React-dnd: How can I use dispatch in a connectDropTarget component?

Created on 26 Feb 2016  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

when I use react-DND , found a problem.

question, I wanna to use dispatch in a connectDropTarget component.

const dropTodoTarget = {
  drop(props,monitor,component) {
      var todo = monitor.getItem();
      if (todo.board_id != props.board_id) {
      return {};

function collect(connect, monitor) {
  return {
    connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
    isOver: monitor.isOver()
export default class TodoList extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.localHandleMove = this.localHandleMove.bind(this);

    localHandleMove(todo_id)  {

    render() {
        const { connectDropTarget } = this.props;
        return connectDropTarget(
            <ul className="todo-list">
               return <Todo key={todo.todo_id} todo={todo} />

export default flow(
  DropTarget(ItemTypes.TODO, dropTodoTarget, collect)

when I wrote like this.

Uncaught TypeError: component.localHandleMove is not a function

I wanna how could I use dispatch in a component?


Most helpful comment

No, is an instance variable that is a private API and not documented anywhere. It might be gone in any version of React Redux so please don’t rely on it.

What you want is to put connect() _after_ DropTarget() so that props injected by connect() (including dispatch) are available to you in the drop target:

const dropTodoTarget = {
  drop(props,monitor,component) {
      var todo = monitor.getItem();
      if (todo.board_id != props.board_id) {
      return {};

// ...

export default flow(
  DropTarget(ItemTypes.TODO, dropTodoTarget, collect),

All 4 comments

finally, i found could be doing like this:

const dropTodoTarget = {
      drop(props,monitor,component) {
      var todo = monitor.getItem();
      if (todo.board_id != props.board_id) {,todo.board_id,props.board_id));
      return {};

No, is an instance variable that is a private API and not documented anywhere. It might be gone in any version of React Redux so please don’t rely on it.

What you want is to put connect() _after_ DropTarget() so that props injected by connect() (including dispatch) are available to you in the drop target:

const dropTodoTarget = {
  drop(props,monitor,component) {
      var todo = monitor.getItem();
      if (todo.board_id != props.board_id) {
      return {};

// ...

export default flow(
  DropTarget(ItemTypes.TODO, dropTodoTarget, collect),

What you want is to put connect() after DropTarget()...

Isn't it suppose to come before?

No, is an instance variable that is a private API and not documented anywhere. It might be gone in any version of React Redux so please don’t rely on it.

What you want is to put connect() _after_ DropTarget() so that props injected by connect() (including dispatch) are available to you in the drop target:

const dropTodoTarget = {
  drop(props,monitor,component) {
      var todo = monitor.getItem();
      if (todo.board_id != props.board_id) {
      return {};

// ...

export default flow(
  DropTarget(ItemTypes.TODO, dropTodoTarget, collect),

What is flow here?

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