Rust: Tracking issue for Pin APIs (RFC 2349)

Created on 18 Mar 2018  ·  211Comments  ·  Source: rust-lang/rust

Tracking issue for rust-lang/rfcs#2349

Blocking stabilization:

  • [x] Implementation (PR #49058)
  • [ ] Documentation

Unresolved questions:

  • [ ] Should we provide stronger guarantees around leaking !Unpin data?

Edit: Summary comment: (in the hidden-by-default part)

B-RFC-approved C-tracking-issue T-lang T-libs

Most helpful comment

@rfcbot concern api-refactor

A bit of inspiration struct and last night I figured out how we could refactor this API so that there is only one Pin type, which wraps a pointer, rather than having to create a pinned version of every single pointer. This isn't a fundamental reshaping of the API in any way, but it feels better to pull the "pins the memory" component out into a composable piece.

All 211 comments

I now notice that stack pinning is not part of the RFC, @withoutboats are you planning on releasing a crate for this, or should I just copy the example code into my crate that needs it?

@Nemo157 You should copy it and report your experience!

The unresolved question about leaking Unpin data relates to this. That API is unsound if we say you cannot overwrite Unpin data in a Pin unless the destructor runs, as @cramertj requested. There are other, less ergonomic, stack pinning APIs that do work for this. Its unclear what the right choice here is - is the ergonomic stack pinning API more useful or is the extra guarantee about leaking more useful?

One thing I'll note is that the stack pinning was not sufficient for things like Future::poll inside the await! macro, because it didn't allow us to poll in a loop. I'd be interested if you run into those issues, and how/if you solve them if you do.

My current usage is pretty trivial, a single-threaded executor running a single StableFuture without spawning support. Switching to an API like @cramertj suggests would work fine with this. I have wondered how to extend this to allow spawning multiple StableFutures, but at least with my current project that's not necessary.

Just tried to experiment with the API. Looks like the following (suggested by RFC) definition of Future is no longer object-safe?

trait Future {
    type Item;
    type Error;

    fn poll(self: Pin<Self>, cx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error>;

Nevermind. Found a note about a plan to make arbitrary_self_types object-safe.


One thing I'll note is that the stack pinning was not sufficient for things like Future::poll inside the await! macro, because it didn't allow us to poll in a loop.

Could you elaborate on that?

@RalfJung You need Pin to support reborrows as Pin, which it currently does not.

@cramertj That sounds like a restriction of the Pin API, not of the stack pinning API?

@RalfJung Yes, that's correct. However, PinBox can be reborrowed as Pin, while the stack-pinned type cannot (one borrow as Pin creates a borrow for the entire lifetime of the stack type).

Given a Pin, I can borrow it as &mut Pin and then use Pin::borrow -- that's a form of reborrowing. I take it that's not the kind of reborowing you are talking about?

@RalfJung No-- methods like Future::poll were planned to take self: Pin<Self>, rather than self: &mut Pin<Self> (which isn't a valid self type since it isn't Deref<item = Self> -- it's Deref<Item = Pin<Self>>).

It might be the case that we could get this to work with Pin::borrow actually. I'm not sure.

@cramertj I did not suggest to call poll on x: &mut Pin<Self>; I thought of x.borrow().poll().

@RalfJung Oh, I see. Yes, using a method to manually reborrow could work.

I'll try and remember to post an example of some of the stuff I'm doing with Pins next week, as far as I can tell reborrowing works perfectly. I have a pinned version of the futures::io::AsyncRead trait along with working adaptors like fn read_exact<'a, 'b, R: PinRead + 'a>(read: Pin<'a, R>, buf: &'b [u8]) -> impl StableFuture + 'a + 'b and I'm able to work this into a relatively complex StableFuture that's just stack pinned at the top level.

Here's the full example of what I'm using for reading:

pub trait Read {
    type Error;

    fn poll_read(
        self: Pin<Self>,
        cx: &mut task::Context,
        buf: &mut [u8],
    ) -> Poll<usize, Self::Error>;

pub fn read_exact<'a, 'b: 'a, R: Read + 'a>(
    mut this: Pin<'a, R>,
    buf: &'b mut [u8],
) -> impl StableFuture<Item = (), Error = Error<R::Error>>
         + Captures<'a>
         + Captures<'b> {
    async_block_pinned! {
        let mut position = 0;
        while position < buf.len() {
            let amount = await!(poll_fn(|cx| {
                Pin::borrow(&mut this).poll_read(cx, &mut buf[position..])
            position += amount;
            if amount == 0 {

This is slightly annoying as you have to pass instances through everywhere as Pin and use Pin::borrow whenever you call functions on them.

fn foo<'a, R>(source: Pin<'a, R>) -> Result<!, Error> where R: Read + 'a {
    loop {
        let mut buffer = [0; 8];
        await!(read_exact(Pin::borrow(&mut source), &mut buffer[..]));
        // do something with buffer

I just had a thought that I could impl<'a, R> Read for Pin<'a R> where R: Read + 'a to workaround having to pass values as Pin<'a, R> everywhere, instead I could use fn foo<R>(source: R) where R: Read + Unpin. Unfortunately that fails because Pin<'a, R>: !Unpin, I think it's safe to add an unsafe impl<'a, T> Unpin for Pin<'a, T> {} since the pin itself is just a reference and the data behind it is still pinned.

Concern: It seems likely that we want most types in libstd to implement Unpin unconditionally, even if their type parameters are not Pin. Examples are Vec, VecDeque, Box, Cell, RefCell, Mutex, RwLock, Rc, Arc. I expect most crates will not think about pinning at all, and hence only have their types be Unpin if all their fields are Unpin. That's a sound choice, but it leads to unnecessarily weak interfaces.

Will this solve itself if we make sure to implement Unpin for all libstd pointer types (maybe even including raw pointers) and UnsafeCell? Is that something we will want to do?

Will this solve itself if we make sure to implement Unpin for all libstd pointer types (maybe even including raw pointers) and UnsafeCell? Is that something we will want to do?

Yes, it seems like the same situation as Send to me.

A new question just occurred to me: When are Pin and PinBox Send? Right now, the auto trait mechanism makes them Send whenever T is Send. There is no a priori reason to do that; just like types in the shared typestate have their own marker trait for sendability (called Sync), we could make a marker trait saying when Pin<T> is Send, e.g. PinSend. In principle, it is possible to write types that are Send but not PinSend and vice versa.

@RalfJung Pin is Send when &mut T is Send. PinBox is Send when Box<T> is Send. I see no reason for them to be different.

Well, just like some types are Send but not Sync, you could have a type relying on "Once this method is called with Pin<Self>, I can rely on never being moved to another thread". For example, this could give rise to futures that can be sent around before being started for the first time, but then have to remain in one thread (much like they can be moved around before being started, but then have to remain pinned). I'm not sure if I can come up with a convincing example, maybe something about a future that uses thread-local storage?

I just hit the lifetime issue mentioned by @Diggsey. I believe Pin<Option<T>> -> Option<Pin<T>> should be a safe operation but it doesn't appear possible to implement even using the current unsafe APIs, let alone what sort of API would be needed to make this safe code:

trait OptionAsPin<T> {
    fn as_pin<'a>(self: Pin<'a, Self>) -> Option<Pin<'a, T>>;

impl<T> OptionAsPin<T> for Option<T> {
    fn as_pin<'a>(self: Pin<'a, Self>) -> Option<Pin<'a, T>> {
        match *unsafe { Pin::get_mut(&mut self) } {
            Some(ref mut item) => Some(unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(item) }),
            None => None,

(It's possible to workaround using transmute to force the lifetimes, but that makes me feel far too icky).

I'd like to add an unresolved question: Should we add back a shared pinned reference type? I think the answer is yes. See this post with discussion for further details.

I just read that futures 0.2 is not as final as I thought it was, so maybe it is still possible after all to rename Pin back to PinMut and add a shared version.

@RalfJung I read your blog post again more thoroughly to understand the changes you propose.

I think you've found a potentially compelling use case for having an immutable Pin variant, but I don't understand your comments about Deref and &Pin<T> <=> &&T. Even if Pin<T> can be cast down to &T safely, that doesn't make them equivalent, because &T cannot be cast to Pin<T>. I don't see a reason to make the safe conversion unsafe (by eliminating the safe Deref impl).

Currently the map method on Pin has the signature

pub unsafe fn map<U, F>(this: &'b mut Pin<'a, T>, f: F) -> Pin<'b, U>

What is the reason that it isn't the following?

pub unsafe fn map<U, F>(this: Pin<'a, T>, f: F) -> Pin<'a, U>

As it stands, I can't transform a Pin of one type to a Pin of one of its fields without shortening the lifetime unnecessarily.

Another problem with the map method is that it seems to be impossible to turn a Pin of a struct into two Pins, each of a different field of the struct. What is the correct way to achieve that?

I've been using this macro for that:

macro_rules! pin_fields {
    ($pin:expr, ($($field:ident),+ $(,)?)) => {
        unsafe {
            let s = Pin::get_mut(&mut $pin);
            ($(Pin::new_unchecked(&mut s.$field),)+)

In a lot of the discussion around Pin there seems to be an assumption that "projecting" a pin onto a private field should be thought of as safe. I don't think that's quite true. For instance, the doc comment on map currently reads:

You must guarantee that the data you return will not move so long as the argument value does not move (for example, because it is one of the fields of that value), and also that you do not move out of the argument you receive to the interior function.

The guarantee that "the data you return will not move so long as the argument value does not move" is the correct description of the contract that a caller of map has to uphold. The parenthetical "(for example, because it is one of the fields of that value)" seems to imply that as long as you're just returning a reference to your own private field you're guaranteed to be safe. But that's not true if you implement Drop. A Drop impl is going to see a &mut self, even when other code has already seen a Pin<Self>. It can proceed to use mem::replace or mem::swap to move out of its fields, violating the promise made by an earlier "correct" use of map.

In other words: using a "correct pin projection" call to Pin::map (the call looks like unsafe { Pin::map(&mut self, |x| &mut x.p) }), with no other invocations of unsafe, one can produce unsound/undefined behavior. Here's a playground link demonstrating this.

This doesn't imply that anything is wrong with the current API. It demonstrates is that Pin::map should be marked as unsafe, which it already is. Nor do I think there's much of a danger of people accidentally tripping over this when implementing futures or the like--you really have to go out of your way to move out of your own fields in a Drop impl, and I doubt there are many practical reasons to want to do it.

But I do think the doc comment for map might want to mention this, and I also think it invalidates some ideas for extensions that I see in the RFC and surrounding discussions:

  • There should not be a macro/derive that does "pin projection" and makes it look safe. Projection really does impose a contract on the other code surrounding it, which the compiler can't fully enforce. So it ought to require the use of the unsafe keyword whenever it's done.
  • The RFC mentions that if Pin were turned into a &'a pin T language feature, it would be "trivial to project through fields." I believe I've shown that this should still require unsafe, even if limited to projecting private fields.


Even if Pin can be cast down to &T safely, that doesn't make them equivalent, because &T cannot be cast to Pin.

Indeed, that is not a sufficient condition. They are equal in my model because in my earlier post, we made the following definiton:

Definition 5: PinBox<T>.shr. A pointer ptr and lifetime 'a satisfy the shared typestate of PinBox<T> if ptr is a read-only pointer to another pointer inner_ptr such that T.shr('a, inner_ptr)

(And, kind-of implicitly, the corresponding definition for Pin<'a, T>.shr.)
Notice how PinBox<T>.shr depends on T.shr and nothing else. This makes PinBox<T>.shr exactly the same invariant as Box<T>.shr, which implies that &Box<T> = &PinBox<T>. Similar reasoning shows that &&T = &Pin<T>.

So, this is not a consequence of the API or contract written down in the RFC. It is a consequence of the model that just has three typestates: Owned, shared, pinned. If you want to argue against &&T = &Pin<T>, you have to argue for introducing a fourth typestate, "shared pinned".


In a lot of the discussion around Pin there seems to be an assumption that "projecting" a pin onto a private field should be thought of as safe. I don't think that's quite true.

That's a very good point! Just to be clear, there is no issue with making the p field of Shenanigans public, is there? At that point, any client could write do_something_that_needs_pinning, and the intention of the RFC is to make that safe. (I don't know why the RFC specifically mentions private fields, my interpretation was always that it was supposed to work with all fields.)

It is interesting to see how this interacts with the interpretation of drop in my model. There I wrote that drop(ptr) has a precondition of With this interpretation, the actual code at fault in your example would be the drop implementation! (Now I wonder why I did not notice this already when writing the post...) I think we do want to allow safe projections to fields eventually, and we really shouldn't provide drop with an &mut if the type does pinning. That's clearly bogus.

Is there any way we could either (a) make impl Drop unsafe if the type is !Unpin, or (b) change its signature to drop(self: Pin<Self>) if T: !Unpin? Both sound extremely far-fetched, but on the other hand both would solve @MicahChalmer's point, while preserving safety of field projections. (If only this was still pre-1.0 and we could change Drop::drop to just always take Pin<Self> ;) But of course at this point this is not a library-only solution any more. The sad part is that if we stabilize as-is, we can never have safe field projections.

@RalfJung So I am more interested in the practical questions (as you'd probably expect :wink:). I think there are two:

  • Should Pin<T: !Unpin> implement Deref<Target =T>?
  • Should there be both a Pin<T> and a PinMut<T> (the former being a shared pin)?

I don't see a reason to answer the first question negatively. I think you have re-opened the second question; I'm inclined to go back to two different kinds of pins (but not completely convinced). If we ever upgrade this to a language-level reference type, we'd have &pin T and &pin mut T.

It seems like no matter what we do your model probably needs a fourth type-state to accurately reflect the API invariants. I do not think converting an &&T to an &Pin<T> should be safe.

So I am more interested in the practical questions (as you'd probably expect wink).

Fair enough. ;) However, I think it is important that we have at least a basic understanding of what is and is not guaranteed around Pin once unsafe code enters the picture. Basic Rust had several years of stabilization to figure this out, now we are repeating this for Pin in a few months. While Pin is a library-only addition as far as syntax is concerned, it is a significant addition as far as the model is concerned. I think it is prudent that we document as exhaustively as possible what unsafe code is and is not allowed to assume or do around Pin.

While these concerns are theoretical right now, they will suddenly be very practical once we have the first unsoundness due to unsafe code making incompatible assumptions.

Concerning your second question:

It seems like no matter what we do your model probably needs a fourth type-state to accurately reflect the API invariants. I do not think converting an &&T to an &Pin should be safe.

That is what I expected.

If we want to be conservative, we could rename Pin to PinMut but not add PinShr (likely to be called Pin but I am trying to disambiguate here) for now, and declare that unsafe code can assume that a &PinMut<T> actually points to something pinned. Then we would have the option of adding Pin as a shared pinned reference later.

A practical reason for having PinShr has been brought up by @comex: it should be possible to provide a getter that goes from PinShr<'a, Struct> to PinShr<'a, Field>; if we use &PinMut for shared pins that doesn't work. I don't know how much such getters will be needed.

For your first question, there seem to be some strong arguments in favor: (a) the current plans for object-safe arbitrary self types, and (b) being able to safely use the vast amount of existing APIs on shared references when holding a PinShr (or PinMut).

It is unfortunate that we don't seem to have an easy way to similarly provide operations that can work both on &mut and PinMut; after all plenty of code working on &mut has no intention of using mem::swap. (This, as I see it, would be the main advantage of a !DynSized-based solution or something comparable: &mut would turn into a type for references that may or may not be pinned. We could have this as yet another library type in the Pin API, but that's rather pointless given that we already have all these &mut methods out there.)

There is one light argument against, which is types that want to do "interesting" things both for &T and PinMut<T>. That will be hard to do, not everything is possible and one has to be very careful. But I don't think that trumps the good arguments in favor.

In this case (i.e., with this impl Deref), PinShr<'a, T> should come with a safe method that turns it into a &'a T (preserving the lifetime).

And there is another concern I think we have to resolve: The rules for Pin::map and/or drop, in the light of what @MicahChalmer noticed above. We have two choices:

  • Declare that using Pin::map with a projection to a public field (no derefs, not even implicit) is always safe. This is my interpretation of the current RFC. This would match &mut and &. However, then we have a problem around Drop: We can now write safe code that causes UB given an otherwise well-formed !Unpin type.
  • Not do anything funny around Drop. Then we have to add loud warnings to Pin::map that even using it for public fields could lead to unsoundness. Even if we ever have &pin T, we will not be able to use that to access a field in safe code.

The only possible argument for the second option that I can see is that it may be the only one we can actually implement. ;) I think it is inferior in every possible way -- it makes &pin rather strange and unergonomic even if it becomes built-in one day, it is a footgun, it hinders compositionality.

There may be a way to achieve the first option, but it's not trivial and I have no idea how to make it backwards-compatibly: We could add an Unpin bound to Drop, and add a DropPinned that does not have the bound and where drop takes Pin<Self>. Maybe the Unpin bound on Drop could be enforced in a strange way where you can write the impl Drop for S, but this adds an implicit bound to S saying that it has to be Unpin. Probably not realistic. :/ (I guess this is also a point where the !DynSized-based approach works better -- it turns &mut T into "may or may not be pinned", keeping drop sound.)

@RalfJung @MicahChalmer I think its better to just document that if you move out of the field in the Drop impl, projecting to a Pin of that field elsewhere is unsound.

