React-native-iap: Cancel subscription on iOS and Android

Created on 31 Aug 2019  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: dooboolab/react-native-iap

How to implement cancel subscription on iOS and Android? Does it possible make by this library? Thank you

❓ question 📱 iOS 🤖 android

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I'm not sure yet if you can achieve this in your app. Hope you can give me an update.

For both iOS and Android you cannot cancel subscriptions inside the app. You need to direct your users to iTunes/the App Store or Google Play.

You can do this on iOS:


You can do this on Android (change YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME and YOUR_PRODUCT_ID:


All 4 comments

User can do this in their setting on each os. I'm not sure yet if you can achieve this in your app. Hope you can give me an update.

I'm not sure yet if you can achieve this in your app. Hope you can give me an update.

For both iOS and Android you cannot cancel subscriptions inside the app. You need to direct your users to iTunes/the App Store or Google Play.

You can do this on iOS:


You can do this on Android (change YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME and YOUR_PRODUCT_ID:


Might be good to add this to the readme. As this is typically something you want to know when you start developing on in app purchases. I've updated my answer a little bit, as the way to present this to your users is exactly the same on iOS ánd Android.

I don't know if this is something that changed recently, but I've just tested and this redirects to install iTunes app. After some research I got to this new solution:

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