React-pdf: Please help me testing React-PDF 5.0 beta update!

Created on 7 Dec 2019  ·  41Comments  ·  Source: wojtekmaj/react-pdf

React-PDF v5.0.0-beta.5 has been released introducing a few major updates:

  • React-PDF now ships with ES6 Modules
  • Updated pdf.js from 2.1.266 to 2.4.456.

Breaking changes:

  • You will need to change your imports to bundler-specific entry files, for example instead of:
    import { Document } from 'react-pdf/dist/entry.webpack';
    you'll now write:
    import { Document } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';
  • Dropped support for IE 11 due to pdf.js dropping support

so upgrade should be a piece of cake.

Please share your experiences - whether it works correctly in your project, doesn't break the build, and so on.


help wanted

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With v5.0.0-beta.4 I am seeing the following error in the console. Anyone else experiencing the same?


All 41 comments


i have updated from version 4.1.0 to this one and changed the imports. I could not detect any problems while building or executing.


I just tested the new version: "react-pdf": "^5.0.0-beta"

In a testing (production build) environment, the following is logged to the console of Chromium:
Refused to execute script from 'https://<redacted>/13.67eff32e9ffe66eca602.chunk.worker.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
Warning: Setting up fake worker.

The 13.67eff32e9ffe66eca602.chunk.worker.js file does not exist. It was never generated by Webpack. Webpack did generate two worker .js files that include "pdf" strings:

This is a SPA so the MIME type error is due to the frontend 404 page being returned from an invalid route.

I imagine this is probably a Webpack configuration issue.
"webpack": "^4.41.3"
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.10"

I am importing the Document and Page components each in a separate file and component:
import { Document } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';
import { Page } from "react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack";

It doesn't happen with Webpack config:
mode: "development"
But does happen with:
mode: "production"

My Webpack config is a bit long/complicated so I'll see if I can isolate this to a particular set of config options.

My Webpack config is a bit long/complicated so I'll see if I can isolate this to a particular set of config options.

I boiled this down to the Webpack config option: optimization.sideEffects.

With mode: "production" I needed to set:

optimization: {
    sideEffects: false,

This got the production build to work without falling back to the "fake worker" at runtime.

I imagine this is related to:

Removing the line

Worked for me without having to include:

optimization: {
    sideEffects: false,

in my Webpack config with mode: "production".

Sorry for sort of hijacking this thread. I'll create a pull request shortly.

I've tested 5.0.0-beta.2 both in development mode and a build that I ran locally. I didn't see any errors on the screen or in the console. I tested a wide variety of documents. It'd be nice to get the Worker Blob fix #452 in.

I have tried running it with typescript but to no avail. Is there an up to date version of the @types/react-pdf that's compatible with the beta ?

I was hoping the beta might fix the #280 dependancy issue. I have used the cdn workaround and got react-pdf to work but would like to get rid of the error message.

There are no substantial differences between 4.x and 5.x API, so types for 4.x should work 🤔

Weird. Maybe I did something wrong.

import { Document } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';
import { Page } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';

I used these lines to import the files and I get "Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack'."

I'm considering using this in Polar ( as I need to rework our PDF viewer to be a bit more modern, support mobile + tablets, etc.

For us this would be a major component and I need it to be really solid.

There are a few things that are missing with react-pdf ... which you seem to have done a great job with btw!

  • PDFFindController isn't currently used? It's definitely a bit tough to figure out but I think I figured how their API (which is a big ugly).

  • Typescript. Would be nice if this was done completely in Typescript. How would you feel about a PR that migrated everything to TS?

  • The latest PDF.js (which just dropped 5x days ago) supports setting the background color of the canvas. I want to play with a dark mode and sepia mode for our users (top requested feature) so working on a port to the latest pdf.js might be done eventually as getting this done is a big priority for us.

I figure if the Typescript change is too much for you I can just work on the PDFFindController and latest PDF.js migration and then maybe you could cherrypick those and we would just maintain a fork for a bit.


@vincentdegheyndt That would be @DefinitelyTyped typings issue.


PDFFindController isn't currently used? It's definitely a bit tough to figure out but I think I figured how their API (which is a big ugly).

I experimented with that in the past a little, but didn't find a good way to implement it as understandable React-based API. It's a pain - I'd love to see some concepts around this.

Typescript. Would be nice if this was done completely in Typescript. How would you feel about a PR that migrated everything to TS?

Since majority of our contributors, including the main one being me, are not very familiar with TypeScript, I see this as a thing that could potentially slow us down by a large chunk. We would need someone with this knowledge available as a fully fledged team member.

The latest PDF.js (which just dropped 5x days ago) supports setting the background color of the canvas. I want to play with a dark mode and sepia mode for our users (top requested feature) so working on a port to the latest pdf.js might be done eventually as getting this done is a big priority for us.

Mozilla doesn't have very good history with keeping their version numbers in line with semver guidelines, and that's why it's set to exact match in our dependencies. Still, more often than not, you can go ahead and try newer PDF.js version on your own (using yarn resolutions for example) without any major issues.

FYI: next beta, v5.0.0-beta.3 is out :)

Updated to v5.0.0-beta.3 from 4.1.0. I did not change how we import and stuck with current:

import { pdfjs, Document } from 'react-pdf';
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/pdf.worker.js`;

Importing like import { Document } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack'; did not seem to work in our webpack project.

No other issues. The newer version of PDF.js fixed a rendering issue in some of our pdfs, so this update has been very welcome.

Thank you!

Updated to 5.0.0-beta.3 and my app worked well.

