Ng-lazyload-image: ionic slides shows first image only

Created on 3 Jan 2018  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: tjoskar/ng-lazyload-image


Having similar issue to

However, since it is a closed issue, I have created a new open one.

However, when i tried to use the same fix. I am getting a runtime error on ionic 3

page.ts - here im getting a debug notice on Subject not found. TS.

imageChange$ = new Subject();

  slideChanged() {


<ion-slides *ngIf="(item | async).image1" class="image-slider" loop="true" slidesPerView="2" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged()">
        <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image1">
          <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image1" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">
        <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image2">
            <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image2" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">
          <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image3">
              <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image3" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">
            <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image4">
                <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image4" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">
              <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image5">
                  <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image5" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">
                <ion-slide *ngIf="(item | async).image6">
                    <img [defaultImage]="''" [lazyLoad]="(item | async).image6" class="thumb-img" imageViewer [scrollObservable]="imageChange$" [offset]="'100'">

Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: Subject is not defined ReferenceError: Subject is not defined

Most helpful comment

Hi @tjoskar thanks..
i worked when i use

All 6 comments

Hi @myrsk,
Have you imported Subject from rxjs? Like this: import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';?

@tjoskar unfortunately, since I couldn't get it to work for some days, I had to remove it and used a different approach.

I will try this though, not sure 100% if i did import.


@myrsk, I see, let me know if it doesn't solve your issue.

hi please any solution for this issue ? for now i am setting my images to default image.

Hi @sabiridwan,
Do you get the same error, ReferenceError: Subject is not defined ReferenceError: Subject is not defined? In any case, please open a new issue and I will try to help you.

Hi @tjoskar thanks..
i worked when i use

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