Numpy: Request: argmax2d

Created on 21 Jun 2017  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: numpy/numpy

It would be really nice if there was a convenience function to perform an argmax over a 2D array and return the row and column indexes of the maximum.

I'm often finding myself reusing the following code

def argmax2d(X):
    n, m = X.shape
    x_ = np.ravel(X)
    k = np.argmax(x_)
    i, j = k // m, k % m
    return i, j

While it is simple, its opaque enough where I have to consistently look this function up.
It would be nice if this was already available in numpy.

Would there be any objections to opening up a PR in numpy to have this functionality readily available?

Most helpful comment

Why not use np.unravel_index?


np.unravel_index(X.argmax(), X.shape)

As a bonus, it works when X has more than 2 dimensions, as well.

All 13 comments

Why not use np.unravel_index?


np.unravel_index(X.argmax(), X.shape)

As a bonus, it works when X has more than 2 dimensions, as well.

Not a fan of argmax2d, but I could be persuaded by i, j = a.argmax(axis=(0, 1))

@eric-wieser how would you say that should behave? Currently a.argmax() returns a scalar, and a.argmax(axis=0) returns an array with the shape of the remaining dimensions. I'd expect a.argmax(axis=(0,1)) for a 3d array to return an array of shape a.shape[2].

This issue aside, it would be a bit weird to use a.argmax(axis=range(n)) in the general case to obtain an n-length index tuple instead of the default integer linear index. Perhaps a new keyword could switch between output representations?

Then again, how would this shape-aware result option work together with the existing axis keyword already resulting in a non-scalar return value?

What if one of the rows in your 2D array don't have a maximum (it's simply constant array) - how argmax can report that?
For example:

# setup the problem
import numpy as np
# x is this:
# [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
#  [5, 6, 7, 2, 9]]

# this will behave normally
np.argmax(x==2, axis=1)
# Out: [2,3]

# but this one returns 0 instead of NaN
np.argmax(x==3, axis=1)
# Out: [3,0]
# Expected: [3, nan]

It would be nice to have an extra argument for example to let user control what to do in the case with no max available: np.argmax(x,axis,no_ind=0) (0 is default to preserve backward compatibility).

@thoth291 isn't this a more generic question regarding the behaviour of argmax? The same thing happens with no axis keyword argument on a 1d array:

>>> np.argmax([2,2,2])

And this is the customary behaviour in case of ties: choose the first among tied values. Similarly how the max of that array is not nan: it's 2. And if you have a max, you have to have a corresponding index. Or did I miss your point?

@adeak, now you said that - I'm starting thinking that this indeed a more general question.
I can agree that max([2,2,2]) is equal to 2.
But think about argmax([2,2,2]) - according to definition in numpy documentation it returns the indices corresponding to the first occurrence. This seems to be OK from the implementation point of view - but it's really just an archaism of the algorithm and has nothing to do with what actually should happen. Effectively ANY index can be returned and should be treated as correct. Or one can say that argmax is ambiguous in the case of constant-valued array.

That all being said, I would rather avoid such a decision in the first place and return inf to signal that it's up to the user to decide how to treat such case.

and has nothing to do with what actually happens.

Do you mean "has nothing to do with the abstract definition of argmax"? I'd sure hope that _"the algorithm"_ and _"what actually happens"_ are not only the same thing, but that they match the docs.

@adeak: Sorry for never replying

Then again, how would this shape-aware result option work together with the existing axis keyword already resulting in a non-scalar return value?

I think there's one obvious way to deal with this. As an example:

>>> ret = argmax(np.empty((A, B, C, D, E)), axes=(0, 2))
>>> type(ret)
>>> len(ret)  # == len(axes)
>>> ret[0].shape
(B, D, E)
>>> ret[1].shape
(B, D, e)

With that and keepdims, you'd get arr[argmax(arr, axes, keepdims=True)] == max(arr, keepdims=True) for any dimensionality, which seems super-desirable to me

In pseudocode, I'd expect:

def argmax(arr, axes, keepdims)
    was_tuple = isinstance(axes, tuple):
    if not was_tuple:
        axes = (axes,)

    shape = np.array(arr.shape)
    axis_mask = np.array([i in axes for i in range(arr.ndim)])
    shape[axis_mask] = 1
    ret = tuple(np.empty(shape) for _ in axes)

    # do the actual work

    if not keepdims:
        ret = tuple(r.reshape(shape[~axis_mask]) for r in ret)

    if not was_tuple:
        return ret[0]

@eric-wieser - nice catch - I typed it faster than was able to translate properly. Will be careful later. Updated the comment to "should happen" instead of "happens". Hope that helps, otherwise - open for suggestions for reformulation.
The point is that argmax([2,2,2])==0 is as good as argmax([2,2,2])==1 or anything else and it should be chosen by the user rather than library. Otherwise a fallback mechanism should be provided in the form of (for example) extra keyword default= or initial= which would instruct what to return in this case.

@thoth291: since what you're discussing isn't specific to _2D_ argmax, I suggest you create a new issue

@eric-wieser no worries, thanks for getting back to me. I think I understand your suggestion, and it does seem unambiguous and practical. The fact that the type of the axis argument determines whether the return value is an array or a tuple of arrays is a bit surprising to me (especially axes=0 vs axes=[0]), but I'm sure there are plenty of existing examples for the same behaviour (also, practicality beats purity).

~Just to be sure: in your example if axes=(0,2) then the returned shapes should be (B,D,E), right? There's also a pair of parentheses missing from the call to empty but that is not ambiguous, and after all it's still pseudocode.~

Just to be sure

Both corrected, good catch

The fact that the type of the axis argument determines whether the return value is an array or a tuple of arrays is a bit surprising to me

Note that the actual array is the same. I think this hits both practicality and purity - the rule is that axis=(a,)res = (arr,) and axis=ares = arr. Apis that special case tuples of size 1 strike me as a a bad idea, as that special casing has to become contagious up the entire call stack

I never would've thought to special-case length-1 tuples, that sounds wrong. I was wondering about the scalar vs tuple case. It did vaguely occur to me that the scalar and length-1 tuple cases correspond to each other in the way you mentioned, but now that you spelled it out it's obvious that scalar -> 1-tuple -> general tuple cases are straightforward generalizations. So thanks, I fully support your suggestion.

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