React-dnd: Using DragSource and DropTarget on same components but no response from DropTarget

Created on 12 Apr 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Sorry to possibly use this as more of a help forum, but despite great efforts I am unable to get any response from the DropTarget in this use case.

I am wanting to use a series of 'category cards' that can register drop events onto themselves.

Am I making any glaring screwups here?

I can confirm that the DragSource functions are working, but nothing I log from the DropTarget spec functions is making it to the console, it's like they totally aren't applied.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { DropTarget, DragSource } from 'react-dnd'
import _ from 'lodash'

export const ItemTypes = {
    CATEGORY: 'category-item'

class CategoryTreeFork extends Component {

    componentWillReceiveProps = (nextProps) => {
        console.log("Next cat props", nextProps)

        var { thisCat, childCat, level, dropEvent } = this.props
        const { connectDragSource, connectDropTarget, isDragging, isOver } = this.props

        return connectDragSource(
            <div className="category-tree-fork">
                <div className={`category-list-item level-${level}`}
                        opacity: isDragging ? 0.5 : 1,
                        backgroundColor: isOver ? "red" : "silver"

/* get dragged */
const sourceSpec = { 
        return { category_id: props.thisCat.category_id }

const sourceCollect  = (connect, monitor) => {
    return {
        connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(),
        isDragging: monitor.isDragging()

/* get dragged onto */
const targetSpec  = {
    drop(props, monitor, component) {
        const item = monitor.getItem()
        console.log("me or my friend?", item)
    hover(props, monitor, component){
        console.log("yo what you hoverin there for homie?")

const targetCollect = (connect, monitor) => {
    return {
        connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
        isOver: monitor.isOver()

export default _.flow([
    DragSource(ItemTypes.CATEGORY, sourceSpec, sourceCollect),
    DropTarget(ItemTypes.CATEGORY, targetSpec, targetCollect)

Most helpful comment

for people coming from a search-engine, looking for a way to use DragSource and DropTarget on the same component without using _.flow, this is how you do it:

export default
    DragSource(typeA, specA, collectA)(
        DropTarget(typeB, specB, collectB)(

All 3 comments

DX nevermind, realized just after that I had forgotten to call connectDropTarget on the render. This is the fix:

 return connectDropTarget(connectDragSource(
            <div className="category-tree-fork">
                <div className={`category-list-item level-${level}`}
                        opacity: isDragging ? 0.5 : 1,
                        backgroundColor: isOver ? "red" : "silver"

This solved my problems just now. Followed the "simple", sortable example and did the double decorators, but didn't apply the connectDropTarget

for people coming from a search-engine, looking for a way to use DragSource and DropTarget on the same component without using _.flow, this is how you do it:

export default
    DragSource(typeA, specA, collectA)(
        DropTarget(typeB, specB, collectB)(
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