Resque: Wiki: ActiveJob - NotImplementedError

Created on 15 May 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: resque/resque

When implementing perform as a class method as described on Resque's Wiki page for ActiveJob, a NotImplementedError occurs, because ActiveJob cannot find JobClass#perform.

After removing self in front of perform, the error is gone.

class Archive < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :default

  def perform(repo_id, branch = 'master')
    repo = Repository.find(repo_id)

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@akshaysharma096 first, the Wiki was indeed updated here. Second, I don't think any open source contributors appreciate demands being made. If you have an issue, we are happy to help when able, but we are not your paid employees, we are volunteers trying to help the open source community. Try to be more polite next time you raise an issue.

All 3 comments

Thank you for your issue.
Looks like the wiki has been fixed since then. Closing this.

You have not changed the wiki page, please change it ASAP, it is causing a lot of confusion.

@akshaysharma096 first, the Wiki was indeed updated here. Second, I don't think any open source contributors appreciate demands being made. If you have an issue, we are happy to help when able, but we are not your paid employees, we are volunteers trying to help the open source community. Try to be more polite next time you raise an issue.

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