Rust: Tracking issue for clamp RFC

Created on 26 Aug 2017  ·  101Comments  ·  Source: rust-lang/rust

Tracking issue for

PR here: #44097 #58710
Stabilization PR:


  • [x] Have RFC pass final comment period
  • [x] Implement RFC
  • [ ] Stabilize
B-unstable C-tracking-issue Libs-Tracked T-libs

Most helpful comment

It seems like we're in a pretty bad place if any method that people wanted enough to define an extension trait can never be added to the standard library.

All 101 comments

Please note: This broke Servo and Pathfinder.

cc @rust-lang/libs, this is a case similar to min/max, where the ecosystem was already using the clamp name, and hence adding it has caused ambiguity. This is permitted breakage per semver policy, but it's nevertheless causing downstream pain.

Nominating for the triage meeting on Tues.

Any thoughts in the meantime?

I'm kind of with @bluss on this one in that it would be nice not to repeat it. "Clamp" is probably a great name, but could we sidestep this by choosing a different name?

min_max (Because it's kind of like combining min and max.)
These might work. Can we use crater to determine how bad the impact of clamp actually is? clamp is well recognized across several languages and libraries.

If we think we might need to rename, it's probably best to revert the PR immediately, and then test more carefully with crater etc. @Xaeroxe, up for that?

Sure. I've never used crater before, but I can learn.

@Xaeroxe ah sorry, I meant getting a revert PR up quickly. (I'm on vacation today so you may need someone else on libs, like @BurntSushi or @alexcrichton, to help land it).

I'm preparing the PR now. Have fun on your vacation!

Could clamp_to_range(min, max) be composed of clamp_to_min(min) and clamp_to_max(max) (with the additional assertion that min <= max), but those functions could also be called independently?

I suppose that idea mandates an RFC.

I gotta say though I've been working on getting a 4 line function into the std library for 6 months now. I'm kind of worn out. The same function got merged into num in 2 days and that's good enough for me. If anyone else really wants this in the std library go ahead, but I'm just not ready for another 6 months of this.

I'm reopening this so that @aturon 's previous nomination will still be seen.

I think that either this should go in as-written or the guidance on what changes can be made should be updated to avoid wasting peoples' time in future.

It was very clear from early that this could cause the breakage it did. Personally, I compared it to ord_max_min which broke a bunch of things:

And the response to that was "The function Ord::min was added [...] The libs team decided today that this is accepted breakage". And that was a TMTOWTDI feature with a more-common name, whereas clamp didn't already exist in std under a different form.

It feels, subjectively, to me that if this RFC is reverted, the actual rule is "You basically can't put new methods on traits in std, except maybe Iterator".

You also can't really put new methods on actual types either. Consider the situation where someone had an "extension trait" for a type in std. Now std implements a method the extension trait provided as an actual method on this type. Then this reaches stable, but this new method is still behind a feature flag. The compiler will then complain that the method is behind a feature flag and can't be used with the stable toolchain, instead of the compiler choosing the extension trait's method like before and thus causing breakage on the stable compiler.

It's also worth noting: This isn't just a standard library problem. Method call syntax makes it really difficult to avoid introducing breaking changes just about anywhere in the ecosystem.

(meta) Just copying my comment in irlo here.

If we agree that #44438 is justified,

  1. We may need to reconsider whether guaranteed-type-inference-breakage like can really be disregarded as XIB.

    Currently type inference change is considered acceptable by RFCs 1105 and 1122 as one could always use UFCS or other ways to force a type. But the community doesn't really like the breakage caused by #42496 (Ord::{min, max}). Additionally, #41336 (first try of T += &T) was closed "just" due to 8 type inference regressions.

  2. Whenever we add a method, there should be a crater run to ensure the name is not already existing.

    Note that adding inherent methods can cause inference failure as well — #41793 was caused by adding the inherent methods {f32, f64}::from_bits, which conflicts with the method ieee754::Ieee754::from_bits in the downstream trait.