Indeed, its already the case today that (using unsafe code) you could move out of a field of a !Unpin type, and this is safe and well defined as long as you never project to a pin of that field elsewhere. The only difference with Drop is that the moving-out part only contains safe code. It seems to me that the notes on Pin::map need to change to note that it is not safe if you ever move out of that field, regardless of the Drop impl.

It must be safe to move out of the fields of a !Unpin type in some cases, because the generators will very likely move out of one of their fields when they return.

I think its better to just document that if you move out of the field in the Drop impl, projecting to a Pin of that field elsewhere is unsound.

This is the second option then, the one that makes &pin to a field permanently an unsafe operation.
I think this is not a small change. This fundamentally changes what pub on a field means. When using a library type, I cannot know what it does in its drop impl, so I fundamentally have no way to obtain a pinned reference to that field.

For example, I wouldn't even be allowed to go from Pin<Option<T>> to Option<Pin<T>> unless Option explicitly states that it will never have a Drop doing anything "funny". The compiler cannot understand that statement, so while Option could provide an appropriate method to do this, doing the same with a match has to remain an unsafe operation.

The only difference with Drop is that the moving-out part only contains safe code.

But that' a huge difference, isn't it? We can put arbitrary rules on what unsafe code may or may not do, but not so for safe code.

It must be safe to move out of the fields of a !Unpin type in some cases, because the generators will very likely move out of one of their fields when they return.

I suppose in this case the field will be Unpin? So we could likely have a rule saying that Pin::mut for a public field of a foreign struct is fine if that field has type Unpin. Not sure how useful this is, but it's probably better than nothing.

I want to quickly restate my confusion about &Pin<T> not providing more guarantees than &&T. &, &mut, and &pin respectively provide "shared access", "unique access", and "unique access to a value that won't be moved". Understanding &&pin as "shared access to a unique access to a type that won't be moved" tells you that the memory is shared (the uniqueness guarantee of &pin is cancelled out by the sharing of &), but you still retain the property that the type won't be moved, no?

I am not sure what you are asking or saying. Are you confused why I think "shared pinned" is a fundamental mode/typestate on its own?

The point is, "shared access" is not a thing I know how to define on its own. There are many different ways to share and coordinate the sharing, as is witnessed by the very different ways in which, e.g., Cell, RefCell, and Mutex share.

You can't just say you are sharing something ("cancelling the uniqueness guarantee" of something) you own and expect that statement to make sense. You have to say how you are sharing, and how you ensure that this cannot cause havoc. You can "share by making it read-only", or "share by only giving atomic access through synchronized loads/stores", or "share [within just one thread] by having this borrow flag coordinate which kind of access to hand out". One of the key points in RustBelt was realizing the importance of letting every type define for itself what happens when it gets shared.

I cannot think of a way to make "shared pinning" arise as the orthogonal composition of sharing and pinning. Maybe there is a way to define the notion of a "sharing mechanism" that could then be applied to either the owned or the pinned invariant to give rise to "(normal) shared" and "pinned shared", but I seriously doubt it. Also, as we have seen that falls flat for RefCell -- if RefCell does for the shared pinned invariant something similar to what it does for the just shared invariant, we certainly cannot justify that from & &pin RefCell<T> via &RefCell<T> (using Deref) via borrow_mut we can obtain a &mut reference that says that no pinning happened.


We could add an Unpin bound to Drop, and add a DropPinned that does not have the bound and where drop takes Pin.

Is the definition of Drop really the problem here? Another way to think about it is to place the blame on mem::swap and mem::replace. These are the operations that let you move something you don't own. Suppose a T: Unpin bound were added to _them_?

For starters, that would fix the drop hole that I pointed out - my Shenanigans would fail to compile, and I don't think I could make it to violate the pin promises without another unsafe. But it would enable more than that! If it has become safe to get a &mut reference to a previously pinned value in drop, why limit it to just drop?

Unless I'm missing something, I think that this would make it safe to borrow a &mut reference from a PinMut<T> any time you want. (I'm using PinMut to refer to the what, in current nightly, is called Pin, to avoid confusion with the discussion about shared pins.) PinMut<T> could implement DerefMut unconditionally, rather than just for T: Unpin.

It is unfortunate that we don't seem to have an easy way to similarly provide operations that can work both on &mut and PinMut; after all plenty of code working on &mut has no intention of using mem::swap.

A DerefMut impl on PinMut would fix that, right? Code that cares about pinning, and requires PinMut, could call code that works on &mut safely and easily. The burden would be placed instead on generic functions that _do_ want to use mem::swap--those would have to have an Unpin bound added to them, or use unsafe and take care not to violate the pin conditions.

Adding such bounds to swap and replace now would break backwards compatibility going back to the very first stable release. I don't see a realistic way to get there from here. But am I missing some other hole in thinking that it would have been the thing to do, if only this were known in the pre-1.0 days?

As it is, I don't see any better solution than what @withoutboats said - keep map unsafe, and put a message in its docs warning people not to move out of any field that was previously pinned in a drop impl.

We can put arbitrary rules on what unsafe code may or may not do, but not so for safe code.

Using unsafe always imposes rules on the surrounding safe code. The good news here is that as far as we know, if a pinnable struct has a method to project a pin to a private field, only its own drop impl can use that to violate the contract in safe code. So it's still possible to add such a projection and present _users_ of that struct with a fully safe API.

Is the definition of Drop really the problem here?

Assigning blame is somewhat arbitrary, there are different things one could change to plug the soundness hole. But do we have agreement that changing Drop as I suggested would fix the issue?

Another way to think about it is to place the blame on mem::swap and mem::replace. These are the operations that let you move something you don't own. Suppose a T: Unpin bound were added to them?

Well, that would make &mut T generally safe to use for !Unpin types. As you observed, we wouldn't even need PinMut any more. PinMut<'a, T> in your proposal could be defined as &'a mut T, right?
This is essentially the ?Move proposal that has been discarded previously due to backwards compatibility and language complexity issues.

Using unsafe always imposes rules on the surrounding safe code.

I am not sure what you mean. Beyond the privacy boundary, this must not be the case; unsafe code cannot impose anything on its clients.

The good news here is that as far as we know, if a pinnable struct has a method to project a pin to a private field, only its own drop impl can use that to violate the contract in safe code. So it's still possible to add such a projection and present users of that struct with a fully safe API.

Yes, types can opt-in to declare the projection safe. But e.g. the borrow checker will not understand that this is a field access, so given a PinMut<Struct> you cannot use such methods to obtain PinMut to two different fields at the same time.

But do we have agreement that changing Drop as I suggested would fix the issue?

I agree, that would fix it.

We wouldn't even need PinMut any more. PinMut<'a, T> in your proposal could be defined as &'a mut T, right?

No, PinMut<'a, T> is still required to promise that the referent will never move again. With &'a mut T you could only trust it not to move for lifetime 'a. This would still be allowed, as it is today:

struct X;
impl !Unpin for X{}
fn takes_a_mut_ref(_:&mut X) { }

fn borrow_and_move_and_borrow_again() {
let mut x = X;
takes_a_mut_ref(&mut x);
let mut b = Box::new(x);
takes_a_mut_ref(&mut *b);

It would be safe to go from PinMut<'a, T> to &'a mut T but not vice versa - PinMut::new_unchecked would still exist, and still be unsafe.

This is essentially the ?Move proposal that has been discarded previously due to backwards compatibility and language complexity issues.

As I understand it, the ?Move proposals were trying to get all the way to not needing PinMut, by changing the fundamental language rules to prohibit the code snippet above (by making Unpin be a Move trait.) I'm not proposing anything like that - my proposal is to start at exactly the way it is in nightly now, plus:

  • Add an Unpin bound to the std::mem::swap and std::mem::replace functions
  • Remove the Unpin bound from the DerefMut impl of Pin (PinMut if that rename happens)

That's all - no fundamental language changes to how moves work, or anything like that. My claim is: yes, this would be a breaking change, but it would have less breaking impact than changing Drop (which in turn is still less drastic than the ?Move proposals), while retaining many of the benefits. In particular, it would allow safe pin projection (at least for private fields, and I think even for public? not quite sure) and prevent situations where parallel code has to be written to work with PinMut and &mut.

No, PinMut<'a, T> is still required to promise that the referent will never move again. With &'a mut T you could only trust it not to move for lifetime 'a.

I see. Makes sense.

As I understand it, the ?Move proposals were trying to get all the way to not needing PinMut, by changing the fundamental language rules to prohibit the code snippet above (by making Unpin be a Move trait.)


My claim is: yes, this would be a breaking change, but it would have less breaking impact than changing Drop

Which change to drop do you mean? Adding an Unpin bound? You may be right, but I have no idea how widely used mem::swap and mem::replace are.

In particular, it would allow safe pin projection (at least for private fields, and I think even for public? not quite sure)

I don't see how private vs public can even make a difference here. How would a public field allow less than a private field?

But yeah, this seems to hold together overall. Future would still take a PinMut because it has to rely on things never moving, but it'd have a wider range of methods available for use.

However, the compatibility aspect is a big one. I don't think this is realistic, it'd break all generic code that calls mem::swap/mem::replace. Plus, right now unsafe code is free to implement these methods itself using ptr::read/ptr::write; this could lead to silent breakage of existing unsafe code. That's a no-go, I think.

While we're on the topic of introducing Unpin bound on mem::swap and mem::replace (and not being concerned about breakage). If we assume the "compiler built in" route is taken. Would it be possible to also introduce the same bound on mem::forget to guarantee destructors being run for stack pinned variables making thread::scoped sound and avoid "pre-pooping your pants" in certain cases?

Notice that mem::forget on a PinBox is stlll allowed. The new proposed guarantee related to drop is NOT saying "things don't leak". It says "things don't get deallocated without drop being called first". That's a very different statement. This guarantee does not help thread::scoped.

To add context, moving data out of a struct that implements Future is something that I do commonly. It comes up quite often to need to perform cleanup work if a future was never polled to completion (dropped before polling completed).

So, I most certainly would have hit this land mine when porting existing code to futures 0.3 even with documentation added to map.

@carllerche the map function says quite clearly that you must not use this to move anything. We cannot and do not want to protect against people deliberately moving out of a Pin<T>, but you have to get out of your way (using unsafe code) to do this. I would not call that a landmine.

So, which landmine are you referring to?

@RalfJung I have been trying to figure out the bounds on mapping pinned references myself and I do think this is going to be a huge footgun if it is not resolved soon. I think the first solution is preferable, despite is complexity; not being able to safely project to pinned fields makes it virtually impossible for consumers to actually use APIs that rely on pinning without writing unsafe code.

If this can't be done, I think in practice most usable APIs that use pinning will have to use PinShare. This might not be such a big handicap, I guess, but I'm still not clear on the relationship with Unpin in that case. Specifically: let's say I grab a pinshared reference and get a reference to a field on the type (for a certain lifetime). Can I really rely on it not moving once that lifetime is over? I probably can if the field is !Unpin so maybe it's fine, as long as Pin can't project out--I'm mostly worried about enums. Unless you are saying that even shared pinning cannot be safe without fixing drop--in that case, I think fixing drop to work with pinning essentially has to happen; otherwise it becomes a niche library feature that can't really be used safely, and doesn't (IMO) deserve any pride of place in the core language, even if it does happen to be very useful for Futures.

I should also mention that the only practical API I have for intrusive collections so far (I still need to work out the kinks) needs even stronger guarantees than that; it needs to be able to guarantee that drop isn't called as long as there is any borrow into the collection. I can do this using a GhostCell-style technique, but it feels very awkward and requires the user to do manual memory management (since we have to leak if the backing memory for something in the collection is dropped without being provided the token). So I'm a bit worried that automatic drop itself seems hard to make work with types that use pinning in interesting ways.

Out of curiosity: what are the arguments against adding an Unpin bound to Drop? You cited backwards compatibility, with the alternative being that you'd need to somehow automatically bound the thing that was being Dropped, but Drop already weird type system level restrictions that don't exist for other traits--why is this one so different? It's certainly not as elegant as just making drop take a Pin<T> but we can't actually make that change at this point. Is the issue that we don't actually know what to do if you do call drop on a type that only has a Unpin implementation, when the type itself is !Unpin? I'd guess throwing an exception in the drop implementation in that case might be the correct approach, since anyone who relies on drop running for generic types already needs to handle the panic case. That would mean that it would be very hard to use !Unpin types in practice without a bunch of people updating their code to use the new Drop trait (so the ecosystem would be forced to move everything to thew new version), but I think that I would be okay with that since it would still preserve soundness and not break code that didn't use !Unpin at all. Plus, the "your code panics if the library doesn't upgrade" thing would really incentivize people to move on!

In fact, here's my proposed design:

Extend the Drop trait with a second method that takes Pin, as you proposed. Make the default implementation panic. Make a specialized default implementation where T: Unpin call drop (I assume this would pass the current specialization rules? But even if it wouldn't, Drop can always be special-cased; plus, Drop functions are usually autogenerated). Then, you could magically switch the drop function to call this new drop_pinned (so the drop function as currently written can't be called directly). Now you have exactly the same behavior I proposed above, with no backwards compatibility issues and no attempt to awkwardly auto-derive a bound. It does make the Drop trait excessively strange (since you have a function named drop that you can't call directly and a function not named drop that you call whenever you write drop), but Drop is already so hardcoded and strange that I don't see this as a very big deal compared to the alternative (!Unpin types being essentially impossible to use [not just implement] without writing unsafe code).

It does have the problem that third party libraries will have to upgrade for them to be practically useful with !Unpin types, but like I said this is arguably a good thing. And for probably close to 100% of existing Drop implementations the change would just be a change to the function signature--well, I guess maybe not at the moment because you can't safely project a pinned field, but maybe a macro could be provided for that purpose? In any case, I have no idea how many drop implementations actually mutate their fields in ways that require &mut--most of the ones I can think of that do anything interesting either use unsafe or use interior mutability, but I'm probably not thinking of some common usecases.

The main thing about this approach is that were it to be taken, it'd have to be taken before Pin was stabilized. If you waited until after it was stable, it wouldn't be backwards compatible anymore to make drop implementations start throwing exceptions for generators. This is one more reason I'm really hoping Pin is not rushed in. I don't think we've explored the design consequences sufficiently.

(I do see one more potential issue: ManuallyDrop and unions in general mean that someone could probably have written a destructor over a generic type that did assume that the drop implementation within it couldn't panic, simply because it was never able to run (it also wouldn't be allowed to call any other &mut functions on the generic T, except for ones implemented on unsafe traits that promised not to panic). Since Pining a type already must guarantee that its drop implementation runs before its memory is destroyed [according to the new semantics], I believe the !Unpin type within a ManuallyDrop used for that purpose in existing code could not be considered pinned in the first place, so the existing code should still be correct if it's making that assumption; certainly, you shouldn't be able to safely project a pin into a ManuallyDrop, since it can only be safe if you guarantee its destructor is called prior to the drop. I just don't know how one would communicate this case to the compiler [since whether the !Unpin panic can be propagated without violating semantic expectations depends on whether you decided to call &mut functions other than drop or those on the aforementioned unsafe traits on the interior T, and how is the compiler supposed to know that? Can this take advantage of the "eyepatch" stuff at all, as it seems like it's intended for a similar purpose?]. Maybe you can just say all unions are Unpin by default since it's not generally safe to project a pin into their contents, so the Pin state can't enforce different guarantees from the &mut one; I'm not really sure that flies semantically, but it probably works for the purposes of the Drop implementation for existing code. For new code, hopefully a ManuallyDrop that you could project a Pin into would need to use unsafe code and [semantically] thus need to be marked !Unpin, so you'd still be okay there.

On the subject of eyepatch, though... I'm still not certain of the exact formal definition it has, but if the general idea is that no interesting generic functions are called on T, maybe one could exploit that further? Eyepatch-respecting generics could be known [through the aforementioned requirement that actually pinning a type means drop has to be called before the memory is deallocated] to always call the drop implementation of any !Unpin type that they own, and nothing else. That means that if the drop_pinned implementation for the !Unpin type was implemented, the eyepatch-respecting container would behave correctly. So this would obviate the need for !Unpin to be propagated on generic bounds in these cases. It seems possible to me that one could then compile time failure for !Unpin types that implement Drop, don't implement drop_pinned, and don't eyepatch their generic parameters, in the same way we do when you use non-eyepatch containers with self-referential lifetimes.

Existentials pose a serious backwards-compatibility risk with any compile time strategy though; with self-referential lifetimes, I believe we have a "strictly outlives" requirement that [combined with the fact that existentials carry lifetimes] can enforce drop acyclicity even if you don't know anything about the underlying type, but that's definitely not the case for Unpin, and not allowing drop implementations to compile for Box<Trait> would be a huge breaking change since it would have a lot of false positives. That's why I think a solution that fails at runtime is more realistic. Another alternative would be to require a ?Unpin bound on trait objects that might not implement Unpin; this wouldn't have runtime failure and wouldn't have false positives. However, I get the sense that the Rust team is pretty opposed to new traits of this sort).

Edit: Actually, scratch all the above: we only really need to worry about accessible fields in destructors, not &mut access generally, correct? Because we're only worried about implicit field projections from &mut self.

