Pixi.js: autoPreventDefault not working. still can not touch scroll.

Created on 2 Apr 2018  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: pixijs/pixi.js

Hello, first of all, thanks for the wonderful library.
Pixi is amazing, I can't wait for v5 coming out!
Now, I have encountered a problem.
I can not scroll my canvas using the mobile scroll.
I'm using ^4.7.1 version

Here is my code

    this.App = new Application(
      Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.screen.width),
      Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.screen.height),
        backgroundColor: `0x${backgroundColor}`,
        resolution: window.devicePixelRatio

    this.App.renderer.plugins.interaction.autoPreventDefault = false; // notice that after adding this line still can't have scroll work.
    this.App.renderer.autoResize = true;

Most helpful comment

    this.App.renderer.plugins.interaction.autoPreventDefault = false;
    this.App.renderer.view.style.touchAction = 'auto';

All 4 comments

    this.App.renderer.plugins.interaction.autoPreventDefault = false;
    this.App.renderer.view.style.touchAction = 'auto';

@rockmandash renderer.view.style.touchAction = 'auto'; did the trick for me!

is this somewhere documented?! looks like pixi sets this css rule (touch-action), on the canvas element itself?

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