Fish-shell: fish does not use 256 colors from inside tmux

Created on 3 Dec 2013  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: fish-shell/fish-shell

Running fish 2.1.0 from inside a tmux 1.6-1ubuntu1 session causes fish to only use "basic" colors, although tmux does support 256 colors.


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Often (always, in my experience), tmux fails to alert the processes under it that 256-colour support is available.

What does echo $TERM say? If it is simply screen, you may need to add set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" to your .tmux.conf.

All 3 comments

Often (always, in my experience), tmux fails to alert the processes under it that 256-colour support is available.

What does echo $TERM say? If it is simply screen, you may need to add set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" to your .tmux.conf.

Thank you, that did the trick.

I was having a similar issue where tmux was using the color of my fish_prompt instead of the default fish color. I was able to fix it the same way by adding the line set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" to my ~/.tmux.conf and sourcing.

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