describe('Create Article', () => {
  beforeEachSuite(() => console.log('CLEAN DB'))

  context('When Article is valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should not fail')
    it('should have some properties')    
    it('should send an email')  

  context('When Article is not valid', () => {
    before(() => console.log("INSERTING NOT VALID ARTICLE"))

    it('should fail')
    it('should not send an email')  

Still don't get why this use case is not considered useful, or legit.
Maybe this solution can be turned in a PR for a beforeEachSuite and afterEachSuite

Yes please we need this.

There are many use cases like



I just stumbled on this thread looking for something similar. So to anyone else who stumbles on this post...

I've adapted the approach that @marqu3z outlined in to its own NPM package: mocha-suite-hooks.

So if you find yourself in a situation where before isn't enough, and beforeEach is too much, give beforeSuite a try.

The package is still pretty raw, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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