React-native-snap-carousel: Slide does not initially show if item components wrapped using `memo` API (on iOS device)

Created on 30 Jan 2019  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: meliorence/react-native-snap-carousel

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Bug report

Have you followed the required steps before opening a bug report?

(Check the step you've followed - replace the space character between the square brackets ([]) by an x.)

Have you made sure that it wasn't a React Native bug?


Is the bug specific to iOS or Android? Or can it be reproduced on both platforms?

iOS 12.1.3

Is the bug reproductible in a production environment (not a debug one)?



React: 16.6.3
React Native: 0.57.8
React Snap Caroursel: 3.7.5

Expected Behavior

The slides would show

Actual Behavior

The slides do not show until you move the carousel

Reproducible Demo

Snack wasn't working on my shitty company internet

Steps to Reproduce

All you have to do is take any carousel and wrap the individual slide components in memo

Most helpful comment

I went over all the other issues, and finally found this one, that solved it for me:

All 4 comments

@radiosilence I'm observing the same behavior. Did you close the issue because it was resolved on your end?

I closed it because I removed memo and it was still happening :(

I went over all the other issues, and finally found this one, that solved it for me:

Ah, thanks so much! this solved it for me too 👍

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