React-native: Attempted to transition from state `RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN` to `RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN`, which is not supported.

Created on 8 Feb 2016  ·  162Comments  ·  Source: facebook/react-native

Similar to #1693. It seems to be an issue with the Touchable component with Chrome Debugging on React Native 0.19.0.

Attempted to transition from state `RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN` to `RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN`, which is not supported.
This is most likely due to `Touchable.longPressDelayTimeout` not being cancelled.

reactConsoleError                                 @ ExceptionsManager.js:76
console.error                                     @ YellowBox.js:49
TouchableMixin._handleLongDelay                   @ Touchable.js:575
JSTimersExecution.callbacks.(anonymous function)  @ JSTimers.js:47
JSTimersExecution.callTimer                       @ JSTimersExecution.js:69
JSTimersExecution.callTimers                      @ JSTimersExecution.js:92
__callFunction                                    @ MessageQueue.js:183
(anonymous function)                              @ MessageQueue.js:87
guard                                             @ MessageQueue.js:41
callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue                    @ MessageQueue.js:86
onmessage                                         @ debuggerWorker.js:39

The code that produces this error is from a freshly started application using a TouchHighlight component:

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      testText: ''+Math.random()

  _updateTouch(e) {
    this.setState({testText: ''+Math.random()})

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <TouchableHighlight onPress={this._updateTouch.bind(this)}>
            style={width: 100, height: 100}
            source={{uri: ''}}

P.S. Is there a better way to copy a stacktrace? I'm just copying from the Chrome dev tools console


Most helpful comment

Fixed after add View

     <View> // <= here
         <Text style={css.item}>{rowData.title +}</Text>

All 162 comments

Hey Dyscrete, thanks for reporting this issue!

React Native, as you've probably heard, is getting really popular and truth is we're getting a bit overwhelmed by the activity surrounding it. There are just too many issues for us to manage properly.

  • If you don't know how to do something or something is not working as you expect but not sure it's a bug, please ask on StackOverflow with the tag react-native or for more real time interactions, ask on Discord in the #react-native channel.
  • If this is a feature request or a bug that you would like to be fixed, please report it on Product Pains. It has a ranking feature that lets us focus on the most important issues the community is experiencing.
  • We welcome clear issues and PRs that are ready for in-depth discussion. Please provide screenshots where appropriate and always mention the version of React Native you're using. Thank you for your contributions!

I get the same error when testing on an iPhone6 (9.1)

How's this issue different from #1693 ? In general, the issue seems to be the same. Can we close it and continue further investigation up there as it has more details?

I also get this problem,and It's happened frequently switch navigator

Going to close it as @askday also put better repro in the #1693. Please reopen if OP mentioned something different.

Same error for me.
React 0.31
Chrome debug.
In normal use there is no problem.

console.error: "Attempted to transition from state RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN to RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN, which is not supported. This is most likely due to Touchable.longPressDelayTimeout not being cancelled."



















I am also having this error, but only on Android. IOS is working as expected.








+1 same error only on Android but iOS works fine.

+1 same as @binzailani3136


恭喜此bug当选 RN0.39版 最臭名昭著的issue之一









Guys, your +1s aren't helpful, and this is in #1693







As I see a lot of people seems to always have this issue, and this one is closed, so I create a new one here: #11989



@magrinj, why is this issue closed when so many, including I just now on RN 0.37, continue to hit this error? Is there a stopgap fix from the app side?

@fungilation Maybe I did a mistake by opening a new ticket, because this one is open and talk about the same problem: #1693

Fixed after add View

     <View> // <= here
         <Text style={css.item}>{rowData.title +}</Text>

@Yadro, you mean inserting additional View fixes this from the app side, or RN can fix it internally by doing so?

hm, my English is bad, but inserting additional View resolve this problem

Ok. I'll report back if I still hit this issue with additional Views


I only get this when I'm in remote debugging. This doesn't happen normally. RN .41.2. Windows 10. Android


@ckwong90, some here, only apears when remote debugging
RN .41.2. macOS Sierra 10.12.3

  • 1 same problem

Same here, Android 6.0, latest RN, remote debugging




I encounter this problem with react-native-button and debug model in Chrome

I solved the issue by wrapping the Button component with View.