  3. When downstream crate did not specify #![feature(clamp)], the candidate Ord::clamp should never be considered (a future-compatible warning can still be issued) unless this is the unique solution. This will allow introduction of new trait methods not "insta-breaking", but the problem will still come back when stabilizing.

It seems like we're in a pretty bad place if any method that people wanted enough to define an extension trait can never be added to the standard library.

Max/min hit a particularly bad spot with regards to using common method names on a common trait. The same doesn't need to apply to clamp.

I still want to say yes, but @sfackler do we really have to add methods on a trait that is so commonly implemented, by diverse types? We have to be careful when we are adding to the api of all types that have bought in to an existing trait.

With specialisation coming we don't lose anything by putting extension methods in an extension trait.

One annoying part is that if the new std method breaks your code: it will appear long before you can actually use it, since it's unstable. Other than that it's not so bad if the conflict is with a method that has the same meaning.

I think giving this function a different name to avoid breakage is a bad solution. While it works, it's optimizing not breaking a few crates (all of which are opting into nightly) instead of optimizing for future readability of any code using this feature.

I have a few concerns of which a few are no worry imo.

  • name and shadowing is not ideal but it works
  • for numerical vectors and matrices I think max/min/clamp are not ideal but this is resolved by not using Ord at all. Ndarray would like to do elementwise and generic argument (scalar or array) clamps, but Ord is not used by us or similar libraries. So no worry.
  • Existing compound types that are not numerical: BtreeMap will get a method clamp with this change. Does that make sense in general? Can it implement a reasonable meaning for it apart from the default?
  • calling mode by value does not fit every implementation. Again, BtreeMap. Should clamp consume 3 maps and return one of them?

compound types

I think it makes just as much sense as BtreeSet<BtreeSet<impl Ord>>::range. But there are particular cases that could even be helpful, like Vec<char>.

calling mode by value

When this came up in the RFC, the answer was just use Cow.

Of course, it could be something like this, to reuse storage:

    fn clamp<T>(mut self, low: &T, high: &T) -> Self
        where T: ?Sized + ToOwned<Owned=Self> + Ord, Self : Borrow<T>
        assert!(low <= high);
        if self.borrow() < &low {
            low.clone_into(&mut self);
        } else if self.borrow() >= &high {
            high.clone_into(&mut self);

Which might make ergonomic to call.

The libs team discussed this during triage a few days ago and the conclusion was that we should do a crater run to see what the breakge is across the ecosystem for this change. The results of that would determine what action should be taken on precisely this issue.

There's a number of possible future language features we could add to ease adding apis like this such as low-priority traits or using extension traits in a more flavorful manner. We don't want to necessarily block this on advancements like those, however.

Did a crater run ever happen for this feature?

I plan to revive the clamp() method after #48552 is merged. However, RangeInclusive is going to be stabilized before that, meaning the range-based alternative is now viable for consideration (which is actually the original proposal, but retracted because ..= was so unstable 😄):

// Current
trait Ord {
    fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self { ... }
assert_eq!(9.clamp(6, 7), 7);

// Alternative
trait Ord {
    fn clamp(self, range: RangeInclusive<Self>) -> Self { ... }
assert_eq!(9.clamp(6..=7), 7);

A stable RangeInclusive also opens up other possibilities, like flipping things around (which enables some interesting possibilities with autoref, and avoids the name collisions altogether):

impl<T: Ord + Clone> RangeInclusive<T> {
    fn clamp(&self, mut x: T) -> T {
        if x < self.start { x.clone_from(&self.start); }
        else if x > self.end { x.clone_from(&self.end); }

    assert_eq!((1..=10).clamp(11), 10);

    let strings = String::from("aa")..=String::from("b");
    assert_eq!(strings.clamp(String::from("a")), "aa");
    assert_eq!(strings.clamp(String::from("aaa")), "aaa");

I haven't decided whether I think that's better, though...

I would use a different name if used as range method.

Surely I would enjoy having the feature sooner than later, no matter the shape.

What ist the current status?
It seems to me that there is consensus, that adding clamp to RangeInclusive might be an better alternative.
So someone has to write an RFC?

