Redux: Best practise of handling normalised Entities?

Created on 19 Aug 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: reduxjs/redux

In my first App with Redux, I am trying to keep my collections normalised as recommended. This way you only have to change the Entities in one place. (this feels right to me)

At first i successfully normalised my Array of data to an Array-like-Object of Entities with the id's as key's

Then i wanted to list the entities in a View, so i had to parse it back to an Array. Also if i want to filter my Entities, i need the real Array. Is this really the right approach?

Example with re-select:

    // As "id" for my images i use "uri"

    imageEntities = {
     uri1: {image...},
     uri2: {image...},

    // Selectors:
    const imagesSelector = state => state.images;

    // parse the Array-like-Object to an Array
    const imagesArySelector = createSelector(
          images => {
            let ary = [];
            for (var key in images) {
              if (images.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            return ary;

    // filter the Array to get only the new images
    export const newImagesSelector = createSelector(
        images => images.filter(image => image.isNew)

Is this really the right approach? (it is working fine, from what i see until now)


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I think it can be done more elegantly.
How I do it:

import { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const providersSelector = state => state.entities.providers;
const subscribersSelector = state => state.entities.subscribers;

export const providersArraySelector = createSelector(
    providers => Object.keys(providers).map(id => providers[id])

export const subscribersArraySelector = createSelector(
    subscribers => Object.keys(subscribers).map(id => subscribers[id])

All 3 comments

I think it can be done more elegantly.
How I do it:

import { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const providersSelector = state => state.entities.providers;
const subscribersSelector = state => state.entities.subscribers;

export const providersArraySelector = createSelector(
    providers => Object.keys(providers).map(id => providers[id])

export const subscribersArraySelector = createSelector(
    subscribers => Object.keys(subscribers).map(id => subscribers[id])

@itsmepetrov looks a'lot better... thx.

So in principle I am on the right track. Anybody else?

Then i wanted to list the entities in a View, so i had to parse it back to an Array.

You can keep an array of IDs when arrays are more convenient to work with. You'll _need_ to do this for things like pagination. The real-world example in examples folder does that.

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