Updated to 5.0.0-beta.3

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined
at Document.componentWillUnmount (Document.js:457)

457: this.loadingTask.destroy();

may be we need to null check loadingTask

React-PDF 5.0.0-beta.4 is out. Hopefully a final one (although Webpack's 18th beta is making me feel a little better 😅)

pdf.js 2.4.456 is under the hood, although an ES5 build as I saw multiple compatibility issues with the new build, and I didn't want to introduce additional breaking changes between beta releases.
Fix for @pavanbi2i's issue is also included.

With v5.0.0-beta.4 I am seeing the following error in the console. Anyone else experiencing the same?


Same - posting the error text for searchability:

getGlobalEventBus is deprecated, use a manually created EventBus instance instead.

A couple notes:

I tried the following using yarn resolutions to try to use pdfjs-dist 2.5.207, but pdfjs was undefined 🤷‍♂️:

"resolutions": {
  "react-pdf/pdfjs-dist": "2.5.207"

Hi @wojtekmaj,

Is npm updated too ? I've run _npm update react-pdf_ and nothing happen.
Should I delete this package and get the beta from github ?

Looks like the EventBus deprecation was noted in the 2.4.456 release, and was dealt with in this closed PR but was _not_ handled in the PR that finally updated react-pdf to pdfjs-dist 2.4.456

Hi @wojtekmaj,

Is npm updated too ? I've run _npm update react-pdf_ and nothing happen.
Should I delete this package and get the beta from github ?

Yes it is, but beta != latest. You will need to manually opt in to beta. npm update won't work for versions not marked as stable.

Hi @wojtekmaj,
Is npm updated too ? I've run _npm update react-pdf_ and nothing happen.
Should I delete this package and get the beta from github ?

Yes it is, but beta != latest. You will need to manually opt in to beta. npm update won't work for versions not marked as stable.

You rock, thanks for fast answer.

@wojtekmaj At version beta.4 I've got the following error

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
Error: Setting up fake worker failed: "Cannot read property 'WorkerMessageHandler' of undefined"

I import components like this

import { Document, Page } from "react-pdf";

beta.3 works perfectly

That's odd - the way we load worker through Webpack loaders is unchanged and is available, so if you opted for the defaults, whichever they were, everything should work just fine. Can you check your network tab what worker is returning "404" = index.html file served instead?

@wojtekmaj I get massive performance degradation and some odd behavior when upgrading from 5.0.0-beta.2 to 5.0.0-beta.4. We use the "standard" instructions to serve the pdf.js worker locally.

@SamuelMS Any specific case? Would love to look into that if you have a minimal reproduction repo + PDF sample.

@SamuelMS Any specific case? Would love to look into that if you have a minimal reproduction repo + PDF sample.

Ouch. Yeah, this is buried pretty deep into proprietary code – with infinite loading and coupled to a few other libraries. Still, the only piece that changed here is the react-pdf version bump.

Totally understand you need more to go on here... I can try getting an example together, but it'll take me some time.

With v5.0.0-beta.4 I am seeing the following error in the console. Anyone else experiencing the same?


Any update on this one? I'm receiving same warning on beta.4
I tried all ways here, still same.

@SamuelMS Perhaps you could share Chrome DevTools measurements then? They could make it easier to spot where the slowdown happens.

Once recorded, you can use ⬇️ button to save the measurements.


@negarineh That should be resolved with, which will be out in the next release. Hopefully stable one... 🤐

Same error with @negarineh when is the next release @wojtekmaj? :)

Just an FYI that the latest breaks IE11 due to pdf.js deciding to remove support for it (annoyingly in a minor version).

The pdfjs-dist/es5 imports you switched to are fine, but things imported from pdfjs-dist/lib like PDFLinkService aren't transpiled, and still have classes in the final output. It took a while to figure out what was going on, and we solved it by configuring babel to that transpile imports from that module.

The CDN link for pdf.worker.js is also no longer transpiled, so we switched to
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/es5/build/pdf.worker.js`;

Uh, oh. Unfortunately this means that we will probably need to drop IE11 support too for the final 5.0 release in order to do any progress and allow future updates.

The good news is that if that's the case, we will cherry-pick multiple fixes and improvements from 5.0 to 4.x branch.

getGlobalEventBus is deprecated, use a manually created EventBus instance instead
Getting this error in 5.0.0-beta.4

5.0.0-beta.5 has been released:

  • fix for deprecated globalEventBus
  • smaller bundle size
  • officially dropped support for IE 11 (should have picked up that sooner - sorry about that).

React-PDF home page already uses it 👀

Also, 4.2.0 has been released with long awaited fixes and improvements introduced during 5.0 development.

Hi @wojtekmaj,

I already see that has been addressed in the 5.0 beta but when will it be available in a stable release? Will there be a separate release between 4.2.0 and 5 addressing this issue?

@balrampariyarath Unfortunately not. #280/#415 has been addressed not in React-PDF per se, but in one of pdf.js updates, which also introduced a breaking change (dropping IE 11 support). As such, 4.x branch is stuck on this pdf.js version forever.

Well, almost a year in beta, that was long enough in testing. v5.0.0 is out. React-PDF home page already uses it.

Thanks everyone for sharing your comments and helping to push this release out.

@SamuelMS Perhaps you could share Chrome DevTools measurements then? They could make it easier to spot where the slowdown happens.

Once recorded, you can use ⬇️ button to save the measurements.


@wojtekmaj Apologies for the delay here – finally got around to this. Opened a new issue (#663) to make it easier to track.

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