pipenv lock --clear doesn't clear the caches

Created on 23 Jul 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: pypa/pipenv

Issue description

pipenv lock --clear doesn't clear the caches.

Steps to replicate

1) Run pipenv lock --clear and look at the

$ pipenv lock --clear
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies...
Locking [packages] dependencies...
Updated Pipfile.lock (fabf2e)!
$ pipenv --version
pipenv, version 2018.7.1

The cause of this problem is that the clear logic only runs if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None. This means --clear won't work for most of the commands in the cli

Most helpful comment

In this case, which is the "global" --clear ? pipenv --clear is not working (using pipenv 2018.11.26): ~/.cache/pipenv/ is not emptied.

Otherwise, could ~/.cache/pipenv/ content could be emptied manually ?

All 3 comments

You’re reading the wrong code. pipenv lock --clear triggers a --clear option on lock, which is different from the global --clear.

In this case, which is the "global" --clear ? pipenv --clear is not working (using pipenv 2018.11.26): ~/.cache/pipenv/ is not emptied.

Otherwise, could ~/.cache/pipenv/ content could be emptied manually ?

Hi, I ended up in this issue while looking for ways to clear the packages cache. What is the global --clear? it does only seem to be available when using pipenv lock --clear

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