React-dnd: connectDragPreview() component is also displayed as regular component

Created on 28 May 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Maybe this is possible duplicate of
This is probably known behaviour, but would be good if following can be achieved:

render () {
        const { connectDragSource, connectDragPreview, isDragging } = this.props;

        return (
            <div className='top'>
                {connectDragSource (<div>Dragabble</div>)}
                {connectDragPreview (<div>my preview</div>)}

I want my preview component to be shown only as an actual preview, not as an ordinary component.
But this shows <div>my preview</div> below the actual draggable component inside 'top' div. I don't want it to be shown there, but only as a preview. Can this be achieved?


All 3 comments

Here it is (use custom drag layer):

and this is the relevant part of the code:

import { getEmptyImage } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';

componentDidMount() {
    // Use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it
    // and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead.
    if (this.props.connectDragPreview) {
      this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
        // IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node
        // when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS.
        captureDraggingState: true,

I need to build a custom dragPreview component beside dragSource component but when I use the above code in componentDidMount(), it shows no preview while dragging.

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