Phpunit: Repeat failed tests

Created on 23 Jan 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: sebastianbergmann/phpunit

It's a complement for #1022 closed by 5.0 version.

I guess that a command line like --repeat should be useful to try first lasts failed tests.

It should works like that: when you run phpunit, it'll create a temporary file that should have the info about any failed tests (basically: class and test name and test index if it uses a data provider).

    { "class": "MyTest", "method": "testSingle", "index": null },
    { "class": "MyTest", "method": "testWithDataProvider", "index": 14 },
    { "class": "MyTest", "method": "testWithDataProvider", "index": 19 },

After an error, user could uses the command --repeat to make phpunit run initially this failed tests. If no more error is found, then phpunit could continues to run all others tests (except the previously faileds).

Example case:

> phpunit
Tests: 100, Assertions: 500, Failures: 3.

1. MyTest::testSingle() expects string by get int;
2. MyTest::testWithDataProvider()#14 expects 5 but get 6;
3. MyTest::testWithDataProvider()#19 expects 8 but get 90;

After fix two errors only:

> phpunit --repeat
Rerunning last fails...

Tests: 100, Assertions: 500, Failures: 1.

1. MyTest::testWithDataProvider()#14 expects 5 but get 18;

After fix last error:

> phpunit --repeat
Rerunning last fails... OK.
Running all others tests...

OK (100 tests, 500 assertions)

Additional commands:

  • User could uses --repeat-fails to repeat only last failed tests (_without rerun all_);

Most helpful comment

Would love to get involved in this, have dreamed of similar things (and failed at bash-scripting them) in the past!

All 4 comments

@lstrojny Are you still interested in moving into PHPUnit's core?

@sebastianbergmann Do I need to do work for it? 😉 In all seriousness, I am too swamped to do it but I would be totally for phpunit-clever-and-smart to be part of phpunit.

Would love to get involved in this, have dreamed of similar things (and failed at bash-scripting them) in the past!

Duplicate of #46.

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