Razzle: How to apply razzle to existing project?

Created on 24 May 2018  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: jaredpalmer/razzle

Sorry if it was inappropriate question,
My project is created by CRA and using Express.js as a backend.
Seems the only way to getting started is creating new razzle app according to the docs?
What should I do if I just want to apply it on my current project?

I'm not sure is that even possible..unless I rewrite our app


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I am having same question. I have created a custom React App. How can I integrate razzle into it?

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I am going through this now myself.
I had CRA project setup in the following way:

underneath the above, I then, have src , node_modules and everythign else that CRA created.

I could not figure out a way to mix razzle into it (and at first, I thought that razzle would replace CRA, and could actually serve Client-render(port 3001) and Server-render (port 3000) from the same project. But that did not work either (I posted a question on that earlier, here, but no responses).
Also I am using razzle latest (alpha) with webpack4, while CRA is still webpack (3) although some intial commits for webpack 4 now landed on their master branch...

So what I did for now, was the following

/projects/my-app/app-cra that contains node_modules (with ./src/ containing cra-generated App.js App.css)
/projects/my-app/app-ssr that contains node_modules (with ./src/ containing razzle-generated stuff)

then app-cra/src also contains a symlink to ../../app.src
and app-ssr/src also contains a symlink to ../../app.src

this way I can share same source but different entry point scripts, and different node_modules between razzle and cra.

unfortunately razzle will not transply/compile your JS right from the symlinked directories (neither will cRA for that matter).

So I am using rewire for CRA, and razle-config.js to instruct both to look at my JS files in the symlinked directories.

if you want to take a pick at razle-config.js that I have now, you can see it here on stack-overflow (as I am running into a problem with one of the libraries that I am trying to use for SSR... so searching for help on stack-overflow for that ).

It is bit complicated because I am doing more than default razzle (react-native-web, react-vector-icons, sass, symlinked directories..., transplying some selected node_modules modules, because their authors chose not to deliver them for web-deployments, etc. )


Hmm, thank you for your answer. Still don't get how to make it tho

@ifndefdeadmau5 keep your CRA app.

a) create another new app with create-razzle-app, at the same folder level at your CRA app.

b) move the files that you want to share between the 2 apps, into a common folder.

c) Create symbolic links from the the src directory of the two apps, pointing into the folder your created in b).

d) use razzle-config.js and rewire (for CRA app) to instruct the webpack to transply the the JS files in the symlinks created in step c).

I could not figure out another way of doing yes, so others might have better answers...

@jaredpalmer Hello, could you provide a solution on how to migrate from CRA to razzle server rendering app and update the related doc in readme? Thanks in advance.

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I am having same question. I have created a custom React App. How can I integrate razzle into it?

Any update on this?

I have the same question there should be some tutorials on this.

any progress with it?

I'm also having issues with this. I had a perfectly working CRA app and tried to migrate to Razzle by renaming index.tsx to client.tsx and adding a server to index.ts, however when I run razzle start it seems like it tries to bundle server code with the client and throws errors like

These dependencies were not found:

* fs in ../.yarn/$$virtual/babel-plugin-styled-components-virtual-cfb9253662/0/cache/babel-plugin-styled-components-npm-1.11.1-9e78975a1c-4b545bed54.zip/node_modules/babel-plugin-styled-components/lib/visitors/displayNameAndId.js, ../.yarn/cache/cosmiconfig-npm-6.0.0-cb7d64a2b9-bbd6bbaefe.zip/node_modules/cosmiconfig/dist/readFile.js and 4 others
* module in ../.yarn/cache/resolve-patch-af4189aea7-9e62d2803a.zip/node_modules/resolve/lib/normalize-options.js, ../.yarn/cache/resolve-from-npm-4.0.0-f758ec21bf-87a4357c0c.zip/node_modules/resolve-from/index.js

Anyone had the same or has any idea how to fix this?

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