Mudlet: Text Input Bars for Geyser Elements

Created on 19 May 2020  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: Mudlet/Mudlet

Description of requested feature:

The addition of an input bar feature for Geyser elements would be great!

Reasons for adding feature:

  1. Create an input bar that would be tethered to a function upon creation.

  2. Input from the text bar would be sent to the function.

3.Basicly the functionality of clickcallback but with flexibility.

Most helpful comment

I envision it working like a label clickcallback, except instead of when clicked it's when you hit enter to send the input and it sends the text being input as the argument to the function. Perhaps if no function is assigned it runs through the alias engine as normal?

All 5 comments

Hm you listed how you'd like it to work, but where are the reasons :)

easy chat window inputs, to allow for text input in a miniconsole's input line to be sent to a function which then sends it to the appropriate channel automatically. EMCO inside a userwindow becomes usable as a chat window without needing to go to the Mudlet main window to respond to a message, for instance.

Or an input line for a configuration window, with all the information input into the line attached to that userwindow being parsed by the function to set values in a configuration table.

Just as a couple examples which have come up in discussions I've had with people recently.

What happens to execution whilst the whole application is waiting for the user to enter something into that entry widget?

I guess it might be do able if the text input was tied to/provided by a sysEvent ... :thought_balloon:

I envision it working like a label clickcallback, except instead of when clicked it's when you hit enter to send the input and it sends the text being input as the argument to the function. Perhaps if no function is assigned it runs through the alias engine as normal?

Duplicate of, and we have a solution for testing available at

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