I already wrapped the components in a View, but got this error. After that any TouchableHighlight in my App throwed this error. Solved it (temporary?) by clearing the app data in settings. The problem occurred in Android, Emulator, Win10, RN 0.42.3 with "Debug JS Remotely" without "Hot Reloading".

same here


  • 1

+1 happen when i switch navigator


Got the same error. Rebuilding the app from XCode solved it for me.











Any progress on this?

This problem occurs when I debug remotely .


after developing for 3weeks suddenly this issue appear when I use the nativebase Fab component. I hope F8 can fix this issue

Have the same issue,





    render() {
        let {onNavigateToOfferScreen, navigation} = this.props;
        let {dataSource} = this.state;
        return (
            <ListView style={styles.container} dataSource={dataSource} renderRow={offer => (
                <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => onNavigateToOfferScreen(offer)}>
                    <View style={styles.row} elevation={2}>
                        <Text style={styles.businessName}>{}</Text>







+1 .... this error just pop up after i start using fetch...

same issue additional view not working





STOP with the +1 spam. Just give the original post or whichever comment a thumbs up 👍🏼 if you see the same.

@fungilation 👍


This only happens with remote debugging and I fixed this temporarily by doing the following:

  1. Open Android Settings
  2. Apps
  3. Click on your Application
  4. Storage
  5. Clear Cache

Note: This really is a temporary solution. It still repeatedly pops up every now and then.

@Jarrio Thanks

@lukemiles thoughts?




@Jarrio 's tmp solution works for now




rn 48 +1,


rn 48 + 1

Issue occurred only if remote js debug enabled... with normal mode it is working fine.

rn 49.3+ 1




image +1

I change TouchableHighlight to TouchableOpacity , it not happen

RN.50 +1

@Jarrio still throws the error straight away on android

+1 0.47



uh... plus 1, then



+1 for 0.48.3

+1 on 0.51.0

+1 is nice, love it. Happens of 0.50




with react-native 0.51.0

I 'fixed' this by manually setting the device time in Android. Make sure the new time will equal that of your computer (aim for the next minute change), confirm the time change on the very same second your computer time will change to the next minute.







Solution to me was to

  1. Ensure phone and pc got same timezone
  2. Manually update time on pc: Date and Time -> Internet Time tab -> Change Settings -> Update Time
  3. Toggle-on auto time update in android settings, then toggle it off
  4. Restart the app


In LibrariesComponentsTouchableTouchableHighlight.js replace

touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function() {
return this.props.delayLongPress;


touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function() {
return this.props.delayLongPress === 0 ? 0 :
this.props.delayLongPress || 500;

It resolved the problem for me.



I had the same issue on Android when
a) my mobile phone was connected to my PC via USB
b) I used remote debugging via network

Disconnecting USB resolved the issue. No idea if there is a causal relationship, though.

Edit: After getting additional issues with async timeouts I checked the current time on PC and Android device via

adb shell date && date.

There was a 5 seconds discrepancy. One might be tempted to guess that there is an inconsistency in how RN handles the current time when debugging remotely.

curl -s --head | grep ^Date: | sed 's/Date: //g'

I pinned down the culprit in my case: the system time of my Android device was off by 5 seconds. Rebooting the Android device fixed the discrepancy.

I just verified the time from the Android device and my Mac with : adb shell date && date. It was differing by more than 2 minutes. Then I activated the automatic time setting on my Android device and ran the same command again and voilá the time was syncronized, but the time zone was not the same even though on both (Android device and Mac) the time zone setting was automatic. So I deactivated the automatic time zone setting on my Android device and set it manually to the corresponding and the error disappeared.



automatic time setting on android device and automatic time setting on computer solved the problem

on Ubuntu I synchronized system time with the current ADB time by doing :

sudo date +%T -s `adb shell date +%T`



Locking due to repetitive +1 comments. A solution was posted a long time ago by @Larry-Liu2016 here. In summary, check the clock on your devices.

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