I may just be reinventing the !DynSized proposal, but essentially: generic containers must already themselves be !Unpin if they expose any methods that care about the pin typestate (I realize this sounds suspiciously like the incorrect parametricity argument, but hear me out!). Existentials like Box<Trait> and &mut Trait don't necessarily reflect their Unpin status, but (at least from staring at the current APIs?) I don't think Pin<Box<T>> and Pin<&mut T> necessarily have to be coercible to Pin<T> where T: !Unpin; not implementing that would mean pinned references to these types won't safely provide pinned access to their interior (note that there is some precedent for this with the relationship of &mut and &: &mut &T is not coercible to &mut T, only &T, and Box<&mut T> is not coercible to Box<T>, only &mut T; in general, when different typestates collide they don't have to be automatically propagated). I do recognize that usually &mut T, Box<T> and T are considered totally interchangeable from a typestate perspective, and this argument doesn't extend to hypothetical inline existentials, but maybe this is the substance of the DynSize proposal (don't allow safe swaps or mem::replaces for trait object values, I guess? Actually, it's already disallowed for them... but I'm assuming there's some reason why this might change in the future). That makes a compile time solution very straightforward: for any structure which (transitively) directly owns (no &mut, &, Box, or raw pointers--none of which would safely transitively propagate Pin access, except & for shared pin, but & can't be moved out of anyway--or if you decided to go with the "can't move out of trait objects" solution, you could also check fields transitively along &mut and Box I think) and has access (in a visibility sense) to a known !Unpin type (including itself), it would have to implement the second kind of drop. That seems to me to be totally fine and not be a backwards compatibility footgun at all, since no stable types are !Unpin--people might have to reimplement destructors after updating a library, but that's all, right? Moreover, internal implementation details would stay internal; only if a !Unpin field were exposed would there be any issues. Finally, all generic container types (not just Vec and standard library stuff, but essentially the entire ecosystem) would continue to work fine. What is the catastrophic thing I am missing about this solution?

(In fact, it seems to me that even if you couldn't enforce this at drop definition time, you should at least be able to do so at type instantiation time, like dropck does, since you only need to worry about fully instantiated types).

Rereading the Dynsized proposal: I observe that an argument against it was requiring immovable types to always be DynSized even before they are pinned. I argue above that we really only need to worry about this in the case of trait objects; it might be possible (although hard to justify) to enforce that coercing a !Unpin type to a trait required explicitly bounding it with + ?DynSized (or whatever; it could be done automatically, I suppose). While there may well be many cases where the size must be known for !Unpin types (indeed, I have such a use case!), or they must be able to be swapped before they are pinned, I hope there are very few such cases for the interiors of trait objects made from immovable types (the only cases we have now are for stuff like the Box -> Rc conversion that we want to explicitly forbid, right? It's actually not even clear to me that size_of_val being exposed is really an issue here or not, since I still don't know whether you are expected to be able to turn Pin<'a, Box<Trait> into Pin<'a, Trait>, but if you can't we can just rely on Sized of course). One really wants to be able to bound them with !Unpin in any case but as I said, I think people want to avoid adding more negative traits than we already need (personally, I hope that !Unpin trait objects are going to be sufficiently rare and specialized that bounding trait objects with ?Unpin rather than Unpin would be totally reasonable and not infect the type system too much; most of the uses for !Unpin I can think of wouldn't have useful implementations for most existing traits, since they would generally want to perform actions on Pin<self>. You'd also usually want to use them with PinBox or PinTypedArena or whatever at which point ?Unpin bounds look pretty natural).

I have a new design, which I think isn't nearly as awful as the old one: Instead of trying to make pin projections work everywhere, this design asks how we can interoperate with "legacy" Rust code that doens't know anything about pinning, from "modern" Rust code that always wants to support pinning. The obvious answer seems to be using the PinDrop trait @RalfJung proposed, but only for types that both have a custom drop, and want to project fields.

Types explicitly opt into projecting fields (corresponding to deriving the PinFields trait), which is analogous to code written in "modern" Rust; however, it makes no additional requirements on code in "legacy" Rust, instead opting to only support projecting to depth 1 for any given derivation of PinFields. It also does not attempt to move Pin through references, which I believe is probably a good idea not to do anyway. It supports structures and enums, including any disjointness analysis Rust should be able to provide, by generating a structure with identical fields and variants, but with the types replaced with Pin'd references to the types (it should be trivial to extend this to Pin and PinMut when that change is made). Obviously this is not ideal (though hopefully the optimizer can get rid of most of it) but it has the advantage that it works with borrowck and NLL and easily works with enums (as opposed to generated accessors).

The safety argument works by ensuring that either Drop is not implemented for the structure at all, or ensuring that if Drop is implemented for it, it is a trivial implementation that only calls PinDrop (a version of Drop that takes Pin). I believe this rules out all the soundness issues with projecting pinned fields, with one question mark: my main concern is finding a good argument for why disjoint fields on the exact same container (that is, fields at depth 1) that could invalidate each other's pins in their destructors, would already be invalid without pin projections. I think I can justify this if we can show that you could also do the same thing if they were held in separate PinBoxes, which implies that where they live is part of their safety contract; that means their destructors aren't safe in isolation and constructing them outside the module would require unsafe code. In other words, their correctness hinges upon the implementation of the container type, which means that it should be okay to ask more of its destructor than we would for arbitrary safe code.

@pythonesque I didn't really follow what you wrote above about DynSize, but I take it that's all outdated now anyway? So, I am only going to comment on your latest post.

To summarize, you are saying that projecting to a field of a struct/enum (including pub fields) is unsafe in general, but a type can opt-in to safe field projections by not implementing Drop. If the type wants a destructor, it has to PinDrop instead of Drop:

trait PinDrop {
  fn pin_drop(self: PinMut<Self>);

We already have typecheck look for Drop to reject moving out of a field, so it doesn't seem unrealistic to also check for Drop to reject projecting through a &pin. Of course, the "moving out of field" check would still reject if there is a PinDrop, whereas the projection would be allowed in that case.

The compiler would apply the same restrictions to PinDrop that it applies to Drop, plus it would ensure a type does not implement both Drop and PinDrop. When generating drop glue, it calls whatever kind of Drop that the type has implemented.

Does that summarize the proposal? The part I don't understand is your last paragraph, could you give an example demonstrating what you are worried about?

Now, of course I am wondering what the proof obligations are here. I think the easiest way to see this is to say that PinDrop is actually the main and only kind of destructor that formally exists, and impl Drop for T is actually syntactic sugar for impl PinDrop which calls the unsafe method PinMut::get_mut and then calls Drop::drop. This is auto-generated unsafe code, however, because pinning is a "local extension" (i.e., it is backwards compatible with existing unsafe code), that unsafe code is always safe if the given type does not care about pinning.

Slightly more formally speaking, there is a "default pinning invariant" that types have if their author does not care about pinning. Types using that default pinning invariant are automatically Unpin. Writing impl Drop for a type that has a custom invariant asserts that the type uses the "default pinning invariant". This is slightly fishy as it feels a bit like there was a proof obligation here, but there is no unsafe to warn about this -- and indeed this is not perfect, but backwards-compatibility is important so what can you do. It's not a catastrophe either, because one can argue what this really means is that it changes the proof obligation that is incurred on unsafe code elsewhere, to the extend that this unsafe code must work with the "default pinning invariant". If there is no unsafe code elsewhere in this module, everything is fine.

I could even imagine that we could add a lint against impl Drop for T unless T: Unpin, maybe restricted to the case where the module defining the type has unsafe code in it. That would be a place to educate people about the issue an encourage them to either unsafe impl Unpin (formally asserting that they use the default pinning invariant), or else impl PinDrop.


Does that summarize the proposal?

Yes, more or less (I think your proposal is actually significantly more ambitious than mine since it seems to propose automatically performing projections if Drop isn't implemented, which I think is probably a forwards compatibility issue for libraries; but maybe there's some way around that).

The part I don't understand is your last paragraph, could you give an example demonstrating what you are worried about?

Broadly speaking: I'm worried about two fields that live directly on the the same structure, one of which mutates the other when its Drop is called (possibly relying on things like drop order for safety) in a way that violates pinning invariants of the other field, but preserves its structural integrity (thus letting you witness violations of the pinning invariant). This obviously cannot use completely safe code (or else it would get rejected by dropck, among other things), so my concern is only about some hypothetical case where the destructors on the fields' types were safe to run when the fields are pinned in separate structures, but not safe when they are pinned in the same structure. My hope is that there are no such cases unless there is a shared invariant that includes the structure the fields are contained in; if there is such an invariant, we know that it must be aware that its components are not respecting the custom invariant properly and we can therefore blame code somewhere in the module.

I think the easiest way to see this is to say that PinDrop is actually the main and only kind of destructor that formally exists, and impl Drop for T is actually syntactic sugar for impl PinDrop which calls the unsafe method PinMut::get_mut and then calls Drop::drop.

Agreed. Unfortunately this avenue wasn't open to the current solution since it tries to do things in a library.

Slightly more formally speaking, there is a "default pinning invariant" that types have if their author does not care about pinning. Types using that default pinning invariant are automatically Unpin. Writing impl Drop for a type that has a custom invariant asserts that the type uses the "default pinning invariant". This is slightly fishy as it feels a bit like there was a proof obligation here, but there is no unsafe to warn about this -- and indeed this is not perfect, but backwards-compatibility is important so what can you do.

Yes, this is roughly what I have in mind... I'm just worried that I don't have a good intuition for what it would mean to actually formalize this "unsafe code in the module" guarantee. I do like your idea of a lint (I like anything that gets more people using PinDrop, in fact!) but I think unsafe impl Unpin would probably be wrong far too often for it to be a good thing to suggest, at least for types with generic public fields (but then again, for structures that don't have such fields, it would actually be true pretty often... it's largely true of the standard library, for example).

I wrote an example of how #[derive(PinnedFields)] could work:

I've seen people assert that derives like this are "not sound" but afaik that is not true. You would need to use unsafe code to do something that would conflict with the code generated by this derive - that is, this makes other unsafe code unsound (and I think that code - moving around ?Unpin data - is something that you can/should always avoid).

EDIT: Okay, actually read the last few posts about destructors. Will process.

@withoutboats Yeah, I think you've already seen this, but the issue was that unsafe code in a correct !Unpin type could be invalidated by a safe destructor on a type that derived PinFields (so there was no unsafe code in the module for the type that derived PinFields except for the autogenerated stuff). That's the problematic part. Take a look at the design I linked, though (ignoring the stylistic choice to create a separate structure rather than derive individual accessors--that was just me trying to make it support as many use cases as possible with the borrow checker). I was worried for a while, but I am now pretty sure #[derive(PinFields)] can still work, it just requires taking care in making sure that Drop isn't directly implemented.

I also want to bring up another point I've been thinking about (that I haven't yet seen directly resolved anywhere?): I think something that would make Pin much more usable and integrate better into existing code, would be to firmly come down on the side of essentially all of the pointer types being Unpin. That is, making &mut T, &T, *const T, *mut T, Box<T>, and so on all be considered Unpin for any T. While it may seems fishy to allow something like, say, Box<T> to be Unpin, it makes sense when you consider that you can't get a Pin to the interior of the Box out of a Pin<Box<T>>. I think this only allowing !Unpin to infect things that are "inline" is a very reasonable approach--I don't have a single use case for allowing pinning to become viral across references, and it makes the semantics of any eventual &pin type very pleasing (I worked out a table for how it would interact with the other pointer types in that scenario, and essentially if you ignore moves it makes &mut pin act the same as &mut, &pin act the same as &, and box pin act the same as box with respect to the relationship with other pointers). It's also not operationally important, as far as I can tell: in general moving a value of type A containing a pointer to a value of type B doesn't move the pointed-to value of type B, unless the value of type B is inline in the value of type A--but if that's the case, then A is automatically !Unpin since it contains B without a pointer indirection. Perhaps most importantly, it would mean that a large percentage of the types that would currently need a manual unsafe implementation of !Unpin would not need one, since most collections only hold a T behind a pointer indirection. That would both allow the current Drop to continue working, and allow these types to implement PinDrop without changing their semantics (since if a type is Unpin it can treat a Pin'd argument as &mut anyway).

I may be missing some reason why this sort of transitive pinning would be a good idea, but thus far I haven't found any. The only operational thing I might be worried about is whether it is actually possible to implement this behavior with auto traits--I think it probably would, but maybe in some cases where people are using PhantomData<T> but actually have an owned pointer to T, it would be good for them to change it to PhantomData<Box<T>>. Typically we think of those as being exactly the same semantically, but with pinning that's not completely true.

@pythonesque The terminology of "a new language" and such is kind of hazing the situation to me. My impression of what you do is:

  • By default, #[derive(PinFields)] generates a no-op Drop impl. This guarantees that you do not ever access the pinned field in the destructor.
  • An optional attribute changes this Drop impl to call PinDrop::pin_drop, and you're supposed to implement PinDrop.

Is this right?

I also believe that this whole thing only mattered if we extended the guarantees of Pin to support intrusive collections. Is this consistent with your understanding @RalfJung and @pythonesque?

All of this is rather frustrating, because what seems clear is that Drop just should take self by Pin! Making a more radical (possibly epochal) change seems appealing, but I don't see a way that isn't hugely disruptive.

Here's an example of the sort of unsoundness access to pinned fields + drop can cause:

The type Foo is passing an internal buffer to some sort of external API that requires the buffer to stay where it is until it is explicitly unlinked. As far as I am aware this is sound under the constraints that @cramertj proposed, after a Pin<Foo> is created you are guaranteed that it is not moved until after Drop has been called on it (with the proviso that it could instead be leaked and Drop is never called, but in that case you are guaranteed it will never be moved).

The type Bar then breaks this by moving the Foo during its Drop implementation.

I am using a very similar structure to Foo to support a radio peripheral that communicates via DMA, I can have a StableStream with an internal buffer that is written to by the radio.


Is this right?

Yes, except that it doesn't actually generate a no-op Drop impl (because types that don't implement Drop in Rust work better in general). Instead it tries to assert that Drop hasn't been implemented using some fishy library features (it works on stable but breaks under specialization--I think there's a variant that should work under specialization but doesn't right now because of issues with associated constants). If it were made a language feature it would be pretty easy to enforce this.

I also believe that this whole thing only mattered if we extended the guarantees of Pin to support intrusive collections. Is this consistent with your understanding @ralfj and @pythonesque?

No, that's not the case, unfortunately. The counterexample linked above has nothing to do with the extra guarantees for intrusive collections. A Pin'd type already has to be able to assume that it won't move before it's used again even without that guarantee, since if a method is called twice on a value from behind a pinned reference the value has no way of knowing whether it moved between the two calls. The extra guarantees that are needed to make it useful for intrusive collections add an additional thing about having to call drop before the memory is freed, but even without that guarantee drop can still be called on something that's currently pinned (behind a PinBox, for instance). If the thing that's dropped happens to include inline fields, and we allow projecting the pin from the thing that's dropped to those fields, then the destructor of the outer type can still move the inner field, pin it again (by putting the moved-out field value in a PinBox, for instance), and then call methods on it that are expecting references from when it was pinned before to still be valid. I don't really see any way around it; as long as you can implement drop, you can have this problem for any inline !Unpin field. That's why I think the least bad solution is to not let people implement drop if they want to pinning to work correctly.

All of this is rather frustrating, because what seems clear is that Drop just should take self by Pin! Making a more radical (possibly epochal) change seems appealing, but I don't see a way that isn't hugely disruptive.

Yeah, it really is annoying... I was very sulky about it for about a week. But as Ralf pointed out, we would've had to wait three more years for 1.0 before anyone figured this out... and there will always be something more.

If the thing that's dropped happens to include inline fields, and we allow projecting the pin from the thing that's dropped to those fields, then the destructor of the outer type can still move the inner field and then call methods on it that are expecting references from when it was pinned to still be valid.

The emphasized portion seems like a very big deal to me; in fact, it seems like the crux of the issue.

Initially I imagined this code, which uses our only method we have that actually cares about internal addresses:

struct TwoFutures<F>(F, F);

impl Drop for TwoFutures {
     fn drop(&mut self) {
          mem::swap(&mut self.0, &mut self.1);
          unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.0).poll() }

But it involves unsafe code to get back to the Pin! That code should just be considered unsound.

Can we rule out the ability for methods that take &self and &mut self to rely on the validity of internal addresses for soundness? What does that look like?

@withoutboats Even if only methods that take Pin<Self> rely on validity of internal addresses for soundness, you can still have the issue. The destructor of the outer type can mem::replace the field of the inner type (using its own &mut self reference), then PinBox::new the value, and then call a pinned method on it. No unsafe required. The only reason it's not an issue without being able to project pinned fields is that it's considered acceptable for a type that actually implements weird !Unpin methods using unsafe (or shares an invariant with a type that does) to have proof obligations on its drop implementation even if it only uses safe code there. But you can't ask that of types that just happen to contain a type that is !Unpin and have no unsafe code of their own.


I think your proposal is actually significantly more ambitious than mine since it seems to propose automatically performing projections if Drop isn't implemented, which I think is probably a forwards compatibility issue for libraries; but maybe there's some way around that

Well I think we want to do that eventually. How is that a compatibility issue?

I'm worried about two fields that live directly on the the same structure, one of which mutates the other when its Drop is called (possibly relying on things like drop order for safety) in a way that violates pinning invariants of the other field, but preserves its structural integrity (thus letting you witness violations of the pinning invariant).

But that would currently be illegal already. You must not violate other's invariants.

but I think unsafe impl Unpin would probably be wrong far too often for it to be a good thing to suggest, at least for types with generic public fields

I think it will actually be correct most of the time -- I expect most people will not provide any accessors for Pin<Self>, and in that case they are likely using the default pinning invariant and hence it is okay to unsafe impl Unpin for them.