A full RFC is probably not needed at this point. Just a decision which spelling to choose:

  1. value.clamp(min, max) (follow the RFC as-is)
  2. value.clamp(min..=max)
  3. (min..=max).clamp(value)

Option 2 or 3 would allow easier partial clamping. You could do value.clamp(min..) or value.clamp(..=max), without need for special clamp_to_start or clamp_to_end methods.

@egilburg: we already have those special methods: clamp_to_start is max and clamp_to_end is min :wink:

The consistency is nice though.

@egilburg Rust doesn't support direct overloading. For option 2 to work with your suggestion we'll need a new trait implemented for RangeInclusive, RangeToInclusive and RangeFrom, which feel quite heavy weight.

I think, that option 3 is the best option.

1 or 2 are the least surprising. I'd stay with 1 since lots of code would have less to do to replace the local implementation with the std one.

I think we should either plan to use _all_ the range* types or _none_ of them.

Of course, that's harder for things like Range than for RangeInclusive. But there's something nice about (0.0..1.0).clamp(2.0_f32) => 0.99999994_f32.

@kennytm So if I would open a pull request with option 3 do you think it would get merged?
Or what do you think about how to proceed next?

@EdorianDark For this we'll need to ask @rust-lang/libs 😃

I personally like option 2, with RangeInclusive only. As mentioned "partial clamping" already exist with min and max.

I agree with @SimonSapin, although I would also be OK with option 1. With option 3, I likely wouldn't use the function because it seems backwards to me. In the other languages/libraries with clamp that @kennytm surveyed earlier, 5 out of 7 (all but Swift and Qt) have the value first, then the range.

Clamp is now in master again!

I'm pleased, though I'm still trying to figure out what changed that made this acceptable now, whereas it wasn't in #44097

We've now got a warning period due to #48552, instead of instantly breaking inference even before stabilizing.

That's great news, thank you!

@kennytm I just want to thank you for the legwork you did on making #48552 happen, and @EdorianDark thanks for your interest in this and getting it implemented. It's wonderful to see this finally merged.

pub fn clamped(a: f32) -> f32 {

Compiles to:

  vxorps xmm1, xmm1, xmm1
  vmaxss xmm0, xmm1, xmm0
  vmovss xmm1, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0]
  vminss xmm0, xmm1, xmm0

which isn't too bad (vmaxss and vminss are used), but:

pub fn maxmined(a: f32) -> f32 {

uses one instruction less:

  vxorps xmm1, xmm1, xmm1
  vmaxss xmm0, xmm0, xmm1
  vminss xmm0, xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0]

Is that inherent to the clamp implementation, or just a quirk of LLVM optimization?

@kornelski clamping a NAN is supposed to preserve that NAN, which that maxmined doesn't, because max/min preserve the _non_-NAN.

It'd be great to find an implementation that both meets the NAN expectations and is shorter. And it would be good for the doctests to showcase NAN handling. Looks like the original PR had some:

Why does clamping floats panic if min or max is NaN? I would change the assertion from assert!(min <= max) to assert!(!(min > max)), so that a NaN minimum or maximum would have no effect, just like in the max and min methods.

NAN for min or max in clamp is likely indicative of a programming error, and we figured it was better to panic sooner rather than possibly feeding unclamped data out to IO. If you don't want an upper or lower bound this function isn't for you.

You could always use INF and -INF if you don't want an upper or lower bound, right? Which also makes mathematical sense, unlike NaN. But most of the time it's better to use max and min for that.

@Xaeroxe Thank you for the implementation.

Maybe this could go in the next edition, if it will break stable code?

One thing that IMO is worth considering in more detail is one-sided clamping of f32/f64. The discussion seems to have touched on this topic briefly but not really considered it in detail.

In most cases, if the input to a one-sided clamp is NAN, it's more useful for the result to be NAN than for the result to be the clamping boundary. So, the existing f32::min and f64::max functions don't work well for this use-case. We need separate function(s) for one-sided clamping. (See rust-num/num-traits#122.)

