Phpunit: Data Providers get executed before setupBeforeClass

Created on 21 Feb 2013  ·  21Comments  ·  Source: sebastianbergmann/phpunit

The data providers get called before the static setupBeforeClass has been executed. If think it should be the other way around.

Use case:

  • We have a list of adapters. Some adapters are only supported on some environment (ie Linux vs Win),
  • I would like to initialize a list of supported adapters once and pass it to all the tests through a data provider,
  • The cleanest way I can imagine is to initialize a static property in setupBeforeClass and have the provider returns that property

The problem is that the property is not initialized when the provider gets called.

Version found: 3.7.14

Most helpful comment

@epdenouden JIT? Are you testing with JIT for PHP, or there's something I don't know? Sorry, I'm a bit confused; are you talking about PHP7.x and PHP8.x or PHPUnit7.x and PHPUnit8.x?!

@MAChitgarha I understand your confusion as PHP8 is getting a just-in-time _compiler_. I was using the term for the new data provider implementation which is based on the same idea: a just-in-time _loader_ a.k.a. lazy-loading. Initialize only what you need, when you need it.

This will work fine with the upcoming PHP version 8 JIT as it doesn't use any tricky features of the PHP language itself. All my work is deep inside PHPUnit redoing things like configuration parsing, test loading and running, etc.

If it looks like I am not doing anything, I am doing it right. Except for that lowered GCP or AWS invoice. 💸

All 21 comments

I'm not sure that enforcing some order so that static resources can be initialized in setupBeforeClass really makes sense if you consider that data providers aren't required to be static or even in the same test class.

Why not just lazy initialize the adapters? Then the order doesn't matter at all.

Without running the data provider we do not know how many tests a test method runs. In a perfect world we would break B/C and require data providers to be objects that implement an interface that extends Countable. That way we could separate these concerns and have a much cleaner situation.

@whatthejeff This is what we end up doing. However initializing in the constructor could be a little bit cleaner, because parameters have to be wrapped in an array when returned from a provider.

@sebastianbergmann ok I understand why they are called before now, what about mentionning it in the doc ? (I can open a PR which the changes if you are ok). I am not even sure having objects would help a lot: if you look at my ex, there is a dependency from one provider to the other.

Thanks for your replies, closing the issue.

@vicb, I'll gladly merge a documentation-related PR for this.

I might be a bit late to the scene, but what I happen to do when I have dependencies that I need to initialize is to ditch the @dataProvider annotation and use yield instead.

@srosato I'm being dumb (I've not used yield). Could you give a brief example of how to do this please? Via if an example here is not appropriate.

If your @dataProvider requires setup code and they aren't terribly large, you can specify them as strings and eval them in the test. For example:

public function myProvider() {
    return [
        'new Klass("param 1", "param 2")',
        'new Klass("param 1", "param 2")',

 * @dataProvider myProvider
public testMyFunction($instance_str) {
    $klass = eval("return {$instance_str};");
    # continue testing $klass ...

my two cents:

Instead of a dataprovider relying on a static property (which we know isn't possible) I am setting the needed data/objects as class member(s) of the test class in setUp() method.
in tearDown() i set it/them to null, or when there are complex objects I implement a clear() method for it.

as long as there aren't too many test-class-wide dependencies, i feel comfortable with this approach.
but when there are more than one or two such dependencies, you might need to overthink your overall design.

specifically, i use a DB connection as static property which is set in setUpBeforeClass() and set $queryBuilder, which gets the connection injected, as a class-member in setUp() (instead of returning it in a dataprovider).

A solution would be defining a new private method and define as many variables as needed, as static ones inside it. Then, check if one of them is set, and if it is not, set all of them and return (or yield) them. This way, _the variables will be declared only once_, even if you have ten providers or whatever. Besides, you can use it in setUpBeforeClass() or setUp().

