Pods: Admin Menus and Submenus

Created on 30 Sep 2019  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: pods-framework/pods

Describe the bug
I've been working on seeing about creating an admin menu with submenu items through pods and noticed a couple of features that could be bugs, but I'm also not sure if they are working as intended.

Error 1. If I assign a Pods CPT to a Pods Settings Page that is set to show on the main admin menu (no parent), it overrides any options on that Pods Settings Page and displays just the CPT.

Error 2. If I assign a Pods CPT to a Pods Settings Page that is set to a submenu of another Pods Settings Page it does nothing.

I know that I can add a submenu page using add_submenu_page, which would solve these issues, but wasn't sure if this was working as intended.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new Pods Settings Page, in my case called Organization.

    1. Add a new custom field (can be anything)

    2. Change Menu Location to _Make a new menu item below Settings_

  2. Create a second Pods Settings Page, in my case called 'Company'.

    1. Change Menu Location to _Add a submenu item to another menu_

    2. Change Custom Menu Location to pods-settings-organization

  3. Create a new Pods CPT, called Brand
  4. Set the Companies CPT's Parent Menu ID to pods-settings-organization and observe the first error
  5. Set the Companies CPT Parent Menu ID to pods-settings-company and observe the second error

Expected behavior
I would expect that in the case of Error 1., the Brand CPT would be added as a submenu page of the Organization Pods Settings Page.

With the CPT overwriting the Pods Settings Page, I would expect in the case of Error 2., the Brand CPT should overwrite Company Pods Settings Page

Looking at the Organization Pods Settings Page with the Brand CPT Parent Menu ID set to pods-settings-organization

Looking at the Company Pods Settings Page with the Brand CPT Parent Menu ID set to pods-settings-company

Pods Version

Please provide the version of Pods you are running:

WordPress Environment


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wp-themes (3)

Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.4, author: the WordPress team
Twenty Seventeen: version: 2.2, author: the WordPress team
Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.0, author: the WordPress team

wp-plugins-active (6)

Advanced Custom Fields PRO: version: 5.8.0, author: Elliot Condon (latest version: 5.8.4)
Central Color Palette: version: 1.13.11, author: Daniel Schneider
Distributor: version: 1.5.0, author: 10up Inc.
Elementor: version: 2.7.3, author: Elementor.com
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.7.15, author: Pods Framework Team
QuadMenu: version: 1.9.0, author: Mega Menu (latest version: 1.9.3)

wp-plugins-inactive (15)

Elementor Pro: version: 2.6.5, author: Elementor.com (latest version: 2.7.1)
Gravity Forms: version: 2.4.9, author: rocketgenius
Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On: version: 4.1, author: rocketgenius
HT Mega - Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder: version: 1.2.3, author: HasThemes
Jetpack by WordPress.com: version: 7.7.2, author: Automattic
Site Kit by Google: version: 1.0.0-beta.1.0.6, author: Google
Stream: version: 3.4.1, author: XWP (latest version: 3.4.2)
Stream to Slack: version: 0.0.1, author: SMILE
User Switching: version: 1.5.2, author: John Blackbourn & contributors


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wordpress: writable
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pods-server-software: nginx/1.14.0
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pods-memory-current-usage: 27.560M
pods-memory-current-usage-real: 2.000M
pods-network-wide: Yes
pods-install-location: /path/to/site/wp-content/plugins/pods/
pods-developer: No
pods-tableless-mode: No
pods-light-mode: No
pods-strict: No
pods-allow-deprecated: Yes
pods-api-cache: Yes


Pods Package Export (helpful!)

{"meta":{"version":"2.7.15","build":1569857386},"pods":{"3030":{"id":3030,"name":"sm_brand","label":"Brands","description":"","type":"post_type","storage":"meta","object":"","alias":"","fields":[],"show_in_menu":"1","_elementor_controls_usage":[],"label_singular":"Brand","public":"1","show_ui":"1","supports_title":"1","supports_editor":"1","publicly_queryable":"1","exclude_from_search":"0","capability_type":"post","capability_type_custom":"regular_brand","capability_type_extra":"1","has_archive":"0","hierarchical":"0","rewrite":"1","rewrite_with_front":"1","rewrite_feeds":"0","rewrite_pages":"1","query_var":"1","can_export":"1","default_status":"draft","supports_author":"0","supports_thumbnail":"0","supports_excerpt":"0","supports_trackbacks":"0","supports_custom_fields":"0","supports_comments":"0","supports_revisions":"0","supports_page_attributes":"0","supports_post_formats":"0","built_in_taxonomies_category":"0","built_in_taxonomies_elementor_library_category":"0","built_in_taxonomies_elementor_library_type":"0","built_in_taxonomies_link_category":"0","built_in_taxonomies_post_tag":"0","menu_position":"0","show_in_nav_menus":"1","show_in_admin_bar":"1","pfat_enable":"0","pfat_run_outside_loop":"0","pfat_append_single":"append","pfat_filter_single":"the_content","pfat_append_archive":"append","pfat_filter_archive":"the_content","rest_enable":"0","read_all":"0","write_all":"0","menu_location_custom":"pods-settings-company"},"3078":{"id":3078,"name":"company","label":"Company","description":"","type":"settings","storage":"none","object":"","alias":"","fields":[],"show_in_menu":1,"_elementor_controls_usage":[],"menu_name":"Company","menu_location":"submenu","ui_style":"post_type","menu_location_custom":"pods-settings-organization","menu_position":"0"},"3076":{"id":3076,"name":"organization","label":"Organization","description":"","type":"settings","storage":"none","object":"","alias":"","fields":{"test-field":{"id":3077,"name":"test-field","label":"Test Field","description":"","help":"","class":"","type":"boolean","weight":0,"pick_object":"","pick_val":"","sister_id":"","_elementor_controls_usage":[],"required":"0","pick_post_status":["publish"],"boolean_format_type":"checkbox","boolean_yes_label":"Yes","boolean_no_label":"No","admin_only":"0","restrict_role":"0","restrict_capability":"0","hidden":"0","read_only":"0","roles_allowed":["administrator"],"unique":"0"}},"show_in_menu":1,"_elementor_controls_usage":[],"menu_name":"Organization","menu_location":"top","ui_style":"settings","menu_position":"30"}}}

Possible Workaround
Use the add_submenu_page function

Reproduced Bug

All 4 comments

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Hello @Kpudlo

Found the issue and this appears to be a limitation in WordPress core.
See https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type#show_in_menu

I'll check the action priority, it's currently set to 99 so there must be a reason for that.

Hi @JoryHogeveen

I changed the priority from 9 to 99 on one of my installs and confirmed that it will work once that is done. Thank you for your assistance!

Thanks for letting me know!

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