requests[security] / PyOpenSSL does not make requests more secure but more brittle

Created on 18 Nov 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: psf/requests

Requests added the requests[security] dependency many, many years ago because the ssl module in Python's stdlib was lacking some features. Since PEP 466 has been implemented in Python 2.7.9, the ssl module supports hostname verification and SNI. 2.7.9 was released in 2014. Python 3.7.0 improved the situation even further by delegating hostname verification to OpenSSL. The PyOpenSSL compatibility layer in urllib3 uses the deprecated ssl.match_hostname function or a backport.

Unconditional monkey-patching of urllib3 with urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3 is causing issues, too.

PyOpenSSL uses dynamic libffi callbacks (also known as cffi old-style callbacks). The callbacks are implemented with trampolines and dynamic creation of native machine code. This either uses executable and writeable memory pages or some hacks with shared mmap() regions. Dynamic callbacks are a security risk and blocked by security frameworks like SELinux for good reasons (deny_execmem). Armin Rigo and I explored various ways to work around these problems, but there is simply solution. Eventually Armin implemented a new callback system for cffi. Some of the issues with old callbacks are documented at .

PyOpenSSL currently pulls in a versions of cryptography, which itself depends on asn1crypto. A problem with asn1crypto and ctypes causes Python to segfault on recent macOS, and .

Due to bugs like I convinced the Fedora and RHEL maintainers to patch requests and drop inject_into_urllib3 a while ago. The distros have been running with patch for over a year without any reported issues.

I propose to:

1) Remove requests[security] extra requires.
2) Remove unconditionally monkey-patch of urllib3 from requests.

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It looks like this wasn't closed after merging #5443. I think the only outstanding item is requests[security]. I'm inclined to leave it for now for whomever is still out there using < Python 2.7.9. Given we will likely be releasing a new minor version this week with urllib3, we can add a deprecation notice on the extra for the next minor release.

I'll go ahead and resolve this tomorrow unless anyone has more feedback. I think the initial request is now resolved.

All 3 comments

A data-point to support this direction for requests and urllib3: 91% (7,298,352 / 7,993,356) of Python 2.7.X downloads for urllib3 were on Python 2.7.9+. Taken from the public download data-set for today.

The ratio is even larger. Python 2.7.5 on RHEL 7 machines have a backport of PEP 466, too.

$ rpm -qa python
$ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Sep 26 2019, 13:23:47) 
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ssl
>>> ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23).check_hostname

It looks like this wasn't closed after merging #5443. I think the only outstanding item is requests[security]. I'm inclined to leave it for now for whomever is still out there using < Python 2.7.9. Given we will likely be releasing a new minor version this week with urllib3, we can add a deprecation notice on the extra for the next minor release.

I'll go ahead and resolve this tomorrow unless anyone has more feedback. I think the initial request is now resolved.

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