The reason why I bring this up is that it affects the design of the two-sided clamp, since it would be nice for two-sided and one-sided clamps to have a consistent interface. A few options are:

  1. input.clamp(min, max), input.clamp_min(min), and input.clamp_max(max)
  2. input.clamp(min..=max), input.clamp(min..), input.clamp(..=max)
  3. input.clamp(min, max), input.clamp(min, std::f64::INFINITY), input.clamp(std::f64::NEG_INFINITY, max)

With the current implementation (min and max as separate f32/f64 parameters), we would have to choose option 1, which I think is perfectly reasonable, or option 3, which IMO is too verbose. We just should be aware that the sacrifice is having to add separate clamp_min and clamp_max functions or requiring the user to write out positive/negative infinity.

It's also worth noting that we could provide

impl f32 {
    pub fn clamp<T>(self, bounds: T) -> f32
        T: RangeBounds<f32>,
         // ...

// and for f64

since for f32/f64 we actually know how to handle exclusive bounds, unlike for general Ord. Of course, then we'd probably want to change Ord::clamp to take a RangeInclusive argument for consistency. It seems like there was not a strong opinion either way on whether to prefer two arguments or a single RangeInclusive argument for Ord::clamp.

If this is already a settled issue, please feel free to dismiss my comment. I just wanted to bring these things up because I didn't see them in earlier discussion.

Triage: the APIs below currently are unstable and point here. Are there issues to consider other than NaN handling? Is it worth stabilizing Ord::clamp first without blocking it on NaN handling?

pub trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd {
// …
fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self where Self: Sized {…}
impl f32 {
pub fn clamp(self, min: f32, max: f32) -> f32 {…}
impl f64 {
pub fn clamp(self, min: f64, max: f64) -> f64 {…}

@SimonSapin I'd be happy to stabilize the whole thing personally

+1, this went through a full RFC and I don't think there's anything material that's come up since then. For example, NaN handling came up in detail on IRLO and in the RFC discussion.

Alright, that sounds fair enough.

@rfcbot fcp merge

Team member @SimonSapin has proposed to merge this. The next step is review by the rest of the tagged team members:

  • [x] @Amanieu
  • [ ] @Kimundi
  • [x] @SimonSapin
  • [x] @alexcrichton
  • [x] @dtolnay
  • [ ] @sfackler
  • [ ] @withoutboats

No concerns currently listed.

Once a majority of reviewers approve (and at most 2 approvals are outstanding), this will enter its final comment period. If you spot a major issue that hasn't been raised at any point in this process, please speak up!

See this document for info about what commands tagged team members can give me.

Was there a decision made about x.clamp(7..=13) vs x.clamp(7, 13)? mentions the first one might be better for consistency with a potential future f64::clamp.

I'd say that's quite an unfortunate resolution as .min and .max frequently cause bugs as you use .min(...) to specify the upper bound and .max(...) to specify the lower bound. This is incredibly confusing and I've seen so many bugs with this. .clamp(..1.0) and .clamp(0.0..) are just so much clearer.

@CryZe makes a very good point: even if you never make a mistake with min = upper bound, max = lower bound, you still have to do mental gymnastics to remember which to use. This cognitive load would be better spent on whatever problem you are trying to solve.

I know x.clamp(y, z) is more expected, but maybe this is an opportunity to innovate ;)

I experimented quite a bit with ranges in the early stages, and even delayed the RFC by several months so we could experiment with inclusive ranges. (This was started before they were stabilized)

I discovered that it was not possible to implement clamp for exclusive ranges on floating point numbers. Only supporting some range types but not others was too surprising of an outcome, so even though I'd delayed the RFC several months to experiment with it this way I ultimately decided ranges were not the solution.

@m-ou-se See the discussion starting from #44095 (comment) and also #58710 (review).

Edit: as pointed out below, the discussion in the pull request (#58710) contains more discussion of the design decision than the tracking issue. It's unfortunate that this wasn't communicated here, which is where design discussions typically take place, but it was discussed.

