React-native-iap: How to implement changes in the user subscription plan (downgrade or upgrade) or cancel the subscription

Created on 26 May 2018  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: dooboolab/react-native-iap

Version of react-native-iap


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In iOS you can cancel subscription in setting app.

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In iOS you can cancel subscription in setting app.

For android, users can view the status of all of their subscriptions and cancel them if necessary from the app's screen in the Play Store app. Currently, the In-app Billing API does not provide support for programmatically canceling subscriptions from inside the purchasing app. Here is more read.

thanks a lot @JJMoon @dooboolab

@dooboolab I think there is a method to upgrade or downgrade subscriptions on Android:

However, when upgrading or downgrading, you pass the product IDs for the current subscription and the future (upgraded or downgraded) subscription to the BillingFlowParams object using the addOldSku() method.

Do you think we can have this? :)

@JJMoon In ios is the only way?

Is there any way to do by code within the application?

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