Mysterium-vpn-desktop: Linux version of desktop app

Created on 14 Apr 2020  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: mysteriumnetwork/mysterium-vpn-desktop

Please add Linux compatibility.


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Hi is it possible to use myst cli as client and not nodes on linux / docker ?

Sure! Instead of running /usr/bin/myst service (which is to run a node providing your connection to the network) use /usr/bin/myst daemon to just boot up the node without any activity. Then myst cli commands will be available to register a new identity (only once), unlock it and connect to a provider.

Here is a full command stack example:

/usr/bin/myst --config-dir=/etc/mysterium-node --data-dir=/var/lib/mysterium-node --runtime-dir=/var/run/mysterium-node --keystore.lightweight --agreed-terms-and-conditions daemon

Then in another terminal:

/usr/bin/myst cli identities unlock $MY_IDENTITY
/usr/bin/myst cli connect $MY_IDENTITY $PROPOSAL wireguard

Check /usr/bin/myst cli help to see how to register the new identity and how to obtain the proposal list.

With docker it will be something like this:

docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN -d \
    --restart unless-stopped \
        --name $NAME \
        -v $PATH_TO_SOME_LOCATION_FOR_LOCAL_STORAGE_OF_NODE_STUFF:/var/lib/mysterium-node \
        mysteriumnetwork/myst \

docker exec -it $NAME myst cli identities unlock $MY_IDENTITY
docker exec -it $NAME myst cli connect $MY_IDENTITY $PROPOSAL wireguard

All 13 comments

Yes, this is on our roadmap. But first, we'd like to release MacOS and Windows versions as most of the users are requesting apps for these platforms.

I am running a node from a small Linux server, and I would like to tunnel the traffic of a network namespace through the dVPN so that selected applications can use it.

Following the instruction in the README, I managed to build the code. I can also launch the app and I get a window with the Mysterium graphics and a loading prompt. But then it just keeps printing

Connecting to the supervisor...

to the terminal, without moving any further. Is this expected?

Also please consider having a couple of API commands to list the available nodes and connect to one of them.

@dpellegr supervisor is still not ported to Linux. That is a reason why we don't have official Linux desktop app.
On Linux you can try using myst cli.

On Linux you can try using myst cli.

Oh, this looks very cool!

I had some issues understanding what it is and how to use it. So basically it comes together with the node. You fire it up and then interact with it through the http requests documented here:

Am I right?

PS. I may want to run the node natively, dropping the docker container...

Yes, you're correct. myst cli comes together with node. Node can work in consumer and in provider modes and both modes can be controlled via cli. CLI communicates with node via tequilla api.

I'm having hard time using myst cli . My use case is I want to connect to a Myst node just like a normal Desktop app

@arpitjindal97 cli improvements are in our backlog for October!

Hi is it possible to use myst cli as client and not nodes on linux / docker ?

Hi is it possible to use myst cli as client and not nodes on linux / docker ?

Sure! Instead of running /usr/bin/myst service (which is to run a node providing your connection to the network) use /usr/bin/myst daemon to just boot up the node without any activity. Then myst cli commands will be available to register a new identity (only once), unlock it and connect to a provider.

Here is a full command stack example:

/usr/bin/myst --config-dir=/etc/mysterium-node --data-dir=/var/lib/mysterium-node --runtime-dir=/var/run/mysterium-node --keystore.lightweight --agreed-terms-and-conditions daemon

Then in another terminal:

/usr/bin/myst cli identities unlock $MY_IDENTITY
/usr/bin/myst cli connect $MY_IDENTITY $PROPOSAL wireguard

Check /usr/bin/myst cli help to see how to register the new identity and how to obtain the proposal list.

With docker it will be something like this:

docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN -d \
    --restart unless-stopped \
        --name $NAME \
        -v $PATH_TO_SOME_LOCATION_FOR_LOCAL_STORAGE_OF_NODE_STUFF:/var/lib/mysterium-node \
        mysteriumnetwork/myst \

docker exec -it $NAME myst cli identities unlock $MY_IDENTITY
docker exec -it $NAME myst cli connect $MY_IDENTITY $PROPOSAL wireguard

did you know why i don't get the same proposal as windows client ? like if i filter the proposal list on only residential i have nothing and i have only 95 proposal without filters , and when i check whindows their is 200 residential ^^

and i get this error when im trying to connect
2021-01-07T21:37:06.507 ERR tequilapi/client/http_client.go:109 > error="Put dial tcp> connect: connection refused

( On ubuntu 20.04)

Hi is it possible to use myst cli as client and not nodes on linux / docker ?

@merlinjk check this guide:

Please make sure that you're using v0.41.0+ (you can get it from ppa:mysteriumnetwork/node-pre)

Now anyone can download .deb package with Linux client.

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