I think something that would make Pin much more usable and integrate better into existing code, would be to firmly come down on the side of essentially all of the pointer types being Unpin. That is, making &mut T, &T, *const T, *mut T, Box, and so on all be considered Unpin for any T. While it may seems fishy to allow something like, say, Box to be Unpin, it makes sense when you consider that you can't get a Pin to the interior of the Box out of a Pin>.

I agree that this will likely happen (also see my comment at Currently I feel we should wait a bit until we feel more confident in the entire pinning thing, but indeed I see very little point in enforcing pinning beyond pointer indirections.
I am not sure how I feel about doing this to raw pointers though, we are usually extremely conservative about auto traits for them as they are used in all sorts of crazy ways.


I wrote an example of how #[derive(PinnedFields)] could work:

@pythonesque already said this, this but just to be clear: That library is unsound. Using it with @MicahChalmer's drop issue I can break any pinned type that actually relies on pinning. This is independent of the additional guarantee about drop being called. Let me know if an example is still needed. ;)


That library is unsound.

To clarify, the derive is just unsafe, and can't be used in combination with a manual Drop impl. By using the derive, you promise not to do any of the bad things listed in an implementation of Drop. changes the pinning API, most importantly it renames Pin to PinMut to make room for adding a shared Pin in the future.

To clarify, the derive is just unsafe, and can't be used in combination with a manual Drop impl.

Agreed, making it unsafe that way would work. Though the test makes it look like currently it's not actually marked unsafe?

@RalfJung Right, I don't think it is at the moment. Another option i just thought of would be to have the "safe" version create an implementation of Drop for the type, blocking other manual impls of Drop. There could be an unsafe flag to turn this off. WDYT?

@cramertj yes that should also work. It would however have side-effects like more restrictive dropck and not being able to move out of fields.

@pythonesque and I had a call on Monday to discuss this. Here's a summary.

We concluded that probably the "correct" behavior would have been for Drop to take self by pin. However, transitioning to that is daunting. Though it is possible with an edition change in some form I belief, this would be extremely disruptive.

A backwards compatible change is to just make it somehow incoherent for types that can be "pin projected" to implement Drop. In his repository, @pythonesque has implemented this by generating impls from a convoluted set of traits.

One could imagine a built-in form that is a bit simpler:

  • A marker trait, let's call it PinProjection, controls whether or not a type can be pin projected. It is incoherent (through compiler built-in magic) to implement both PinProjection and Drop.
  • Another trait, PinDrop, extends PinProjection to provide an alternative destructor to Drop.

Derives for generating pin projection methods like the ones @pythonesque and I have shown will also generate impls of PinProjection for the type.


We concluded that probably the "correct" behavior would have been for Drop to take self by pin. However, transitioning to that is daunting. Though it is possible with an edition change in some form I belief, this would be extremely disruptive.

Just wondering, IF we wanted to do such a thing one day, is what you're proposing future-compatible?

For example, let's say we decided to...

  • make Drop magically accept both Pinned and non-Pinned forms, OR
  • rewrite everyone's Drop signatures for them as part of the automatic upgrade to Rust 2021 :)

(I'm not proposing either of these, but it seems hard to answer the question without concrete examples.)

@tmandry That's essentially the idea.

The big problem is a generic Drop implementation which moves the type parameter:

struct MyType<T>(Option<T>);

impl<T> Drop for MyType<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let moved = self.0.take();

The sort of automatic upgrade you're talking about would just break this Drop impl, which is only valid if we add a bound that T: Unpin.

I don't know of any valid use cases for actually moving ?Unpin data around in a destructor, so its just this case, in which it technically could but isn't meant to, that is really a problem.


Another trait, PinDrop, extends PinProjection to provide an alternative destructor to Drop.

Why does PinDrop extend PinProjection? That seems unnecessary.

Also this could maybe be made slightly smarter by saying that PinProjection and Drop are incompatible unless the type is Unpin (or finding some other way of removing all these new distinctions/restrictions for Unpin types).

@RalfJung we'd want PinDrop and Drop to be mutually exclusive somehow. Ultimately there are a few ways to implement this with different trade offs; I think we need an RFC for it regardless because its not a small change.

@withoutboats Agreed. I figured the exclusivity could arise from a special treatment of PinDrop, but there are obviously several ways to do that. I think it'd be very useful if Unpin types do not have to care; together with making all pointer types Unpin unconditionally this will probably help reduce the number of cases where people even have to know about this.

@withoutboats Also worth noting that the main instances I can think of where people want to, say, move generic data around in a Vec in a destructor (I chose Vec because IIRC people would like to implement methods on Vec that actually care about Pin, which means it couldn't unconditionally implement Unpin), it's actually a &mut Vec<T> or Vec<&mut T> or something. I mostly bring that up because these are cases that would probably be tripped up by the lint @RalfJung suggested, and hopefully people will therefore be able to move to PinDrop easily in those cases rather than unsafe impl Unpin (theoretically they always can do the former, of course, by bounding T with Unpin in the type, but that will be a breaking change to clients of the library).

Also, it is worth noting that while this does add a few more traits than we'd like, the traits are ones that will pretty much, never, ever show up in anyone's type signature. In particular PinProjection is a completely pointless bound unless you're writing a #[derive(PinFields)] macro because the compiler will always (I believe) be able to determine whether PinProjection holds if it can figure out what the fields on the type are, and the only thing it's useful for is projecting fields. Similarly, PinDrop should basically never need to be a bound for anything, for the same reason that Drop is almost never used as a bound. Even trait objects should be largely unaffected (unless someday we get "associated fields" I guess, but with a new feature like that we could mandate that traits with associated fields were only implementable on PinProjection types, which would neatly solve that problem).


Well I think we want to do that eventually. How is that a compatibility issue?

I suppose it's not more of one than adding a type that unimplements Send or Sync, the difference being that neither of those affect the core language to quite the same extent that this would. Doing it completely automatically seems analogous to how Rust used to treat Copy (types were always Copy if they only contained Copy types and didn't implement Drop) which was eventually changed to make it explicit because, presumably, people didn't like the fact that adding a trait (Drop) could break generic code without them realizing it (since the whole point of coherence is that additional trait implementations shouldn't break downstream crates). This seems almost identical, just with PinProjection instead of Copy. I actually liked the old behavior, I just think it would be hard to justify PinProjection working this way when Copy doesn't.

But that would currently be illegal already. You must not violate other's invariants.

Yeah, the more I think about this, the less plausible it seems that it could be a problem.

I think it will actually be correct most of the time

Well, yes, but only because most types don't implement any methods that require Pin or expose their generic fields as public. While the latter is unlikely to change, the former is not--I expect at least some of the stdlib types that are currently !Unpin to add pin projecting methods, at which point the unsafe implementation wouldn't be valid anymore. So it seems like a pretty fragile thing to me. Moreover, I am worried about increasing the amount of "boilerplate" unsafe code that people have to write; I think Send and Sync bounds are unsafe impl'd correctly about as often as they're implemented incorrectly, and Unpin would be even more insidious because the usually correct version doesn't have any bounds on T. So it seems vastly preferable to steer people towards PinDrop (I do understand why you're wary of doing it for raw pointer types, though. I'm just worried that already-unsafe code will be even more likely to do an unsafe impl without thinking, but the more I think about it the more it seems like the default for raw pointers is probably correct and flagging it with your lint would be useful).

I think it'd be very useful if Unpin types do not have to care.

I sort of agree, but since like I said people won't be using PinProjection as an actual bound, I'm not sure how much it would matter in practice. There's already a DerefMut implementation for PinMut where T: Unpin so you wouldn't get any benefit out of it today. A rule implemented in the compiler (for projections) would presumably turn PinMut::new into a kind of &pin reborrow for Unpin types, but that has nothing to do with field projections really. And since deriving PinProjection doesn't require PinProjection for its fields, you wouldn't need it just to satisfy bounds on a derive on another type. So really, what is the gain? The only thing it would really let you do is implement Drop and derive PinProjections at the same time, but we would always want people to implement PinDrop if possible anyway so that would be a net negative IMO.

I chose Vec because IIRC people would like to implement methods on Vec that actually care about Pin, which means it couldn't unconditionally implement Unpin

Hm, I don't think I like that. If Box is unconditionionally Unpin, I feel Vec should be the same. The two types are usually pretty much equivalent in their ownership.

Also we have to be careful about the drop guarantee; Vec::drain for example can lead to things being leaked in case of a panic.

This seems almost identical, just with PinProjection instead of Copy

Oh, now I understand your question. I was not actually talking about auto-deriving PinProjections as my proposal did not have a trait like that -- but indeed one consequence of my proposal would be that adding Drop is a breaking change if you have public fields.

The only thing it would really let you do is implement Drop and derive PinProjections at the same time, but we would always want people to implement PinDrop if possible anyway so that would be a net negative IMO.

That was actually the point. The less people have to care about all this pinning stuff, the better.

Clarification question: In your and @withoutboats's proposal, is PinDrop a lang item and treated by the compiler as a replacement for Drop, or is it just the trait used by derive(PinProjections) to implement Drop?

Also we have to be careful about the drop guarantee; Vec::drain for example can lead to things being leaked in case of a panic.

Well, that's true, but it doesn't actually deallocate any memory, correct? To be clear, I'd actually prefer if Vec did unconditionally implement Unpin since it would make it easier for people to just switch to PinDrop, but there was definitely talk in some of the pinning discussion about letting you pin to backing elements. Once you start talking about fields being pinned, it becomes clear that you can't always just turn the Vec into a Box<[T]> in place and then pin it, so it might actually have some value at that point (though obviously you could also add a PinVec type instead of a Vec type, as was done for Box).

That was actually the point. The less people have to care about all this pinning stuff, the better.

Hm, from my perspective that would be true initially, but in the long run we'd want to migrate as many people as possible over to a default of PinDrop, especially if the type was actually bothering to #[derive(PinProjections)] (which, again, wouldn't even be needed for any purpose if the type was Unpin--it would probably only happen in stuff like generated code). Then (maybe after &pin had been in the language for a while) you could have an epoch change that switched Drop over to DeprecatedDrop or something. For Unpin types just changing the type signature from &mut to &mut pin would pretty much solve everything though, so maybe this isn't really needed.

Clarification question: In your and @withoutboats's proposal, is PinDrop a lang item and treated by the compiler as a replacement for Drop, or is it just the trait used by derive(PinProjections) to implement Drop?

The former.

This whole Drop discussion seems like a pretty drastic oversight on behalf of the original RFC. Would it be valuable to open a new RFC to discuss this? It's somewhat hard to follow what the concerns are, which concerns are more pernicious than others, exactly how much more machinery we're going to be needing to add to the language than we originally thought, how much breakage we ought to expect (and whether it can be mitigated by the edition) in the worst and best case scenarios, how we might transition to anything that succeeds Drop, and whether we could punt on all this and still meet our goals for 2018 via some other means (like how suggests hiding Pin from all public APIs in order to not block on stabilization).

@bstrie I think there's only one major concern, but it's a pretty substantial one. The RFC was approved with the understanding that an eventual &pin mut type could at some point make this sort of code safe:

struct Foo<T> { foo : T }

fn bar<T>(x: &pin mut Foo<T>) -> &pin mut T {
  &pin mut

It's important for this kind of code to be safe because in practice, pinned references aren't really composable otherwise in safe code, so for example implementing any of the futures combinators would require the use of unsafe. At the time, it was thought that the use of unsafe could be lifted in most cases and therefore it wouldn't be a big deal.

Unfortunately whether this is safe depends on the Drop implementation for Foo. So if we want to support safe field projections (be it via a language feature, a custom #[derive], or any other mechanism) we have to be able to guarantee that such bad Drop implementations can't happen.

The alternative that seems to work best both enables the above code to work without the use of unsafe (with only the addition of a #[derive(PinProjections)] on top of the structure) and does not break any existing code. It can be added backwards-compatibly even if Pin is already stabilized and can even be added as a pure library (with a severe ergonomic hit). It is compatible both with #[derive] macros to generate accessors and an eventual &pin native reference type. While it requires adding at least one new trait (and possibly two, depending on how the pinned version of Drop is implemented), they never need to appear anywhere in where clauses or trait objects, and the new version of drop only needs to be implemented for types that currently have a Drop implementation and want to opt into pin projections.

Just because a solution seems like it doesn't have many downsides doesn't mean it is not a substantial change, so I think that we will almost certainly create an RFC for this proposal (@withoutboats and I discussed doing this on the call). It would be fine to punt on it in isolation, since it's fully backwards-compatible. Personally, though, I think it makes more sense to push through this change rather than get rid of pinning elsewhere.

Most people's concern with PinMut in public APIs is precisely that it will require either unsafe or threading through Unpin bounds everywhere, and this proposal solves that issue. The alternatives discussed in rust-lang/rfcs#2418 seem much more controversial, both in the actual mechanics of the way it wants to avoid dealing with pinning (which involves the proliferation of various other traits that will appear in public APIs and documentation) and in the overall complexity of the solution. Indeed, even if pinning were completely resolved, I think there are a number of questions that people don't feel have been adequately resolved with that RFC, so I think there's at least a decent chance that an RFC adding safe pin projections could end up being accepted before it.

It's true that pinning is in its early days (and I know I complained about it seeming like it was being stabilized much too quickly), but I believe the lack of safe field projection is the last major thing that discourages people from using it at all. For the sake of completeness, here are all the issues I've seen people raise with pinning, their proposed solutions, and whether the solution is backwards compatible with the existing Pin type (in very rough, biased order of how controversial I perceive the issue to be at the moment):

  • This one (can we make projecting fields be done in safe code?). To be resolved by the upcoming RFC (where possible implementation strategies will be spelled out, as well as other alternatives we considered and why they had to be discarded). All variations of the proposed resolution are backwards compatible.
  • Should pinning a value of !Unpin type with a manual destructor imply an additional guarantee (that the value's backing memory is not invalidated until after the destructor is called), aka "changes for intrusive collections"?

    Still unresolved, mostly because it could break the proposed stack pinning API; if a stack pinning API that preserves this guarantee can be made to work with async / await most stakeholders seem willing to accept this (IIRC someone already tried to solve this using generators but rustc ICE'd).

    Not backwards compatible with the old guarantees; requiring unsafe code to enforce the guarantee for now is compatible with both possible outcomes, but only if the unsafe code isn't allowed to rely on it being enforced for correctness. Thus, this certainly requires resolution one way or the other before pinning is stabilized.

    Fortunately, users of pinning for Futures can ignore this besides the shape of the stack pinning API. The closure-based stack pinning API is compatible with either resolution, so Future users not using async / await can use the closure-based API today without waiting for this to be decided. The decision most impacts people who want to use pinning for other purposes (like intrusive collections).

  • Should raw pointers be unconditionally Unpin? Still unresolved (I think I'm the only one who proposed it and I am still pretty much 50-50 on it). Would not be backwards compatible; I am marking this as controversial primarily for that reason.
  • Should standard library types like Vec be made unconditionally Unpin, or should they have Pin field accessors added? Still unresolved, and may need resolution on a case by case basis. For any given safe wrapper type, either adding the accessors or making the type unconditionally Unpin is backwards compatible.
  • Should PinMut::deref be removed? The answer basically seems to be "no" since the advantages of keeping it seem to far outweigh the disadvantages, and there seem to be workarounds for the cases that originally made people want it (specifically, Pin<RefCell<T>>). Changing it would be backwards incompatible.
  • How should we provide field accessors in the short term (ignoring the drop issues)? Still unresolved: two options presented so far are and Resolution is fully backwards compatible, since after the drop changes this can be done soundly in a macro purely in library code.
  • How should we provide field accessors in the long term (i.e. should there be custom &mut pin and &pin Rust types? How should reborrowing work?). Still unresolved, but backwards compatible with all other proposed changes (to the best of my knowledge) and can obviously be punted indefinitely.
  • Should safe reference-like types should be unconditionally Unpin? Seems to be resolved (yes, they should). Resolution is fully backwards compatible.
  • Should we have a shared Pin type in addition to a unique Pin one, in order to make field accessors feasible (it doesn't work with &Pin because that's a reference to a reference)? Resolution was changing Pin to PinMut and adding a Pin type for the shared case. This was not backwards compatible, but the breaking change (Pin to PinMut) was already made, and I'm pretty sure this has effectively been accepted already.

I think that pretty much covers it. As you can see all of them (besides the raw pointers and deref decision, the latter of which seems to be largely resolved at this point) have some backwards-compatible path forwards, even if pinning were stabilized today; more importantly, the fact that we can resolve field projections means that using a pinned type in your API isn't destined to be a decision you later come to regret.

In addition to the above questions, there have been other proposals that aim to rethink pinning in a much more fundamental way. The two that I think I understand the best are the @comex proposal to make !Unpin types !DynSized, and the steven099 (on internals; sorry, I don't know the Github name) proposal to have a new unsized Pinned wrapper type that makes the internals immovable (sort of like a ZST wrapper).

The !DynSized option is a fairly conservative feature (in the sense that Rust already has a similar trait available) that has the advantage that it may already be needed for dealing with opaque types. In this sense, it may be even less invasive than the proposed changes to Drop. It has a high upside as well: it automatically solves the issue with Drop because !Unpin types would be !DynSized and therefore one would not be able to move out of them. This would make &mut T and &T automatically function as PinMut and Pin wherever T was !DynSized, so you wouldn't need a proliferation of pinned versions of types and methods working on &mut T could often be made to work normally (if they were amended to not require a DynSized bound when they didn't need one).