Only supporting some range types but not others was too surprising of an outcome

Rust already treats some ranges differently than others (e.g. using them for iteration), so only permitting some ranges as clamp arguments doesn't seem surprising to me at all.

Here's the most helpful analysis of it:

@Xaeroxe Only supporting some range types but not others was too surprising of an outcome

If you were thinking about this before they were stabilized, has time and general usage changed your opinion, or do you think it is still the case?

I would argue that exclusive ranges should never be implemented for floats anyway, because they would have different behaviour to integers (the range 0..10 includes the lower bound and excludes the upper bound, so why should the hypothetical range 0.0...10.0 exclude both?). I don't think it would be surprising, at least for me.

@varkor But this was then changed after a single comment in the review, without any discussion on the tracking issue.

This might come across as overly confrontational, try something like "when I looked through the conversation I didn't find a convincing argument as to why we shouldn't use ranges, can someone point me to it?".

I suspect the argument you are looking for is here:

EDIT @Xaeroxe beat me to it :)

has time and general usage changed your opinion

Thus far it has not, but ranges are something I use pretty infrequently in my daily coding. I'm open to being persuaded by code examples and existing APIs with partial range support. However, even if we resolve that question there are still several other excellent points scottmcm brings up in the RFC comment that need to be addressed. For example, Step is not implemented on as many types as Ord, is this minor syntactical change worth losing those types? Furthermore, is there a use case for non inclusive range clamps? As far as I can tell, no other language or framework felt the need to support exclusive range clamp, so what benefit do we gain from it? Ranges were much more difficult to implement in a satisfactory way, and came with many downsides and few benefits.

If I were to implement this using ranges, it'd look like this.

So there's a few reasons I think we shouldn't go with this approach.

  1. The selection of ranges needed is novel enough as to require a new trait, and specifically excludes the most common range, Range.

  2. We're already this far along in the RFC process and the only thing std gains from this is yet another way to write .max() or .min(). I don't really want to set back the RFC to the beginning of the process in order to implement something we can already do in Rust.

  3. It doubles the amount of branching happening in the function in order to accommodate a use case we're still not sure exists. I can't get this to show up in benchmarks.

Need for one-sided clamping operations

... the only thing std gains from this is yet another way to write .max() or .min().

The primary point I was trying to make is that I've seen this apparent equivalence between .min()/.max() and one-sided clamps come up multiple times in the discussion, but the operations are not equivalent for floating point numbers in the way they should handle NAN.

For example, consider input.max(0.) as an expression to clamp negative numbers to zero. If input is non-NAN, it works fine. However, when input is NAN, it evaluates to 0.. This is almost never the desired behavior; one-sided clamping should preserve NAN values. (See this comment and this comment.) In conclusion, .max() works well for taking the larger of two numbers, but it does not work well for one-sided clamping.

So, we need one-sided clamping operations (separate from .min()/.max()) for floating-point numbers. Others made good arguments for the utility of one-sided clamping operations for non-floating-point types too. The next question is how we want to express those operations.

How to express one-sided clamping operations

.clamp() with INFINITY

In other words, don't add a one-sided clamping operation; just tell users to use .clamp() with INFINITY or NEG_INFINITY bounds. For example, tell users to write input.clamp(0., std::f64::INFINITY).

This is very verbose, which will push users to use the incorrect .min()/.max() if they aren't aware of the nuances of NAN handling. Additionally, it doesn't help for T: Ord, and IMO it's less clear than the alternatives.

.clamp_min() and .clamp_max()

One reasonable option is to add .clamp_min() and .clamp_max() methods, which wouldn't require any changes to the currently proposed implementation. I think this is a reasonable approach; I just wanted to make sure that we were aware that we'd have to use this approach if we stabilize the currently proposed implementation of clamp.

