Oauthlib: 1.1.0 advertised on PyPi, but no distribution appears to be available

Created on 12 Apr 2016  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: oauthlib/oauthlib

1.1.0 seems to be listed as available on PyPi, but with no associated distribution available.

If this is just a timing issue with uploading the package, I apologize for adding an issue that's effectively noise.

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I've the same problem, the distribution for 1.1.0 is not available:

DistributionNotFound: No distributions matching the version for oauthlib==1.1.0


All 11 comments

I've the same problem, the distribution for 1.1.0 is not available:

DistributionNotFound: No distributions matching the version for oauthlib==1.1.0


@idan @thedrow are there anything I, or the community, can do to help with getting the lastes version published on PyPi?

Travis must have failed to push the package. I'll retry and do it manually if it fails again.

I'm getting HTTPError: 400 Client Error: This filename has previously been used, you should use a different version. when I try to upload the release both manually and in travis.
Any idea what is this all about?

Ok done. I had to rename the source distribution for some reason.
@ViktorAtD2L @eofs @Starefossen Next time ping me directly with @thedrow on such issues or catch me on twitter or something.
I hope not to disregard these kind of problems in the future.

@thedrow now it doesn't play well with Devpi.. Advertised version is 1.1.0, but package is called 1.1.0-1. Devpi is unable to install 1.1.0 then (it sees only 1.1.0-1). Maybe you could bump release version and upload it this time correctly?

I believe that this is a security feature of PyPi: once a distribution is created, you can't alter its contents, so that no two package versions have the same name. However, I understood that if you registered a new package version without providing files, you could then manually attach files to the version: I may be incorrect in believing that.

@r4fek I'll re-release tomorrow.


Please let me know if you find any problems.

I just tested it and it's installed and upgraded just fine.

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