The major downside (besides the usual concerns around ?Trait) seems to be that a !Unpin type could never be moved, which is quite different from the situation with pinned types currently. This means that composing two pinned types without using a reference would not really be possible (as far as .I can tell, anyway) and I'm not sure how or whether there is any proposed resolution to this; IIRC this was intended to work alongside a &move proposal, but I am not sure what the intended semantics of that are. I also don't understand (from the proposal) how you could have safe field projections with it, since it relies on opaque types; it seems like you'd have to use a lot of unsafe code in general to use it.

The unsized Pinned<T> type is somewhat similar in spirit, but wants to get around the above problem by allowing you to wrap a type in a ZST that makes it immovable (effectively acting unsized). Rust doesn't have anything quite comparable at the moment: PhantomData doesn't actually include an instance of the type, and the other dynamically sized types generate fat pointers and still allow moves (using APIs relying on size_of_val; this is what ?DynSized was intended to fix, so this proposal probably piggybacks on that trait again). It doesn't seem to me like this proposal actually fixes the Drop issue if you allow safe projections, and it also seems incompatible with Deref, so to me the advantages over Pin are not so clear.

if a stack pinning API that preserves this guarantee can be made to work with async / await most stakeholders seem willing to accept this (IIRC someone already tried to solve this using generators but rustc ICE'd)

For reference, this is probably refererring to which is from this attempt at a nested generator based stack pinning API. I'm not certain whether the lifetimes there would work even if the ICE is resolved though.

Still unresolved, mostly because it could break the proposed stack pinning API; if a stack pinning API that preserves this guarantee can be made to work with async / await most stakeholders seem willing to accept this (IIRC someone already tried to solve this using generators but rustc ICE'd).

I see the closure-based stack pinning API as a solution to this, with a future avenue (once &pin is a language primitive) for something more ergonomic and checked by the compiler. There is also this macro-based solution proposed by @cramertj.

Should raw pointers be unconditionally Unpin? [...] Would not be backwards compatible; I am marking this as controversial primarily for that reason.

Why do you think that adding an impl Unpin for Vec<T> is backwards compatible but doing the same for raw pointers is not?

The major downside (besides the usual concerns around ?Trait) seems to be that a !Unpin type could never be moved, which is quite different from the situation with pinned types currently. This means that composing two pinned types without using a reference would not really be possible (as far as .I can tell, anyway) and I'm not sure how or whether there is any proposed resolution to this; IIRC this was intended to work alongside a &move proposal, but I am not sure what the intended semantics of that are.

Well, under @steven099's variant proposal (which I preferred), most users would (for now) use a Pinned<T>, which contains T by value but is !Sized (and maybe !DynSized; exact design for the trait hierarchy is open to bikeshedding). This actually ends up looking very similar to the existing proposal, except with &'a mut Pinned<T> standing in for Pin<'a, T>. But it's more composable with current and future code that's generic on &mut T (for T: ?Sized), and it's more backwards-compatible with a future design for true, native immovable types that wouldn't have to use Pinned.

To go into more detail, Pinned could look like this:

extern { type MakeMeUnsized; }

struct Pinned<T> {
    val: T,
    _make_me_unsized: MakeMeUnsized,

You wouldn't generally construct a Pinned<T> directly. Instead, you'd be able to cast from Foo<T> to Foo<Pinned<T>>, where Foo is any smart pointer that guarantees it won't move its contents:

// This would actually be a method on Box:
fn pin_box<T>(b: Box<T>) -> Box<Pinned<T>> {
    unsafe { transmute(b) }

(There could also be a stack pinning API, probably based on a macro, but that's a bit more complicated to implement.)

In this example, FakeGenerator stands in for a compiler-generated generator type:

enum FakeGenerator {
    SelfBorrowing { val: i32, reference_to_val: *const i32 },

Once a FakeGenerator value is pinned, user code must no longer be able to access it directly by value (foo: FakeGenerator) or even by reference (foo: &mut FakeGenerator), since the latter would allow using swap or replace. Instead, user code works directly with, e.g., &mut Pinned<FakeGenerator>. Again, this is very similar to the rules for the existing proposal's PinMut<'a, FakeGenerator>. But as an example of better composability, the compiler-generated impl can use the existing Iterator trait, rather than needing a new one that takes Pin<Self>:

impl Iterator for Pinned<FakeGenerator> {
    type Item = i32;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        /* elided */

On the other hand, for initial construction, we can hand out FakeGenerator values directly and allow them to be moved around, as long as we guarantee that only non-self-borrowing states are accessible before being pinned:

impl FakeGenerator {
    fn new() -> Self { FakeGenerator::Initial }

So, if we want to compose two FakeGenerators by value, construction is straightforward:

struct TwoGenerators {
    a: FakeGenerator,
    b: FakeGenerator,

impl TwoGenerators {
    fn new() -> Self {
        TwoGenerators {
            a: FakeGenerator::new(),
            b: FakeGenerator::new(),

Then we can pin the TwoGenerators object as a whole:

let generator = pin_box(Box::new(TwoGenerators::new()));

But, as you mentioned, we need field projections: a way to go from &mut Pinned<TwoGenerators> to &mut Pinned<FakeGenerator> (accessing either a or b). Here too, this ends up looking very similar to the existing Pin design. For now, we would use a macro to generate accessors:

// Some helper methods:
impl<T> Pinned<T> {
    // Only call this if you can promise not to call swap/replace/etc.:
    unsafe fn unpin_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.val
    // Only call this if you promise not to call swap/replace/etc. on the
    // *input*, after the borrow is over.
    unsafe fn with_mut(ptr: &mut T) -> &mut Pinned<T> {
        &mut *(ptr as *mut T as *mut Pinned<T>)

// These accessors would be macro-generated:
impl Pinned<TwoGenerators> {
    fn a(&mut self) -> &mut Pinned<FakeGenerator> {
        unsafe { Pinned::with_mut(&mut self.unpin_mut().a) }
    fn b(&mut self) -> &mut Pinned<FakeGenerator> {
        unsafe { Pinned::with_mut(&mut self.unpin_mut().b) }

However, just like the existing design, the macro would need to prevent the user from implementing Drop for TwoGenerators. On the other hand, ideally the compiler would allow us to impl Drop for Pinned<TwoGenerators>. It currently rejects this with an error that "Implementations of Drop cannot be specialized", but that could be changed. IMO this would be a bit nicer than PinDrop, since we wouldn't need a new trait.

Now, as a future extension, in principle the compiler could support using native field syntax to go from Pinned<Struct> to Pinned<Field>, akin to the suggestion under the existing design that the compiler could add a native &pin T. This might be a good idea, as it wouldn't require much implementation work, relatively speaking.

However, my ideal "endgame" is not that, but something more dramatic (and more complex to implement) where the compiler would someday support "native" immovable types, including existential lifetimes. Something like:

struct SelfReferential {
    foo: i32,
    ref_to_foo: &'foo i32,

These types would behave like Pinned<T>, in being !Sized etc. [1] However, unlike with Pinned, they wouldn't require an initial movable state. Instead, they would work based on "guaranteed copy elision", where the compiler would allow using immovable types in function return values, struct literals, and various other places, but guarantee that under the hood, they'd be constructed in place. So not only could we write:

let sr = SelfReferential { foo: 5, ref_to_foo: & };

(which you can already sorta kinda do)... we could also write things like:

fn make_self_referential() -> SelfReferential {
    let sr = SelfReferential { foo: 5, ref_to_foo: & };


let sr: Box<SelfReferential> = box SelfReferential { foo: 5, ref_to_foo: & };

Of course, the above is only a very rough sketch of what the feature would look like; the syntax I used has issues, and syntax would be the least of the many complexities involved in designing the feature. (That said, I've thought about it enough that I'm pretty confident the complexities can be worked out – that it's not just an incoherent idea that can't work.)

I'm just mentioning it as part of the motivation, back in the present, for using a !DynSized-ish design instead of the existing Pin design. I think &'a Pinned<T> is already better than Pin<'a, T> because it avoids a combinatorial explosion of pointer types. But it does inherit some of the same problems:

  1. It fundamentally doesn't support types that lack an initial movable state, and
  2. It's noisy, confusing (the difference between pinned and non-pinned references to the same type is hard to explain), and it makes immovable types feel second-class. I want immovable, self-referential types to feel first-class – both because they're inherently useful, and to make Rust look better to people coming from other languages, where making self-referential values is easy and common.

In the future I'm envisioning, native immovable types would solve both problems, and most code would never need to use the word "pin". (Though Pinned might still have some use cases, for cases where copy elision isn't good enough and you really do need an initial movable state.) In contrast, Pin bakes the concept of a separate "not-yet-pinned" state into the design of every trait that uses it. And a built-in &pin would bake it into the language.

Anyway, here is a playground link for the Pinned design above.

[1] ...though we may want a new trait ReallySized (with a less silly name), for types that are statically sized but may or may not be movable. Thing is, there's going to be some churn here anyway, because with support for unsized rvalues, many functions that currently take Sized arguments could work just as well with unsized-but-movable ones. We'll be changing both the bounds of existing functions, and recommendations for what bounds to use for future functions. I claim it might even be worth having a future edition change the default (implied) bound for function generics, although this would have some downsides.

[edit: fixed code example]


I see the closure-based stack pinning API as a solution to this, with a future avenue (once &pin is a language primitive) for something more ergonomic and checked by the compiler. There is also this macro-based solution proposed by @cramertj.

The closure-based one doesn't work properly with async/await, I believe, because you can't yield from within a closure. The macro-based one is interesting, though; if that's really safe, it's pretty ingenious. I didn't think it could work at first because a panic during one of the drops in scope could lead to the others leaking, but apparently that's been fixed with MIR?

I was also not sure about the interaction between the "destructors run before memory is deallocated" guarantee and the ability to project pinned fields; if the top level drop panicked, I had thought that projected pinned fields in the value would not have their drops run. However, on the Rust playground it actually does seem that the fields of the type have their drops run anyway even after the top level type panics, which is quite exciting! Is that guarantee actually documented anywhere? It seems necessary if stack pinning is to work with pin projections (that, or something more heavyweight, like PinDrop always aborting on panic, which seems undesirable since it would introduce a functionality difference between Drop and PinDrop).

Why do you think that adding an impl Unpin for Vec is backwards compatible but doing the same for raw pointers is not?

I see your point: someone could be relying on the auto !Unpin implementation from an owned Vec<T> field and implementing their own accessors that assumed pinning was transitive for some particular !Unpin T. While it's true that PinMut<Vec<T>> doesn't actually provide you with any safe way to get a PinMut<T>, unsafe code could still exploit PinMut::deref to get raw pointers out and make assumptions about the pointers being stable. So I guess this is another situation where it's backwards compatible only if unsafe code doesn't rely on !Unpin being transitive through Vec (or whatever). However, that kind of heavy reliance on negative reasoning seems fishy to me anyway; if you want to make sure you're !Unpin where T isn't you can always add a PhantomData<T> (I guess this argument also applies to raw pointers). A blanket statement like "it's UB to assume types in the standard library are !Unpin in unsafe code, regardless of their type parameters, unless the type explicitly opts out or its documentation declares that this can be relied upon" would probably suffice.

The macro-based one is interesting, though; if that's really safe, it's pretty ingenious. I didn't think it could work at first because a panic during one of the drops in scope could lead to the others leaking, but apparently that's been fixed with MIR?

It would be a bug in MIR if panic-during-drop would lead to skipping the drop of the remaining local variables. That should just switch from "normal drop" to "unwinding drop". Another panic will then abort the program.


It would be a bug in MIR if panic-during-drop would lead to skipping the drop of the remaining local variables. That should just switch from "normal drop" to "unwinding drop". Another panic will then abort the program.

Are other fields in the structure being dropped considered local variables in this context? That's really not clear to me from any user facing documentation (actually, this is true of the entire guarantee you are talking about--I only found out it was actually considered a bug that needed to be fixed from the issue tracker).


The thing about Pinned (what you're proposing) is that I think if we wanted to implement it (once Rust had all the features in place) we wouldn't have to do much more than this to make it backwards compatible with existing code:

type PinMut<'a, T> = &'a mut Pinned<T>;
type Pin<'a, T> = &'a Pinned<T>;

(I think having a deref implementation from Pin to Pinned was also proposed). It's instructive to look at the places where it seems this wouldn't work. For example:

impl Drop for Pinned<TwoGenerators>

does not work (at least, not straightforwardly) with PinMut. Even if we assume that this replaces the Drop for TwoGenerators itself when the Pinned type is constructed (I'm not sure how this would work?), Rust would still not know to call the Pinned version of the constructor for any fields that were projected, since the fields would just be held by value. If the pinned version of a destructor was just always used if it existed, this is effectively identical to PinDrop, just with weird syntax, and I don't see how it's better.

However, one is tempted to consider choosing one's destructor by recursively analyzing whether a value was rooted at a Pinned. Observe that if we ever want to allow by-value trait objects, we cannot necessarily rely on being able to decide whether to use the Pinned<T> drop or the T drop at compile time; I suppose you are thinking there could be a separate vtable entry for the Pinned version in such cases? This idea is sort of intriguing to me. It definitely requires substantial compiler support (much moreso than the proposed PinDrop), but it might be overall nicer in some ways.

However, rereading the thread, I recall there are other problems: the deref implementation for pinned types really does not work well for Pinned<T> (I suspect this is because the deref implementation on PinMut is logically wrong in some way, which is why it keeps causing problems, but it is really hard to justify losing it given its convenience--unless you make a whole bunch of types unconditionally Unpin anyway). Specifically, I find the RefCell example pretty troubling since in the presence of Pinned::deref it means that we wouldn't even be able to enforce the pinning dynamically with the existing type (I don't know if specialization would be enough). This further suggests that if we keep the deref implementation, we'll have to end up duplicating API surface almost as much with Pinned as we do with Pin; and if we don't keep it, Pinned<T> becomes amazingly hard to use. It also doesn't seem like Box<Pinned<T>> would work unless we added ?Move separately from ?DynSized (as pointed out in the thread).

All of this may be a good idea, yet in the context of current Rust the whole thing seems kind of unappealing to me, especially when you consider that basically no methods in current Rust would have ?Move bounds (meaning the lack of a deref would really hurt, unless the type was Unpin in which case Pinned offers no advantages). I suspect it is modeling what's really going on more closely by making pinning an owning property, which in turn makes it harder to get away with ad hoc decisions like PinMut::deref and makes for a much more pleasing interface (subjectively anyway), but it adds a lot of language machinery in order to do so and it doesn't sound like you think any of it is particularly useful (compared to the native immovable types you are proposing). I also don't know if what we get that we couldn't get completely backwards-compatibly (mostly, calling a different drop implementation depending on pin status) is actually that useful, even if it can be done (maybe you could save a branch in the destructor sometimes if you knew the type was pinned?). So I'm not sure if it's worth changing the PinMut proposal at this point. But maybe I am missing some really compelling concrete use case.

The thing about Pinned (what you're proposing) is that I think if we wanted to implement it (once Rust had all the features in place) we wouldn't have to do much more than this to make it backwards compatible with existing code:

type PinMut<'a, T> = &'a mut Pinned<T>;
type Pin<'a, T> = &'a Pinned<T>;

First of all, Pinned itself would require minimal-to-no compiler support, if that's what you mean by "features". If you mean library design, like DynSized and related traits, then that's valid, but…

What you suggested wouldn't really be backwards compatible, since e.g. you might try to implement the same trait for both Pin<'a, T> and &'a T, which would suddenly become conflicting.

More generally, there's a significant difference in API designs. With Pin, traits expected to be impl'ed by immovable types must have their methods take PinMut<Self>, generic functions that want to take references to immovable types must look like fn foo<T>(p: PinMut<T>), etc. On the other hand, the Pinned design avoids the need for new traits in most cases, since you can impl traits for Pinned<MyStruct>. Thus:

  1. Immovable types would be incompatible with existing traits whose methods take &self or &mut self: for example, generators could not impl Iterator. So we would need a bunch of new traits that are equivalent to existing ones but take PinMut<Self> instead. If we changed course and made PinMut<T> an alias for &mut Pinned<T>, we could then go back and deprecate all those duplicate traits, but that'd be pretty silly. Better to not need the duplicates in the first place.

  2. On the other hand, newly designed or generator-specific traits would probably take PinMut<Self> as the only option, at the cost of adding noise for types which want to implement the traits but aren't immovable and don't need to be pinned. (Specifically, callers would have to call PinMut::new to go from &mut self to PinMut<Self>, assuming Self: Unpin.) Even if Pin<T> became an alias for &mut Pinned<T>, there would be no way to get rid of that noise. And the future native immovable types I'm envisioning would be in the same situation as movable types, unnecessarily needing to be wrapped in Pinned when they're always considered pinned.

I'll respond to the rest of your post in a second post.

Regarding Drop

I'm a bit confused by what you're saying about Drop, but to the extent you're trying to make it backwards compatible with PinMut, I'm not going to think about that because I don't think it's a good approach.

I think the best approach is that if you have a struct like TwoGenerators, you have two options:

  1. No manual Drop impl for either TwoGenerators or Pinned<TwoGenerators>;
  2. You impl Drop for Pinned<TwoGenerators>; meanwhile, the same macro that gives you accessors will generate a Drop impl for TwoGenerators itself that simply casts self to &mut Pinned<TwoGenerators> and drops that. (This is safe: the invariant required to cast &mut T to &mut Pinned<T> is that you won't move T after the borrow ends, and in the case of Drop, you have the last borrow that will ever be created for that value.)

