Rust: #![allow(unknown_lints)] does not work if there is a unknow lint at the same level since nightly-2017-08-11-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Created on 11 Aug 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: rust-lang/rust

The following snippet works fine before nightly-2017-08-11-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


but now it reports a warning:

warning: unknown lint: `clippy`
 --> /home/poc/src/../a/
2 | #![allow(clippy)]
  |          ^^^^^^
  = note: #[warn(unknown_lints)] on by default

Steps to reproduce:

  1. clone
  2. rustup override set nightly-2017-08-11
  3. cargo test

Is this an expected behavior, or a bug? Thank you!

C-bug T-compiler regression-from-stable-to-nightly

Most helpful comment

I've opened a PR for this at

All 3 comments

cc @alexcrichton -- probably related to the new lint implementation

Yes this was caused by The bug is on this line of code. The check for whether allow_lints is in scope is not checking the current set of attributes being linted.

For example this does not warn:


fn main() {}

but this warns:


fn main() {}

(as you've noticed)

The fix is to just take the local variable specs into account which has the up-to-that-point set of lint attributes collected.

I've opened a PR for this at

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