Okuna-api: Consider ActivityPub

Created on 17 Mar 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: OkunaOrg/okuna-api

In the FAQ I read:

"Will Openbook be decentralised?

We want to get there eventually. We’re looking into Solid MIT approach (The one from Tim Berners Lee) and we’re very pleased with it so far."

Please consider implementing ActivityPub! It's a W3C standard and is already live on multiple projects (incl. Mastodon). It can even work when Openbook is still centralized. It's actually the only relevant social protocol today.

See also Wikipedia. Don't make Openbook the next walled garden!

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This would be awesome, as you could then e.g. communicate with Mastodon, PeerTube and many, many other platforms.

ActivityPub is the way to go! :smiley:

All 3 comments

This would be awesome, as you could then e.g. communicate with Mastodon, PeerTube and many, many other platforms.

ActivityPub is the way to go! :smiley:

What's ActivityPub for dummies?

What's ActivityPub for dummies?


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