The only reason to have two options is that, as mentioned previously, you might not want your struct to impl Drop because structs that don't impl it treated more loosely by the borrow checker.

I don't see why you'd want to have an actual separate destructor for the pinned versus not-pinned state, so there's no need to play tricks with vtables to differentiate them.

Regarding RefCell

I don't think Pinned::deref should exist. The safe macro-generated field accessors should be enough; I don't see how that's "amazingly hard to use". It's slightly less nice than being able to use native field syntax, but someday that'll be fixed by native immovable structs. Anyway, if it is hard to use, the same problem applies to Pin.

This avoids the issue with RefCell.

especially when you consider that basically no methods in current Rust would have ?Move bounds (meaning the lack of a deref would really hurt[..])

On the contrary, everything that has a ?Sized bound is implicitly ?Move.

This makes sense because in general, it's impossible for code with a ?Sized bound to assume movability. The sole exception is unsafe code that calls size_of_val and then memcpy's that many bytes, which is why we need the hack where size_of_val would panic for immovable types (and be deprecated in favor of a new function with a proper bound).

I'm a bit confused by what you're saying about Drop, but to the extent you're trying to make it backwards compatible with PinMut, I'm not going to think about that because I don't think that's a good approach.

I was saying that if something isn't backwards compatible with PinMut, there should be a good reason for it. However, the thing you're proposing is functionally identical to PinDrop in every particular except that you want to implement it on Pinned<T> (which doesn't work in current Rust). Personally, I think specializing Drop sets a really dubious precedent and is almost certainly undesirable for reasons that have nothing to do with pinning, so I don't consider this any sort of intrinsic advantage. In any case I think PinDrop can be mostly separated from the rest of your proposal.

Anyway, if it is hard to use, the same problem applies to Pin.

Sure, and if we were willing to get rid of PinMut::deref, it would also compose nicely with types like RefCell; the difference is that we can still cobble together a solution with PinMut while supporting deref, which seems not to work with Pinned. If we were to get rid of the deref implementation, I think I would be much more likely to agree that Pinned provides a meaningful advantage.

But I'm really not sure I agree that not having deref is just a small problem in practice: for instance, it means that in its current state you cannot do anything with &Pinned<Vec<T>> where T: !Unpin, and the same would apply to basically every existing library type. This is a problem stemming from the way Unpin works, not the particular kind of reference you have. The ecosystem would have to collectively decide to do things along the lines of impl Deref for Pinned<Vec<T>> { type Target = Pinned<[T]>; } or something, which I think I agree would be preferable to a impl PinDeref<Vec<T>> if it can be made to work, but that's in a world without deref. In the world with deref, almost all libraries can get away without any pin-related accessors at all, and still have half-decent support for !Unpin types.

On the contrary, everything that has a ?Sized bound is implicitly ?Move.

Ah yes, that's a good point. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of Rust code does not work with types with a !Sized bound, because it's not the default, but at least some of it does. I don't think it's that compelling an advantage because most of the things I can do on unsized values are call & or &mut methods on them (e.g. for slices or trait objects), neither of which I would be able to do under your proposal (except for Unpin types) since you don't want Pinned::deref. Maybe the common cases could be dealt with by making #[derive] implementations also generate distinct instances for Pinned<T> or something?


Personally, I think specializing Drop sets a really dubious precedent and is almost certainly undesirable for reasons that have nothing to do with pinning, so I don't consider this any sort of intrinsic advantage. In any case I think PinDrop can be mostly separated from the rest of your proposal.

I agree this is separable, but I don't think it's dubious. At least… what you said is right, it's a form of specialization. It's not literally specializing some parent blanket impl of Drop, but the compiler-generated drop glue is doing the equivalent of specialization by calling Drop only if it is implemented. A 'userland' implementation would look like this (ignoring the fact that you can't manually call drop):

trait DropIfImplemented {
    fn maybe_drop(&mut self);
impl<T: ?Sized> DropIfImplemented for T {
    default fn maybe_drop(&mut self) {}
impl<T: ?Sized + Drop> DropIfImplemented for T {
    fn maybe_drop(&mut self) { self.drop() }

So, I imagine that the reason you can't currently write 'specialized' Drop impls is the same reason that specialization itself is currently unsound: incoherence between trans (which erases lifetime parameters) and typeck (which does not). In other words, if we could write, say, impl Drop for Foo<'static>, it would actually be called for any Foo<'a>, not just Foo<'static>, because codegen assumes the two types are identical.

The good news is, as you probably know, there have been attempts to find a way to limit specialized impls so that they can't create that type of incoherence. And it's expected that specialization will eventually ship with some such limit. Once that happens, I see no reason we couldn't apply the same rules to Drop impls – and to make the language as consistent as possible, we should.

Now, we don't want to block pinning on specialization. However, I claim that allowing impl Drop for Pinned<MyStruct> – or more generally, allowing impl<params> Drop for Pinned<MyStruct<params>> under the same conditions that the compiler currently allows impl<params> Drop for MyStruct<params> – is guaranteed to be a subset of what specialization will allow, so if we made a special case for it today, it will eventually disappear into a more general rule.

But again, this is separable; if people don't like this, we could have a separate trait instead.


But I'm really not sure I agree that not having deref is just a small problem in practice: for instance, it means that in its current state you cannot do anything with &Pinned<Vec<T>> where T: !Unpin, and the same would apply to basically every existing library type. This is a problem stemming from the way Unpin works, not the particular kind of reference you have.

Er… okay, let me correct my statement. Pinned::deref should exist, but it should be bounded on Unpin – albeit I'm going to call it Move.

The only reason the Deref impl for PinMut causes problems with RefCell is that (unlike the DerefMut impl) it's not bounded on Unpin. And the reason not to have the bound is the desire to allow users to obtain &MyImmovableType, allowing immovable types to impl traits with methods that take &self, to be passed to generic functions that take &T, etc. This is fundamentally impossible for &mut self, but it mostly works with &self because you can't move out of it with mem::swap or mem::replace – that is, except when you use RefCell. But, the reasoning goes, compatibility with existing references is valuable enough that it should be supported, even if the limitation to immutable references feels arbitrary, even if it causes kludges.

With Pinned, we can support both immutable and mutable references: you just impl your traits on Pinned<MyStruct> rather than directly on MyStruct. The downside is that it's not compatible with traits or functions that take &T but separately have a Self: Sized bound; but those are relatively rare, and often unintentional.

Interestingly, Pinned itself doesn't really require Unpin to exist at all. After all, why would anyone actually create an &Pinned<Vec<T>>? With PinMut, various traits would take PinMut<Self>, so even impls of those traits for movable types would have to receive a PinMut. With Pinned, as I've said, traits would continue to take &self or &mut self, and you'd impl them for Pinned<MyStruct>. If you want to impl the same trait for Vec<T>, Pinned doesn't need to come into the picture.

However, one potential source would be the field accessor macro. If you have

struct SomePinnable {
    gen: FakeGenerator,
    also_a_vec: Vec<Foo>,

then the simplest design would always generate accessors using Pinned:

impl Pinned<SomePinnable> {
    fn gen(&self) -> &Pinned<FakeGenerator> { … }
    fn gen_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Pinned<FakeGenerator> { … }
    fn also_a_vec(&self) -> &Pinned<Vec<Foo>> { … }
    fn also_a_vec_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Pinned<Vec<Foo>> { … }

…and it's up to you to deal with the Pinned if you didn't want it. In fact, I think this is fine, because Unpin/Move should indeed exist, see below. But if it didn't exist, an alternative would be having a way to opt-in on a per-field basis to receive a direct reference rather than a Pinned one. That is, you'd have

    fn also_a_vec(&self) -> &Vec<Foo> { … }
    fn also_a_vec_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Foo> { … }

It would be unsound to have both Pinned and non-Pinned accessors, but either by itself should be fine.

…But yeah, we do need to have a Move trait, just not for Pinned. For example, it would be part of the bound for the new version of size_of_val (correction: it wouldn't be, but unsafe code would be expected to check for it before trying to memcpy arbitrary types based on the result of size_of_val); in the future with unsized rvalues, it'll be the bound (relaxed from Sized) for ptr::read and mem::swap and mem::replace; if we ever get &move, it would be the bound for letting you, well, move out of one; and something similar applies to guaranteed copy elision.

So, as long as we have the trait, there's no reason not to have Pinned::deref (and deref_mut) with a T: Move bound.

[edit: as pythonesque reminded me, this has different semantics from Unpin, so never mind.]

(And then types like Vec and Box will want to manually impl Move so that it applies regardless of whether the element type is Move.)

Er… okay, let me correct my statement. Pinned::deref should exist, but it should be bounded on Unpin – albeit I'm going to call it Move.

Okay, hold up. Is this ?Move or Move? The former would mean !Unpin types can't even be constructed in many cases; the latter makes me wonder how, exactly, we are referring to types like Pinned<T> (since ?DynSized isn't really the right bound for them). I certainly hope they are not one and the same--otherwise, treating Move as Unpin once again does the exact thing we are trying to avoid and makes the type immovable the moment it is constructed.

The downside is that it's not compatible with traits or functions that take &T but separately have a Self: Sized bound; but those are relatively rare, and often unintentional.

There is a much more significant practical downside, which is that few of those traits or functions actually work with &Pinned today. They could be made to work with it but it would require a huge number of extra trait implementations and (like I said) probably a significant overhaul of existing #[derive] implementations. This is also a cost that would have to be paid for new stuff as well--you'd have to implement everything for &Pinned<Self> as well if you wanted it to work on !Unpin types. This is a (much) better situation for traits that take &mut self than with PinMut, but worse for &self, which is (I suspect) much more common. Hence why I say I think this is the more correct solution (in the sense that if we didn't have many existing Rust libraries the Pinned version would be better) but possibly not the more usable one.

With Pinned, as I've said, traits would continue to take &self or &mut self, and you'd impl them for Pinned

Reimplementing every trait in Vec's API surface, just with Pinned this time, doesn't sound that great to me (especially since some of the traits don't even work with it). I'm pretty sure either of selectively implementing Deref on a case by case basis (letting &Pinned<Vec<T>> go to &[Pinned<T>], for instance), or just letting the whole of Vec be Unpin (and not allowing pin projection), is way more sane. In any case, both are more work than doing absolutely nothing, and it'd have to be replicated across a whole bunch of existing types and traits in order for immovable stuff to work with them.

I could be convinced otherwise--I do actually like the Pinned solution more the more I think about it--but I just don't know where all these new trait implementations on Pinned<T> are actually going to come from; it seems more likely to me that people just won't bother to implement them.

Interestingly, Pinned itself doesn't really require Unpin to exist at all. After all, why would anyone actually create an &Pinned>?

There are pretty good reasons for wanting to do this (such as: your pinned type has a Vec in it). Intrusive collections will run into this kind of scenario very frequently. I think any proposal predicated on the idea that people are never going to want Pinned references to existing containers, or that you have to opt in to make Unpin work, is not likely to work well. Not being able to basically opt into Rust's regular ecosystem by adding a Unpin bound would be incredibly disruptive (in fact, almost every use case I have for immovable types would become significantly harder).

With PinMut, various traits would take PinMut, so even impls of those traits for movable types would have to receive a PinMut.

Sure! The big advantage of the Pinned version is that you wouldn't need distinct traits for mutable pinned references. However, it is worse or neutral than PinMut with deref for almost every other scenario.

It would be unsound to have both Pinned and non-Pinned accessors, but either by itself should be fine.

Manual accessors requiring unsafe code to implement sound like a bad idea to me; I don't see how any such a proposal would allow accessor generation to be safe (how do you stop someone from providing non pinned accessors without making them write unsafe to assert that they won't do it?). However, as you note, using Move (assuming it actually means Unpin) will work fine.

So, as long as we have the trait, there's no reason not to have Pinned::deref (and deref_mut) with a T: Move bound.

Sure. I am specifically talking about !Unpin types here. Unpin types do not have any composition problem with PinMut either, so they are not that relevant from my perspective. However, Unpin (or Move) bounds on generics are not pleasant and ideally you should be able to avoid them wherever possible. Again, like I said earlier: Unpin and whatever is being implied by !Sized are not the same and I don't think you can treat them as being the same.

…But yeah, we do need to have a Move trait, just not for Pinned. For example, it would be part of the bound for the new version of size_of_val; in the future with unsized rvalues, it'll be the bound (relaxed from Sized) for ptr::read and mem::swap and mem::replace; if we ever get &move, it would be the bound for letting you, well, move out of one; and something similar applies to guaranteed copy elision.

I think this is once again conflating !Unpin (which says a type can have a non-default pinning invariant) and the !DynSized-like !Move; they can't really be the same without causing the unwanted freezing behavior.

Oops, you're completely right. Unpin cannot be the same as Move.

So then I think I'm back to believing Unpin and hence Pinned::deref should not exist at all, and instead we should avoid any situations (like with the accessor-generating macro) where you'd get a type like &Pinned<MovableType>. But maybe there's an argument that it should exist as a separate trait.

Reimplementing every trait in Vec's API surface, just with Pinned this time, doesn't sound that great to me (especially since some of the traits don't even work with it). I'm pretty sure either of selectively implementing Deref on a case by case basis (letting &Pinned<Vec<T>> go to &[Pinned<T>], for instance), or just letting the whole of Vec be Unpin (and not allowing pin projection), is way more sane.

Yeah, I definitely did not mean to propose reimplementing the whole of Vec's API surface or anything like that.

I agree it would be a good idea to not allow "pin projection" on Vec, since &Pinned<Vec<T>> seems like an extraneous invariant – you should be allowed to move the Vec without invalidating the pin of the contents.

As an alternative, how about allowing transmuting from Vec<T> to Vec<Pinned<T>>, which would have most of the Vec API but omit the methods that can cause reallocation? That is, change the definition of Vec from the current struct Vec<T> to struct Vec<T: ?Sized + ActuallySized>, for some less silly name, where basically Sized becomes an alias for ActuallySized + Move; then add a Sized bound to the methods that can cause reallocation, and a method to do the transmute.

It would also be necessary to change the bound on the builtin slice type's element type from Sized to ActuallySized. Thinking about this does remind me of the awkwardness of changing Sized to mean something other than Sized, but on the other hand, it's still true that the vast majority of Sized bounds in existing code inherently require Move. Needing to know size_of::<T>() in order to index into a slice is a bit of an exception…

Sure! The big advantage of the Pinned version is that you wouldn't need distinct traits for mutable pinned references. However, it is worse or neutral than PinMut with deref for almost every other scenario.

It also has the advantage of avoiding conflict with RefCell, admittedly at the cost of conflicting with other things (Sized bounds).

Manual accessors requiring unsafe code to implement sound like a bad idea to me; I don't see how any such a proposal would allow accessor generation to be safe (how do you stop someone from providing non pinned accessors without making them write unsafe to assert that they won't do it?).

Because the accessors are impl'ed on Pinned<MyStruct>, not MyStruct directly. If you have &mut MyStruct, you can always manually access a field to obtain &mut MyField, but you're still in a movable state. If you have &mut Pinned<MyStruct>, you can't get &mut MyStruct (assuming either MyStruct is !Unpin or Unpin doesn't exist), so you have to use an accessor to get at the fields. The accessor takes &mut Pinned<MyStruct> (i.e. it takes &mut self and is impl'ed on Pinned<MyStruct>) and gives you either &mut Pinned<MyField> or &mut MyField, depending on which option you chose. But you can only have one type of accessor or the other, as the critical invariant is that you mustn't be able to get a &mut Pinned<MyField>, write to it, release the borrow, and then get a &mut MyField (and move it).

There are pretty good reasons for wanting to do this (such as: your pinned type has a Vec in it). Intrusive collections will run into this kind of scenario very frequently. I think any proposal predicated on the idea that people are never going to want Pinned references to existing containers, or that you have to opt in to make Unpin work, is not likely to work well. Not being able to basically opt into Rust's regular ecosystem by adding a Unpin bound would be incredibly disruptive (in fact, almost every use case I have for immovable types would become significantly harder).

I don't fully understand what you mean here, but that may be because you were reacting to my own mistake w.r.t. Unpin versus Move :)

Now that I'm corrected... If Unpin exists, then Vec should impl it. But supposing it does not exist, what exactly are the scenarios you're referring to?

For a struct that has a Vec as one of its fields, I explained above how you would get a non-pinned reference to the field (at the cost of not being able to get a pinned reference to it, which is fine).

I guess this would be problematic if you want a generic struct with a field that might contain a Vec, or might contain an immovable type, depending on the type parameter. However, there might be a different way to solve this without needing an Unpin trait which everything has to think about whether to implement.


As an alternative, how about allowing transmuting from Vec to Vec>, which would have most of the Vec API but omit the methods that can cause reallocation?


That is, change the definition of Vec from the current struct Vec to struct Vec, for some less silly name, where basically Sized becomes an alias for ActuallySized + Move; then add a Sized bound to the methods that can cause reallocation, and a method to do the transmute.

...that sounds really, really complicated and it doesn't actually do the thing you want (which is get a regular Vec<T> out of &mut Pinned<Vec<T>> or whatever). It is sort of cool that it lets you pin a vector after the fact, so you get a nice analogue to Box<Pinned<T>>, but that's an orthogonal concern; it's just another illustration of the fact that pinning being a property of the owned type is probably correct. I think everything about Unpin is almost completely unrelated to the question of how the reference type is constructed.

