Mudlet: aligned label with nestable=true don't auto hide sublabel

Created on 8 Apr 2019  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: Mudlet/Mudlet

Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

Hi, we have three label, each one with nestable=true enabled and a few label added as child. That three label area aligned like in a horizontal menù. When I move the mouse on that label, I can see the submenù but they are overlapping. They disappear when I leave the area of both three menù

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:

  1. Install as package in a new profile (no matter which mud)
  2. Move the mouse on the three menù in top left corner "Pannelli", "Opzioni", "altro"
  3. Each submenù is shown on top of each one, overlapping. They are dismissed when i go out from active area of either menù

Error output / Expected result of feature

When the active menù loose focus, the submenù should be hidden.

Extra information, such as Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement:

Windows 7/10, Mudlet 3.17.1/3.18.0


bug lua only

Most helpful comment

This is indeed a problem, I have not used more than one menu yet so I did not yet notice it, but I plan to have more than one menu like you.

The problem exactly is that if your mouse leaves the parent menu item, which in your screenshot is "Pannelli, Opzioni, and Altro" the menu below does not hide. For the menu to hide you actually have to have your mouse enter the submenu first.

I compared this with version 3.17.1 and the behaviour there is the same, so this is not a new bug, but it is indeed a bug that needs to be fixed.

I will see if I can figure this one out.


All 13 comments

@xekon would you know?

This is indeed a problem, I have not used more than one menu yet so I did not yet notice it, but I plan to have more than one menu like you.

The problem exactly is that if your mouse leaves the parent menu item, which in your screenshot is "Pannelli, Opzioni, and Altro" the menu below does not hide. For the menu to hide you actually have to have your mouse enter the submenu first.

I compared this with version 3.17.1 and the behaviour there is the same, so this is not a new bug, but it is indeed a bug that needs to be fixed.

I will see if I can figure this one out.


Just chiming in to let you know I've not forgot about this, just been busy. This is next on my todo list.

I actually just tested a fix for this and it seems to work, I should have time tomorrow to create the pullrequest hopefully.

@xekon How are you coming along?

sorry I did some testing and thought I had it figured out but I didn't. My fathers health has taken a turn for the worse lately, so I don't really have an free time at the moment. Feel free to take over on this issue. If its still here when I have free time again I will revisit this issue, but at the moment it seems like I wont have any free time for months.

Hey @xekon, family always have priority. Thanks for your time and good luck. Hope to see you soon!

Can you test if this fixes this problem?

so we may close this issue.

Issue confirmed solved by #3426

@kebap @Edru2 It does seem fixed now, but one thing I noticed is the looooong delay when your mouse leaves a menu, is this configurable?

When I mouse out of a flyout menu it appears to take roughly 3 seconds before it closes on its own, this is just way to slow, it makes the UI feel unresponsive. Most people would probably be comfortable with 1 second, but I myself would like it to be around 500ms or so.

That's true, but also have to consider when you accidentally move the mouse out while moving it down to a submenu - if it be hides asap from you, that's annoying too.

Absolutely, that is why I was hoping for it to be configurable.

I just noticed a new bug with it as well....

I have a flyout menu:

only the top 10 or so entries have sub menus, the remaining items in the list are only parent menus without a submenu.

If I move my mouse down this list, to the menu items at the bottom without a sub menu, then the last menu item that did have a submenu will still be expanded way up towards the top, even though my mouse left that parent menu long ago, and my mouse is now down at the bottom of the parent menus.

It does seem fixed now, but one thing I noticed is the looooong delay when your mouse leaves a menu, is this configurable?

When I mouse out of a flyout menu it appears to take roughly 3 seconds before it closes on its own, this is just way to slow, it makes the UI feel unresponsive. Most people would probably be comfortable with 1 second, but I myself would like it to be around 500ms or so.

@xekon I only found your idea by accident. Better open a new issue next time, as this was closed before.

Now you can probably work around this by redefining the function doNestLeave from GeyserLabel.lua
It is all in Lua so you can just build another function inside Mudlet with the same name to that effect
In it, you can freely use any other duration for the timer which is currently set for 2 seconds default.

Then again, there is another timer in function doNestShow which was set for 5 seconds.
Hope this helps! Otherwise please let's discuss this further in a new issue of its own. 😉

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