Range argument

Another option is make clamp take a range argument. @Xaeroxe has shown one way to implement this, but that implementation does have a few disadvantages, as he mentioned. An alternative way to write the implementation is similar to the way slicing is currently implemented (the SliceIndex trait). This resolves all the objections I've seen in the discussion except for the concern about providing implementations for a subset of range types and the additional complexity. I agree that it adds some complexity, but IMO it's not much worse than adding .clamp_min()/.clamp_max(). For Ord, I'd suggest something like this:

pub trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd<Self> {
    // ...

    fn clamp<B>(self, bounds: B) -> B::Output
        B: Clamp<Self>,

pub trait Clamp<T> {
    type Output;
    fn clamp(self, input: T) -> Self::Output;

impl<T> Clamp<T> for RangeFull {
    type Output = T;
    fn clamp(self, input: T) -> T {

impl<T: Ord> Clamp<T> for RangeFrom<T> {
    type Output = T;
    fn clamp(self, input: T) -> T {
        if input < self.start {
        } else {

impl<T: Ord> Clamp<T> for RangeToInclusive<T> {
    type Output = T;
    fn clamp(self, input: T) -> T {
        if input > self.end {
        } else {

impl<T: Ord> Clamp<T> for RangeInclusive<T> {
    type Output = T;
    fn clamp(self, input: T) -> T {
        assert!(self.start <= self.end);
        let mut x = input;
        if x < self.start { x = self.start; }
        if x > self.end { x = self.end; }

Some thoughts on this:

  • We could add implementations for exclusive ranges where T: Ord + Step.
  • We could keep the Clamp trait nightly-only, similar to the SliceIndex trait.
  • To support f32/f64, we could

    1. Relax the implementations to T: PartialOrd. (I'm not sure why the current implementation of clamp is on Ord instead of PartialOrd. Maybe I missed something in the discussion? It seems like PartialOrd would be sufficient.)

    2. or write implementations specifically for f32 and f64. (If desired, we could always switch to option i later without a breaking change.)

    and then add

    impl f32 {
      // ...
      fn clamp<B>(self, bounds: B) -> B::Output
          B: Clamp<Self>,
    impl f64 {
      // ...
      fn clamp<B>(self, bounds: B) -> B::Output
          B: Clamp<Self>,
  • We could implement Clamp for exclusive ranges with f32/f64 later if desired. (@scottmcm commented that this isn't straightforward because std intentionally doesn't have f32/f64 predecessor operations. I'm not sure why std doesn't have those operations; maybe issues with denormal numbers? Regardless, that could be addressed later.)

    Even if we don't add implementations of Clamp for exclusive ranges with f32/f64, I disagree that this would be too surprising. As @varkor points out, Rust already treats various range types differently for the purpose of Copy and Iterator/IntoIterator. (IMO, this is a wart of std, but it's at least one instance where range types are treated differently.) Plus, if someone did try to use an exclusive range, the error message would be easy to understand ("the trait bound std::ops::Range<f32>: Clamp<f32> is not satisfied").

  • I've made Output an associated type for maximum flexibility for adding more implementations in the future, but that's not strictly necessary.

Basically, this approach allows us as much flexibility as we want with regards to trait bounds. It also makes it possible to start with a minimally useful set of Clamp implementations, and add more implementations later without breaking changes.

Comparing the options

The "use .clamp() with INFINITY" approach has substantial disadvantages, as mentioned above.

The "existing .clamp" + .clamp_min() + .clamp_max() approach has the following disadvantages:

  • It's more verbose, e.g. input.clamp_min(0) instead of input.clamp(0..).
  • It doesn't support exclusive ranges.
  • We can't add more implementations of .clamp() in the future (without adding yet more methods). For example, we can't support clamping a u32 value with u8 bounds, which is a requested feature from the RFC discussion. That particular example may be better handled with a .saturating_into() function, but there may be other examples where more clamping implementations would be useful.
  • Someone may get confused between .min(), .max(), .clamp_min(), and .clamp_max() for one-sided clamping. (Clamping with .clamp_min() is similar to using .max(), and clamping with .clamp_max() is similar to using .min().) We could mostly avoid this issue by naming the one-sided clamping operations .clamp_lower()/.clamp_upper() or .clamp_to_start()/.clamp_to_end() instead of .clamp_min()/.clamp_max(), although that's even more verbose (input.clamp_lower(0) versus input.clamp(0..)).