See it in an example:

private static function getData()
    static $data, $anotherData;

    if (!isset($data)) {
        $data = new TestClass();
        $anotherData = [];

    return [
        // Or: clone $data

public static function setUpBeforeClass()
    list(self::$sampleJson, self::$sampleData) = self::getData(); 

public function sampleProvider()
    $data = self::getData();

    return [

@MAChitgarha thanks to your comment yesterday I found out about this ticket. :)

I'm working on refactoring the data provider logic in #3736 which will solve some of the common issues:

  • no longer have this huge spike in activity at the start of the run as all data providers get loaded
  • data providers can run after the fixtures setUpBeforeClass and setUp
  • non-static data providers become possible
  • generators will be much more efficient

@epdenouden Happy hearing that! ;) The second item in your list is a good one. Waiting for that.

Non-static data providers become possible

Isn't it currently possible? I always use non-static data providers in my tests instead of static ones, and they work as expected with no issues (using PHPUnit 7.5.6). Am I wrong?

Isn't it currently possible? I always use non-static data providers in my tests instead of static ones, and they work as expected with no issues (using PHPUnit 7.5.6). Am I wrong?

No, you are correct! My phrasing wasn't precise enough, thanks for bringing this up. Deep down in the data provider handling code it currently reads:

private static function getDataFromDataProviderAnnotation($allTheParameters): ?iterable
    // code for locating the data provider
    // [...]
                if ($dataProviderMethod->isStatic()) {
                    $object = null;
                } else {
                    $object = $dataProviderClass->newInstance();

    // code for preparing returned data rows
    // [...]

So here's the dirty little secret:

  • you can use non-static data providers and
  • they will be called on an actual instanceof but...
  • it's _not the same instance_ that is used for the fixtures and tests

You gave me something to think over and validate regarding the data provider refactoring! I need to add extra tests to make sure the object instances are the expected ones, not just the same type or a clone. ☕️ and 🍰 on me when you're in Amsterdam.

@epdenouden But I don't get any failures! In PHPUnit 7.5.13, the assertion doesn't generate any errors. How do you get this error? Backward-incompatibility, you mean?

This is in the lazy loading data provider branch I am working on which is based on 8.2. I will check 7.5.x next, thanks for the heads-up.

If this works I'll have to go back to some other older issues that were asking explicitly to implementing non-static provider methods and look at the exact use cases again.

In any case: your comment has already inspired a very useful test :)

And @MAChitgarha yes that would be a BC-break

@epdenouden I'll wait for that. For some reasons, in my project, I'm using PHPUnit 7.5.13; but I'm going to update it to 8.2.* soon. And good news, if the BC-break could be fixed. I don't know the structure of the PHPUnit itself, so I don't know what you changed, but I guess that it is possible to fix it. However, it's all up to you! :)

And good news, if the BC-break could be fixed. I don't know the structure of the PHPUnit itself, so I don't know what you changed, but I guess that it is possible to fix it. However, it's all up to you! :)

Introducing a backward compatibility break without a very good reason is not something that @sebastianbergmann would allow, so it will be fixed before going into the next version. PHPUnit is a tool used to guard software quality in the PHP community and not my personal playground.

So yes, please tell us what you would like to see as an end-user/developer of tests. Just keep in mind projects like these do not have a large pool of volunteer developers.

Fun fact: the test above indeed works on both versions 7.x and 8.x and fails on the JIT prototype.

The code I am working on is being much more like the the original code flow still. So it might be the result of a bug, some still logic I still need to refactor further, something low-level about objects and reflection in PHP I need to look up or maybe just some naive testing on my part. 🔬

@epdenouden JIT? Are you testing with JIT for PHP, or there's something I don't know? Sorry, I'm a bit confused; are you talking about PHP7.x and PHP8.x or PHPUnit7.x and PHPUnit8.x?!

@epdenouden JIT? Are you testing with JIT for PHP, or there's something I don't know? Sorry, I'm a bit confused; are you talking about PHP7.x and PHP8.x or PHPUnit7.x and PHPUnit8.x?!

@MAChitgarha I understand your confusion as PHP8 is getting a just-in-time _compiler_. I was using the term for the new data provider implementation which is based on the same idea: a just-in-time _loader_ a.k.a. lazy-loading. Initialize only what you need, when you need it.

This will work fine with the upcoming PHP version 8 JIT as it doesn't use any tricky features of the PHP language itself. All my work is deep inside PHPUnit redoing things like configuration parsing, test loading and running, etc.

If it looks like I am not doing anything, I am doing it right. Except for that lowered GCP or AWS invoice. 💸

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