Now that I'm corrected... If Unpin exists, then Vec should impl it. But supposing it does not exist, what exactly are the scenarios you're referring to?

I'll just respond to this because I think it will illustrate my point: I can't even mutate an i32 field through a PinMut without Unpin. At some point if you want to do anything with your structure you often have to move something inside it (unless it's completely immutable). Needing people to explicitly implement field accessors on Pinned<MyType> seems really annoying, especially if the field in question is always safe to move. This approach also seems like it would be really confusing to use with a builtin Pinned type since legal projections would somehow vary by field in a way that doesn't depend on the field type, something that was rejected already in Rust when mut fields were removed (and IMO, if we are going to add such an annotation unsafe is a better choice, since unsafe fields are a huge footgun in practice). Since builtin pinned types are just about the only way to make pinned enums nice to use, I do care about them being able to be somewhat consistent with the rest of the language.

But more importantly...

I guess this would be problematic if you want a generic struct with a field that might contain a Vec, or might contain an immovable type, depending on the type parameter

That's pretty much the killer use case for Unpin, and (to me) the fact that it actually seems to work is pretty fantastic and validates the entire pinning model (to the point that I think even if we were starting from before Rust 1.0 we would probably want to keep Unpin as is). Generic parameters living inline in the structure are also pretty much the only time you should need to bound by Unpin if the current plans (to make almost all the safe reference-like types implement Unpin unconditionally) go through.

But what I am really not getting is: why do you want to remove Unpin? Eliminating it buys you essentially nothing; all the nice things you get out of Pinned over PinMut (or vice versa) are pretty much unrelated to its presence. Adding it gets you easy compatibility with the rest of the Rust ecosystem. FWIW, Unpin and the unconditional implementation of deref on Pin are pretty much unrelated to each other as well, except that without Unpin all types feel the same pain that !Unpin types do (meaning it would probably make the unconditional deref implementation more useful). I can't help but feel like I am missing something.

Are other fields in the structure being dropped considered local variables in this context? That's really not clear to me from any user facing documentation

Fair enough, I opened to track this.


Specifically, I find the RefCell example pretty troubling since in the presence of Pinned::deref it means that we wouldn't even be able to enforce the pinning dynamically with the existing type (I don't know if specialization would be enough). This further suggests that if we keep the deref implementation, we'll have to end up duplicating API surface almost as much with Pinned as we do with Pin; and if we don't keep it, Pinned becomes amazingly hard to use.

The solution for RefCell is to provide extra methods borrow_pin and borrow_pin_mut (taking Pin<RefCell<T>>), and keep track of the pinned state of the interior of the RefCell at run-time. This should work for both PinMut and Pinned. So, is your argument here that Pinned does not help? It shouldn't make things any worse for RefCell either.

But then you write

the difference is that we can still cobble together a solution with PinMut while supporting deref, which seems not to work with Pinned

and I don't know what you are referring to, why should this not work with Pinned?


I don't think Pinned::deref should exist. The safe macro-generated field accessors should be enough; I don't see how that's "amazingly hard to use".

I don't see the connection between the deref and the field accessors. But I also don't see how the deref becomes more problematic with Pinned<T>, so I guess I'll wait for an answer to my above question first.

Just like @pythonesque I think that tracking the pinned state on the type behind the reference ("on the owned type") is fundamentally more correct. However, I am doubtful it can actually be turned into a more ergonomic overall API, in particular given the constraint of working with the existing Rust ecosystem.

If we are going to deliberately go with the approach we think is less "fundamentally correct", we should at least leave ourselves a whole lot of time for experimentation before stabilizing it, so we can be as confident as reasonably possible that we aren't going to wind up regretting it.

@pythonesque , wow, thanks so much for the extensive summary! Happy to hear that there's an RFC in the works. :)

It is save to call a function that takes a mutable reference to a pinned value as long as that function does not use something like mem::swap or mem::replace. Because of that it feels more natural to have these functions use the Unpin bound than to have every mutable deref of a Pin to an Unpin value be unsafe.

If a function would later be updated to use swap it would no longer be safe to call it on a mutable reference to a pinned value. When swap and replace have this bound the updated function had to do as well with makes it way more obvious that this is not a backwards compatible change.

So some thoughts I had:

  1. Fundamentally, Drop provides the same privilege as Unpin - you can get an &mut to something that was previously in an PinMut. And Drop is safe, which means Unpin should be safe (this is mem::forget and leakpocalypse all over again).
  2. That's nice, because it means that things like the current futures based APIs, that don't handle unpin generators, are all 100% safe to implement even if they take self: PinMut<Self> (no unsafe impl Unpin).
  3. Is the API sound if Unpin is safe? The answer is yes: as long as generators don't implement Unpin, and it isn't safe to pin project to a !Unpin type, everything is safe.
  4. But this means that pin projections are unsafe! Not ideal.
  5. Pin projections are safe if Self does not implement Unpin or Drop [edit: true or false?] Can we automate that check?

I have some ideas for a more language-supported alternative to this library API, which involve dropping Unpin entirely and instead flipping the polarity - a Pin trait that you opt into getting these guarantees, instead of opting out. But this would require significant language support, whereas the current implementation is entirely library-based. I'll make another post after I've thought it through more.

another note because i keep forgetting:

pin projection safety depends only on the Self type, not the field type, because the field type must guarantee the safety of its public API, which is unconditional. So its not a recursive check - if Self never moves anything out of its Pin, pin-projecting to a field any type is safe.

@withoutboats FWIW this exactly matches the conclusions that @cramertj and I reached in our previous round of discussions. And I believe we can automate the mutual exclusion check, initially through some purpose-built attributes emitted by the derive.


Fundamentally, Drop provides the same privilege as Unpin - you can get an &mut to something that was previously in an PinMut. And Drop is safe, which means Unpin should be safe (this is mem::forget and leakpocalypse all over again).

I don't see the connection to leakpocalypse but agree otherwise. The only reason I am (was?) a bit hesitant is that as long as it's just Drop, this felt more like a corner-case to me that not many people have to care about. Not sure whether that's an advantage or not though. And anyway, a safe Unpin not only increases consistency here and "solves" the Drop problem by no longer making it a special case (instead we can think of every impl Drop as coming with an implicit impl Unpin); from what you say it also makes it easier to use on the Future side of things. So, it seems to be an overall win.

@pythonesque unless I am missing something, safe Unpin doesn't cause any new issues for intrusive collections either, does? If they worked despite safe Drop, they should still work.


Pin projections are safe if Self does not implement Unpin or Drop [edit: true or false?] Can we automate that check?

You initially also mentioned the field type here and I was about to ask why you think that is relevant. Now I see you edit the post. :) I agree that this is about the Self type only. In the following I pretty much repeat your argument in my terms.

Essentially, the question is: How does Self choose its pinning invariant? Per default, we assume (even if unsafe code is around!) that the pinning invariant is exactly the same as the owned invariant, i.e., the invariant is independent of the location and this type does not do pinning. As long as I cannot do anything with a PinMut<T> other than turn it into a &mut T, that's a safe assumption.

To enable field projections, the pinning invariant should instead be "all my fields are pinned at their respective type's invariant". That invariant easily justifies pinning projections, independent of the field types (i.e. they can pick whatever pinning invariant they want). Of course this invariant is incompatible with turning PinMut<T> into &mut T, so we better make sure such types are not Drop or Unpin.

I don't see the connection to leakpocalypse but agree otherwise.

just an analogy - Unpin is to Drop as mem::forget is to Rc cycles. mem::forget was originally marked unsafe, but there was no justification for it. (And the same argument that Rc cycles are an edge case was made against marking mem::forget safe.)

Copy-pasting (spiritually) from the Discord, I'd really like to see evidence that we haven't just flipped the problem: making Unpin safe to implement, by making structural pin accessors unsafe to implement (this would also be true with any unsafe trait that was introduced, right? You'd still have to write unsafe code). This annoys me because the vast majority of the time they are completely safe--basically, as long as there isn't an explicit Unpin impl for the type, just like we are always safe if there's no Drop impl for the type. With the current plan, we are requiring something much stronger--there should be an explicit !Unpin impl for the type--which will be true for many fewer types (that is just about all we can do in a library).

Unfortunately I have no idea how or whether the compiler can check whether there's a manual Unpin impl for a particular type or not, as opposed to "has any impl", and I'm not sure if it has bad interactions with specialization. If we have some definite way to perform that check, such that the creator of a type doesn't have to write any unsafe code to get structural pinning, I would be much much happier with impl Unpin being safe, I think... is that something that seems feasible?

I have a simple question that, I am trying to understand now. In generics, will unpin be an implicit bound like sized unless your API for all generic parameters?

that must be correct in order for vec to continue to be safe.

will unpin be an implicit bound like sized


that must be correct in order for vec to continue to be safe.

Why do you think so?

Annoying thing that @MajorBreakfast hit today: PinMut::get_mut gives you an &mut with the lifetime of the original PinMut, but there's no safe way to do the same thing, since DerefMut gives you a borrow with the lifetime of the mutable reference to PinMut. Perhaps we should make get_mut the safe one, and add get_mut_unchecked?

You mean like this?

fn get_mut(this: PinMut<'a, T>) -> &'a mut T where T : Unpin

Yeah, we should have that.

@RalfJung Exactly.

The method from the futures crate in which I would like to use this looks like this:

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut F> {|f| unsafe { PinMut::get_mut(f) })

I had to use an unsafe block even though F has an Unpin bound and it's completely safe. There's currently just no safe way that produces a reference that retains the lifetime PinMut has.

Yeah that's just an omission in the API.

Do you want to prepare a PR or should I?

I can do it. Do we want to call it get_mut and get_mut_unchecked?

I'll add a safe map and rename the current one into map_unchecked as well. Mainly for consistency. Then all unsafe functions of PinMut end in _unchecked and have a safe equivalent

Do we want to call it get_mut and get_mut_unchecked?

Sounds reasonable.

I'll add a safe map

Careful there. What do you want it to look like? The reason map is unsafe is that we don't know how to make a safe one.

Careful there. What do you want it to look like?

You're right. It needs to require an Unpin bound on the return value.

I just had an idea: What about PinArc? We could use such a thing in the BiLock impl ( in the futures crate.

@MajorBreakfast PinArc (and PinRc, etc) depends on Pin (the non-Mut version). I'd be up for adding it, but I wasn't sure if there was consensus around exactly what guarantees it would offer.

I'm not so sure anymore whether adding PinArc adds something ^^' Arc already doesn't allow "moving out of borrowed content"

@MajorBreakfast You can move out of Arc using Arc::try_unwrap. It would be a backwards-incompatible change to remove that or introduce a T: Unpin bound.

I've been doing a little thinking on how to get pin accessors to work safely. As far as I understand, the issue with pin accessors occurs _only_ when you have the combination T: !Unpin + Drop. To that end, I saw some discussion trying to prevent the possibility of such a type T existing - eg making the traits !Unpin and Drop mutually exclusive in various ways, but there wasn't a clear way to do this without breaking backwards compatibility. Looking at this problem more closely, we can get safe Pin accessors without preventing a type from being !Unpin and Drop, it's just that such a type could not be put into a Pin<T>. Preventing _that_ from happening is something I believe to be much more doable, and more in the spirit of how the Unpin trait works anyway.

Currently, I have a "solution" to preventing a type from safely entering a Pin<T> that is both !Unpin and Drop. It kind of requires features that we don't have in rust yet, which is an issue, but I'm hoping its a start. Anyway here's the code...

/// This is an empty trait, it is used solely in the bounds of `Pin`
unsafe trait Pinnable {}

/// Add the extra trait bounds here, and add it to the various impls of Pin as well
struct Pin<T: Pinnable> {

/// Then we impl Pinnable for all the types we want to be able to put into pins
unsafe impl<T: Unpin> Pinnable for T {}
unsafe impl<T: !Unpin + !Drop> Pinnable for T {}

Both Unpin types, and types that are !Unpin but also !Drop, have no issues (to my knowledge) with pin accessors. This does not break any existing code that uses Drop, it just limits what can be put into a Pin struct. In the unlikely* case where someone needs a type to be both !Unpin and Drop (and able to be actually placed inside a Pin), they would be able to unsafe impl Pinnable for their type.

*I don't have experience with Pin, but I'm hoping that most cases where someone needs to impl Drop for a type that is !Unpin aren't caused by the thing that needs to be dropped being inherently !Unpin, but rather caused by a struct having Drop fields, and !Unpin fields. In this case, the Drop fields could be separated into their own struct that doesn't contain the !Unpin fields. I can go into more detail on that if needed, because I feel like that explanation was dodgy, but this wasn't intended to be the main body of the comment so I'll leave it short for now.

As far as I understand, the issue with pin accessors occurs only when you have the combination T: !Unpin + Drop.

It's more of an "or" than an "and".

Pin accessors imply a "structural" interpretation of pinning: When T is pinned, so are all its fields. impl Unpin and Drop, on the other hand, are safe because they assume the type does not care about pinning at all -- T being pinned or not makes no difference; in particular, T's fields are not pinned in either case.

However, you got this right later when you said that !Unpin + !Drop types are the ones for which accessors are safe to add. (The type still has to be careful to not do anything wrong in its unsafe code, but Unpin ad Drop are the two safe ways to break pinning accessors.)

Looking at this problem more closely, we can get safe Pin accessors without preventing a type from being !Unpin and Drop, it's just that such a type could not be put into a Pin.

I don't follow. Why do you think that's enough? And if it is, why would we even be interested in pinned accessors if a type cannot be pinned...?

It's more of an "or" than an "and".

Lets just talk about this for now, because my whole idea was based around the opposite of this so if I've misunderstood this then the rest of the idea doesn't help.

To my (current) understanding, pin accessors with a type that is Unpin are completely sound, regardless of dropping, as Pin<T> is effectively &mut T anyway. Also, pin accessors on a type that is !Drop are completely sound, even for a !Unpin type, as drop is the only function that could get &mut self on the !Unpin type once it enters a Pin, so nothing would be able to move things out.

If I've made an error in that, please let me know. But if not, then Unpin + Drop types or !Unpin + !Drop types would be completely fine with pin accessors, and the only problem types would be those that are !Unpin + Drop.


Also, pin accessors on a type that is !Drop are completely sound, even for a !Unpin type, as drop is the only function that could get &mut self on the !Unpin type once it enters a Pin, so nothing would be able to move things out.

If I write struct Foo(InnerNotUnpin); impl Unpin for Foo {} then it is unsound to go from PinMut<Foo> to PinMut<InnerNotUnpin>. In order for the projection to be sound you have to (a) forbid drop impls and (b) ensure that the structure is Unpin only when the field is Unpin.

(a) should just be forbidding drop impls on things that are !Unpin right?
(b) should be handled by the fact that implementing Unpin is unsafe - sure it's possible to shoot yourself in the foot by unsafely claiming that a type can be unpinned when it actually cannot - but it's just as possible to label something as Sync when it shouldn't be and end up with unsound behaviour that way

(a) should just be forbidding drop impls on things that are !Unpin right?

Yeah but that's impossible for backwards compatibility reasons.

And that gets to my point - forbidding drop impls on things that are !Unpin is impossible for backwards compatibility reasons. But we don't need to prevent drop impls on things that are !Unpin from occurring. The !Unpin marker on a type has no meaning and makes no promises until that type is inside a Pin, so the drop impl on a !Unpin type is completely sound _as long as that type isn't inside a Pin_. What I'm proposing is we change Pin from Pin<T> to Pin<T: Pinnable> where the Pinnable trait acts as a gatekeeper to prevent types that are Drop + !Unpin (or more generally, types for which pin accessors are problematic) from being put inside the Pin.

At that point you are making the Unpin trait entirely useless, are you not? Also, you still can't express the necessary bounds with current Rust. If we could say "Unpin and Drop are incompatible", there would not be a problem. You seem to need something similar with Pinnable. I don't see how this helps.

The Unpin trait - on its own - is already “useless”. The trait _only_ means something once the type has been pinned, the type is able to be moved before it goes into the Pin.

@RalfJung and I just had a meeting to talk about these APIs, and we agreed that we are ready to stabilize them with no major API changes.

Resolution to outstanding questions

My belief about the pin APIs is that:

  1. The core API concepts of PinMut and Unpin make up the best possible solution that doesn't involve built-in language support.
  2. These APIs do not preclude future built-in language support if we decide its necessary.

There are a few outstanding questions around their limitations and trade offs, though, that I want to record our decision for.

The problem of Drop

One problem we did not discover until after we merged the RFC was the problem of the Drop trait. The Drop::drop method has an API which takes self &mut self. This is essentially "unpinning" Self, violating the guarantees that pinned types are supposed to provide.

Fortunately, this does not affect the soundness of the core "immovable generator" types we are trying to project with the pin: they don't implement a destructor, so their !Unpin implementation actually means it.

However, what this means is that for types that you define yourself, it is necessarily safe to "unpin" them, all you have to do is implement Drop. What this means is that Unpin being an unsafe trait was not buying us any additional safety: implementing Drop is as good as implementing Unpin as far as soundness is concerned.

For this reason, we have made the Unpin trait a safe trait to implement.

Pin projection

The main limitation with the current API is that it is not possible to automatically determine that it is safe to perform a pin projection when the field does not implement Unpin. A pin projection is:

Given a type T with a field a with type U, I can safely "project" from PinMut<'a, T> to a PinMut<'a, U> by accessing the field a.