The range argument approach has the following disadvantages:

  • The implementation is more complex than adding .clamp_min()/.clamp_max().
  • If we decide not to or cannot implement Clamp for the exclusive range types, this may be surprising.

I don't have a strong opinion on the "existing .clamp" + .clamp_min() + .clamp_max() approach versus the range argument approach. It's a trade-off.

@Xaeroxe It doubles the amount of branching happening in the function in order to accommodate a use case we're still not sure exists. I can't get this to show up in benchmarks.

Maybe the extra branch will be optimized away by LLVM?

On one-sided clamping

Because clamping is inclusive on both sides, one can just specify the min/max on the left/right to get the one-side-only clamping behaviour. I think that's perfectly acceptable, and arguably nicer than .clamp((Bound::Unbounded, Inclusive(3.2))) where there isn't a Range* type that fits anyway:

x.clamp(i32::MIN, 10);
x.clamp(-f32::INFINITY, 10.0);

There's no perf loss, as LLVM is trivially able to optimize the dead side away:

Range syntax would be cool, but clamp is basic enough that two separate args are fine and easy to understand.

Maybe min/max NaN handling can be fixed by itself, e.g. by changing implementation of f32's inherent methods? Or specializing the PartialOrd::min/max? (with an edition flag, assuming Rust manages to find a way to toggle things in libstd).

@scottmcm you should check out RangeToInclusive.

After pondering this some more it's occurred to me that stable is forever, so we shouldn't consider "resetting the RFC process" to be a reason not to make a change.

To that end, I want to go back to the mindset I had when implementing this. Clamp conceptually operates over a range, so it makes sense to use the vocabulary Rust already has in place for expressing ranges. That was my knee jerk reaction, and it seems to be the reaction for many other people. So let's re-iterate the arguments for not doing it this way, and see if we can refute them.

  • The selection of ranges needed is novel enough as to require a new trait, and specifically excludes the most common range, Range.

    • Using the new implementation provided by @jturner314 we now have the ability to add more limitations on specific Range* types, such Ord + Step in order to correctly return values for exclusive ranges. So, even though exclusive range clamp is oftentimes not really needed, we can actually accept the whole range of ranges here, without compromising the interface of ranges that don't have these technical limitations.
  • We can just use Infinity/Min/Max for one sided clamping.

    • That's true, and a big part of why this change isn't really a strong mandate in my opinion. I've only really got one answer to this, and that is that the Range* syntax involves fewer characters and fewer imports for this use case.

Now that we've refuted the reasons not to do this, this comment lacks any kind of motivation to make the change, as the options appear equivalent. Let's find some motivation to make the change. I've only got one reason, which is that the general opinion in this thread seems to be that the range based approach improves semantics of the language. Not just for the inclusive doubled ended range clamp, but also for functions like .min() and .max().

I'm curious if this line of thought has any traction with others who are in favor of stabilizing the RFC as is.

I think it would be better to leave Clamp in the current form, because it is now very similar to other languages.
When I worked on my pull request #58710 I tried to use a Range based implementation.
But rust-lang/rfcs#1961 (comment)) convinced me, that it is better in the standard form.

I think that it would be logical to have a #[must_use] attribute on the function, so as to not confuse people who are not used to how rust numerics work. That is to say, I could easily perceive someone writing the following (incorrect) code:

let mut x: f64 = some_number_source();
x.clamp(0.0, 1.0);
//Proceeds to assume that 0.0 <= x <= 1.0

In general, rust takes a (number).method() approach to numerics (whereas other languages use Math.Method(number)), but even when keeping this in mind, it would be a logical assumption that this could modify number. This is more of a quality of life thing than anything.

The [must_use] attribute was added recently.
@ Xaeroxe Did you come up with something for range based clamp?
I think that the function as it is right now would best fit to the other numeric functions of rust and would like to start stabilizing it again.

At this moment I don't see any reason to go with a range based clamp. Yes, let's add the must_use attribute and work towards stabilization.

@SimonSapin @scottmcm Could we restart the stabilization process?

