Razzle: Styles not rendered on the server

Created on 5 Jul 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: jaredpalmer/razzle

I've noticed styles are not rendered on the server and are only rendered once the client app starts, causing a brief flash of unstyled content. When I looked at build/assets.json, the css key was missing after running yarn start, but is present after running yarn build. If it's intentional to extract the styles only for a production build, I'm trying to understand how the styles can be rendered prior to the client app starting and preventing the FOUC.

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This only happens during development. There is no FOUC when run in production. If this is problematic, I suggest extending razzle to use extract text webpack plugin to pull out style sheets during dev just as they are pulled in razzle-build. I am not sure that HMR will work the way you expect if you make this change

All 3 comments

This only happens during development. There is no FOUC when run in production. If this is problematic, I suggest extending razzle to use extract text webpack plugin to pull out style sheets during dev just as they are pulled in razzle-build. I am not sure that HMR will work the way you expect if you make this change

I am using styled components(CSSinJS) for my styling and am facing this problem in production too.

@corydeppen Hello. Have you solved this problem?

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