As @jturner314 said, it would be great to have clamp on PartialOrd, instead of Ord, so it can also be used on floats.

We have the specialized f32::clamp and f64::clamp in this issue already.

This is what I'm trying to do:

use num_traits::float::FloatCore;

struct Foo<T> (T);

impl<T: FloatCore> Foo<T> {
    fn foo(&self) -> T {
        self.0.clamp(1, 10)

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo(15.3);

Link to playground.

PartialOrd is not a float-only trait. Having float-specific method doesn't make clamp available for custom PartialOrd types.

Current implementation requires Eq, even though it doesn't use it.

The major concern with PartialOrd was that it provides weaker guarantees, which in turn weakens the guarantees of clamp. Users wanting this to be on PartialOrd may be interested in another function I wrote

What are these guarantees?

A fairly natural expectation is that iff x.clamp(a, b) == x then a <= x && x <= b. This is not guaranteed with PartialCmp where x may be incomparable with either a or b.

Came here today looking for vaguely-remembered clamp() and read the discussion with interest.

I would suggest using the "option trick" as a compromise between allowing arbitrary ranges and having several named functions. I know this is not popular with some, but it seems to capture the desired semantics nicely here:


pub trait Clamp: Sized {
    fn clamp<L, U>(self, lower: L, upper: U) -> Self
        L: Into<Option<Self>>,
        U: Into<Option<Self>>;

impl Clamp for f32 {
    fn clamp<L, U>(self, lower: L, upper: U) -> Self
        L: Into<Option<Self>>,
        U: Into<Option<Self>>,
        let below = match lower.into() {
            None => self,
            Some(lower) => self.max(lower),
        match upper.into() {
            None => below,
            Some(upper) => below.min(upper),

fn test_clamp() {
    assert_eq!(1.0, f32::clamp(2.0, -1.0, 1.0));
    assert_eq!(-1.0, f32::clamp(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0));
    assert_eq!(1.0, f32::clamp(2.0, None, 1.0));
    assert_eq!(-1.0, f32::clamp(-2.0, -1.0, None));
    assert_eq!(2.0, f32::clamp(2.0, -1.0, None));
    assert_eq!(-2.0, f32::clamp(-2.0, None, 1.0));

If this were included in std a blanket implementation could also be included for T: Ord, which would cover the concerns raised about a general PartialOrd implementation.

Given that defining a clamp() function in user code currently generates a compiler warning about unstable name collisions by default, I think the name "clamp" is fine for this function.

I think, that clamp(a,b,c) should behave the same was as min(max(a,b), c).
Since max and min are not implemented for PartialOrd neither should clamp.
The issue with NaN was already discussed.

@EdorianDark i agree. min, max should also only require PartialOrd.

@noonien min and max are defined since Rust 1.0 and they require Ord and have a definition for f32 and f64.
This is not the right place to discuss these function.
Here we can can only take care that min, max and clamp behave comparable and not surprisingly.
Edit: I don't like the situation with PartialOrd and would rather have float implement Ord, but this is is not possible to change anymore after 1.0.

This has been merged and unstable for about a year and a half now. How do we feel about stabilizing this?

I would love stabilizing this!

If clamp method name conflict sounds like an issue, I suggested changing name resolution at one point in, and it would help with this too.

@Xaeroxe I think the process is to submit stabilization PR and ask for libs team consensus on that. It seems that t-libs is overloaded and can't keep up with non-fcped things.

@matklad actually an FCP proposal already started last year at, but it is stuck because there is one remaining checkbox.

In that case, I think being pinged about once a year on an issue is pretty tolerable.

@withoutboats is still awaiting your attention

The libs team has changed quite a bit since the FCP was started. What do you all think about just starting a new FCP in the stabilization PR? Feels like that shouldn't take longer than waiting for the remaining checkboxes here.

@LukasKalbertodt fine by me, do you mind kicking that off?

Cancelling the FCP here, because that FCP now happened on the stabilization PR:

@fcpbot cancel


@rfcbot cancel

@m-ou-se proposal cancelled.

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