Or, in code:

struct Foo {
    bar: Bar,

impl Foo {
    fn bar(self: PinMut<'_, Foo>) -> PinMut<'_, Bar> {
        unsafe { PinMut::map_unchecked(self, |foo| &mut }

As of right now, unless the field type implements Unpin we do not have for rustc to _prove_ that this is safe. That is, implementing this kind of projection method currently requires unsafe code. Fortunately, you can prove that it is safe. If the field type may not implement Unpin, this is only safe if all of these hold:

  1. The Self type does not implement Unpin, or else only conditionally implements Unpin when the field type does.
  2. The Self type does not implement Drop, or else the destructor for the Self type never moves anything out of that field.

With language extensions, we could have the compiler check that some of these conditions hold (e.g. that Self does not implement Drop and only conditionally implements Unpin).

Because of the problem of Drop, a stable trait, this problem pre-existed any decision we could make on this issue, and there's no way without language changes to make pin projection automatically safe. Someday, we may make those changes, but we will not block stabilization of these APIs on that.

Specifying the "pin" guarantee

Late in the RFC process, @cramertj realized that with a slight extension beyond what we need for immovable generators, pinning could be used to safely encapsulate the guarantees of intrusive lists. Ralf wrote a description of this extension here.

Essentially, the guarantee of pinning is this:

If you have a PinMut<T>, and T does not implement Unpin, T will not be moved and the memory backing T will not be invalidated until after the destructor runs for T.

This is not exactly the same as "leak freedom" - T can still leak for example by being stuck behind an Rc cycle, but even if it is leaked, that means the memory will never be invalidated (until the program terminates), because the destructor will never run.

This guarantee precludes certain APIs for stack pinning, so we weren't certain at first about extending pinning to include this. However, ultimately we should go with this guarantee for several reasons:

  1. Other, even more ergonomic, stack pinning APIs have been discovered, like this macro, eliminating the downside.
  2. The upside is quite large! These kinds of intrusive lists could be very impactful on libraries like josephine which integrate Rust with garbage collected languages.
  3. Ralf was never certain some of these APIs were truly sound to begin with (especially the ones based on "perma-borrowing").

API reorganization

However, I do want to make one final proposed change to the API, which is to move things around. Reviewing the APIs that exist, Ralf & I realized that there was not a good place to describe the high level guarantees and invariants relating to Drop and so forth. Therefore, I propose

  1. We create a new std::pin module. The module docs will provide a high level overview of pinning, the guarantees it provides, and the invariants users of its unsafe portions are expected to uphold.
  2. We move PinMut and PinBox from std::mem and std::boxed into the pin module. We leave Unpin in the std::marker module, with the other marker traits.

We will also need to actually write that more extensive documentation before we finish stabilizing these types.

Adding Unpin implementations

Ralf & I also discussed adding more implementations of Unpin to the standard library. When implementing Unpin, there's always a trade off: if Unpin is implemented unconditionally with regard to the type of a field, you cannot pin project to that field. For that reason, we haven't been very aggressive about implementing Unpin so far.

However, we believe that as a rule:

  1. Pin projection through a pointer should never be treated as safe (see notes Box below).
  2. Pin projection through interior mutability should never be treated as safe.

In general, types doing one of these things do something (such as reallocating the backing store as in Vec) which makes pin projection untenable. For that reason, we think it would be appropriate to add an unconditional implementation of Unpin to all types in std which hold a generic parameter either behind a pointer or within an UnsafeCell; this includes all of std::collections for example.

I haven't investigated too closely, but I believe it would be sufficient for most of these types if we just add these impls:

impl<T: ?Sized> Unpin for *const T { }
impl<T: ?Sized> Unpin for *mut T { }
impl<T: ?Sized> Unpin for UnsafeCell<T> { }

There is one naggle though: technically, we believe that pin projecting through Box could be made technically safe: that is, going from PinMut<Box<T>> to PinMut<T> can be done safely. This is because Box is a wholly owned pointer that never reallocates itself.

Its possible we want to provide a hole so that Unpin is only conditionally implemented for Box<T> when T: Unpin. However, my personal opinion is that it should be possible to think of pinning as being about a block of memory that has been pinned in place, and so all projection through pointer indirection should be unsafe.

We could delay this decision without blocking stabilization and add these impls over time.


I'd really love to hear the thoughts of other people who've been very invested in the pin APIs so far, and whether or not this stabilization plan sounds reasonable. I'll make a shorter summary with an fcp proposal in a subsequent post, for the rest of the language team.

@rfcbot fcp merge

I'm proposing to stabilize the existing pin APIs after some small reorganization. You can read a longer summary in my previous post. The TL;DR of my opinion is that the current API is:

  • Sound
  • As good as it gets without language changes
  • Forward compatible with language changes that would make it better

We have worked out all of the major questions regarding the precise guarantees and invariants of pinning over the last few months, the decisions we're currently at (which I think are the decisions we should stabilize on) are documented in the longer post.

I'm proposing a few changes before we actually stabilize things:

  1. Reorganize PinMut and PinBox under a new std::pin module, which will contain high level documentation regarding the invariants and guarantees of pinning in general.
  2. Add unconditional implementations of Unpin for the types in std which contain generic parameters either behind a pointer indirection or inside an UnsafeCell; the justification for why these implementations are appropriate is in the longer summary.

Team member @withoutboats has proposed to merge this. The next step is review by the rest of the tagged teams:

  • [ ] @Kimundi
  • [ ] @SimonSapin
  • [ ] @alexcrichton
  • [ ] @dtolnay
  • [ ] @sfackler
  • [x] @withoutboats

No concerns currently listed.

Once a majority of reviewers approve (and none object), this will enter its final comment period. If you spot a major issue that hasn't been raised at any point in this process, please speak up!

See this document for info about what commands tagged team members can give me.

@rfcbot fcp cancel

I am tagging lang also because of the core invariant decisions we've had to make, so I'm cancelling and restarting the FCP

@withoutboats proposal cancelled.

@rfcbot fcp merge See previous merge message and long summary, sorry!

Team member @withoutboats has proposed to merge this. The next step is review by the rest of the tagged teams:

  • [x] @Kimundi
  • [ ] @SimonSapin
  • [x] @alexcrichton
  • [ ] @aturon
  • [x] @cramertj
  • [x] @dtolnay
  • [x] @eddyb
  • [ ] @joshtriplett
  • [ ] @nikomatsakis
  • [x] @nrc
  • [ ] @pnkfelix
  • [x] @scottmcm
  • [ ] @sfackler
  • [x] @withoutboats


Once a majority of reviewers approve (and none object), this will enter its final comment period. If you spot a major issue that hasn't been raised at any point in this process, please speak up!

See this document for info about what commands tagged team members can give me.

I'm happy to see some confidence that this is sound. However, it's hard to get a handle on all that's changed since the original RFC; could the RFC text be updated to reflect the design that's being proposed for stabilization? (In general this is a problem that a lot of RFCs get, where they change so much during the implementation period that trying to get a grasp of it by reading the RFC is futile. We should find a way to do better there.)

RFCs are not a spec. Reading the RFC is not substitute for actual documentation.

@bstrie the significant change from the RFC (Unpin is safe) is covered in my summary post. In the long term, people should gain an understanding of the pinning API by reading the docs in std::pin (a blocker on stabilization), not from digging up the original RFC.

If the intent is that documentation blocks stabilization, but that the documentation has not yet been written, then is this FCP not premature? Expecting potential commenters to reconstruct the tentative documentation themselves by piecing together disparate sources is IMO a rather higher barrier to entry than one would like.

@bstrie it is our standard procedure to propose FCP before documentation. i wrote a very extensive summary comment on the state of play which should provide enough information for anyone who hasn't followed the tracking issue, as well as a shorter comment for people who dont want that much context

To elaborate a bit more, FCP is the question “do we want to stabilize this?” If that answer turns out “no”, then a bunch of work on docs has been wasted. FCP completing does not mean that the feature becomes instantly stable; it means that the decision has been made to stabilize it, and so now is the time to do the work needed to do so; that includes compiler and documentation work.

On Aug 2, 2018, at 12:56 PM, boats wrote:

@bstrie it is our standard procedure to propose FCP before documentation. i wrote a very extensive summary comment on the state of play which should provide enough information for anyone who hasn't followed the tracking issue

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Pin projection through a pointer should never be treated as safe (see notes Box below).
Pin projection through interior mutability should never be treated as safe.

Can you clarify this point a little bit? Are you specifically referring to types in the standard library? Similar to Box, there are types like Mutex that could project pinning since they uniquely own their contents (out-of-band though they may be). At least outside of the standard library, I'd assume we'd want the ability to have concurrency primitives that project PinRef<InPlaceMux<T>> to PinMut<T> on a call to .lock(), which seems like a case of "projection through interior mutability".

@cramertj Projecting into a Mutex seems dangerous; one could use the safe conversion to &Mutex and then Mutex::lock to obtain a &mut and then move things out.

EDIT: Oh, you mean an always-pinned Mutex. Like, PinMutex. Yes, that would work. Interior mutability is fine if you never hand out &mut. But it seems unlikely currently that we will have such data structures in libstd.

But yes, for full precision, @withoutboats' statement should be amended to say that "pin projection through interior mutability is safe only if the type always pins, i.e., never hands out &mut."

@RalfJung Exactly, yeah.

But it seems unlikely currently that we will have such data structures in libstd.

Right, I wanted to make sure that the stated requirements around not projecting through pointers or interior mutability were specifically around libstd, not general rules.

@cramertj its definitely not a hard and fast rule (its not UB to violate it for example), but I would say its a good guideline for people who are uncertain

I'm disappointed by the decision to stabilize this. I'm not overly concerned about what happens in the short term, since without compiler support, any potential design is going to look a bit hackish. However, in the long term, if Rust gains native immovable types, they will not feel truly first-class unless they can be used with trait methods accepting &self and &mut self. As a consequence, pinnedness needs to be a property of the referent type, not the reference type. That can still happen, of course, in a future design for native immovable types. But it would result in Pin<T> becoming redundant – not just, say, a deprecated alias for some native &pin T, but unnecessary altogether. In turn, traits such as Future (and potentially many others) that accept Pin<Self> will need to be revamped or deprecated, which would require a messy transition period.

Messy, not impossible. But at the risk of being overly pessimistic, I'm worried that the desire to avoid such a transition will bias future decisions towards adopting &pin instead as the basis for native immovable types – which, in my view, will leave them permanently second-class. And I still think that among short-term designs, the &Pinned<T> approach would have been feasible, avoiding these forwards-compatibility concerns and having other benefits as well (e.g. completely sidestepping the issue with interior mutability).

Oh well. As it is, I'm still looking forward to using Pin, but I'd have preferred if it stayed on rather than entering the standard library.

I agree that it's too early to stabilize this. Currently it's somewhat awkward in some situations, for example when accessing fields of !Unpin type inside a method called on PinMut<Self>. I think @withoutboats changes would improve the situation, but I'm not sure. Wouldn't it be worth to wait until those changes are applied and been tested atleast for awhile?

@Thomasdezeeuw What changes do you think would improve the situation The changes I've proposed do not seem to relate to that inconvenience.

There's no way to write a generic solution - that is, to add a method to std - but this variation of the macro from futures is safe:

macro_rules! get_mut {
    ($f:tt: $t:ty) => (
        fn $f<'a>(
            self: &'a mut std::mem::PinMut<Self>
        ) -> &'a mut $t
            where $t: Unpin
            unsafe {
                 &mut std::mem::PinMut::get_mut_unchecked(self.reborrow()).$f

struct Foo {
    bar: Bar,

impl Foo {
     get_mut!(bar: Bar);

@withoutboats That is safe because it only provides access to Unpin data, right?

@RalfJung exactly! the where clause line makes it safe

@withoutboats that's a nice macro but only works for Unpin types.

But wouldn't it be possible to add a method/macro that would take a PinMut<Self> and returns PinMut<Self.field>, preferably in safe code. I could be wrong but my thinking is that if the caller guarentees that Self is pinned, then so is Self.field, right? That should also work for types that don't implement Unpin.

@Thomasdezeeuw This problem is discussed in my summary under the "Pin projection" section; it is not safe to project to !Unpin fields unless you also guarantee that Self does not do certain other things, which we can't generate a check for. We can only automatically guarantee the ability to project to fields which implement Unpin (because that is always safe, and we can check it with a where clause).

@withoutboats I've read the summary, but maybe I misunderstood. But if a type T is !Unpin then PinMut<T> won't implement DerefMut for T, thus moving the value wouldn't be possible without unsafe code. You still have the problem with the Drop trait, but that is bigger then just getting access to a type's field. So I don't see what makes mapping from PinMut<T> to PinMut<T.field> unsafe, even if T.field is !Unpin.

@Thomasdezeeuw In futures-rs we have situations where we have a type inside a PinMut, but one of its fields is not considered pinned

The downside of the macro by @withoutboats is that it can only give access to one field at a time because it holds a mutable reference to self. Struct field accesses don't have this limitation.

I believe deciding to stabilize the pinning API is the right decision. I would, however, suggest to implement the proposed core::pin module first.

You still have the problem with the Drop trait, but that is bigger then just getting access to a type's field.

Nope it is not. Drop is actually fine as long as you don't do field mapping. That's why field mapping is unsafe.

You still have the problem with the Drop trait, but that is bigger then just getting access to a type's field. So I don't see what makes mapping from PinMut to PinMut unsafe, even if T.field is !Unpin.

To be clear, we can't automatically generate a proof that T: !Unpin either. But even if it isn't, here's an example of how the Drop impl can be used:

struct Foo {
    field: UnpinFuture,

impl Foo {
     fn field(self: PinMut<Self>) -> PinMut<UnpinFuture> { ... }

     fn poll_field(self: PinMut<Self>, ctx: &mut Context) {

impl Drop {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // ...
        let moved_field = mem::replace(&mut self.field, UnpinFuture::new());

        // polling after move! violated the guarantee!

As @RalfJung says, this is exactly the problem with Drop - if you don't do any pin projections to !Unpin fields, everything you do in Drop is fine.

The downside of the macro by @withoutboats is that it can only give access to one field at a time because it holds a mutable reference to self. Struct field accesses don't have this limitation.

You can write the method that gives access to multiple fields, but you do have to do it for each combination you care about.

Out of curiosity, are there other concrete use cases besides futures, or at least something else motivating the desire to stabilize these now (as opposed to later with more experience)?

There seems to be no further discussion here regarding the points raised by @comex. They made me pretty curious, because I don't recall the idea of making pin a property of the type instead of the reference. Has this been discussed elsewhere already? It is not easy to follow everything from "the outside", I do my best ;-)

In turn, traits such as Future (and potentially many others) that accept Pin will need to be revamped or deprecated, which would require a messy transition period.

Hmmm. Could some edition-related magic allow us to silently wrap and unwrap these Pins, and make the changes fully backward-compatible? Kind of gross, but not overly so, and it would keep the language and APIs clean during such a transition.

Maybe the idea would need to be fleshed out more to answer this question (I remember this being brought up before in the thread, but I lost track of where.)

@yasammez I was able to pick up the discussion of value-oriented pinning around here

Just to confirm, the path to stabilization does not include a plan for safe field projections? It seems to me this is going to introduce a lot of unsafe code in all futures libraries. In my experience, manual Future impls are not uncommon, and I know all of mine require polling of fields.

I don't think it matters that a lot of this unsafe code will be trivially proven safe. The mere existence of the unsafe code dilutes one's ability to audit more real unsafe code.

@tikue in the near term, you can either:

  1. use a macro like the unsafe_pinned macro that the futures library developed, limiting yourself to a single unsafe for every inner poll, which you must verify against the constraints described in my long summary (you can also not use a macro and just write the accessor by hand, its also only a single unsafe).
  2. require your fields to implement Unpin, making such projections trivially safe and requiring no unsafe code, at the cost of heap allocating any !Unpin futures.

@withoutboats I understand the options but find them hard to palate. Requiring Unpin will restrict compatability with a whole slew of futures, like anything that self-borrows, e.g. any async fn using channels. And unsafe pollution is a real concern.

Practically speaking, I've tried migrating a library to futures 0.3 and have found it to be a struggle for these reasons.

@tikue This is forward compatible with providing the check for you in an automated fashion. We haven't fully designed or implemented that yet, but nothing here precludes it from happening.

However, I don't really understand this concern:

And unsafe pollution is a real concern.

The "problem of unsafe" is too often left at this level I feel - just a blanket prohibition on unsafe.

For most nested futures, it should be very easy to determine if you can safely use the unsafe_pinned! macro. The checklist usually goes like this:

  1. I did not manually implement Unpin for my future, instead I just rely on the auto trait impl.
  2. I did not manually implement Drop for my future, because I have no custom destructor.
  3. The field I want to project to is private.

In that case: you're good! unsafe_pinned is safe to use.

If you did manually implement Unpin or Drop, you have to actually think about it, but even in that case its not necessarily such a hard problem:

  1. If I did implement Unpin, it is constrained on the future I abstract over being Unpin.
  2. If I did implement Drop, I never move the future field during my destructor.

@tikue for reference, I've written up a gist of the basic proposal for an attribute-based solution. This requires compiler support, but not significant extensions to the language - just one new trait and one new built-in attribute.

There is also a more "intrusive" solution in which we add proper &pin reference types, which would have the same shape in terms of the constraints, but it would be more impactful on the language as a whole.

What about PinMut::replace?

impl<'a, T> PinMut<'a, T> {
  pub fn replace(&mut self, x: T) { unsafe {
    ptr::drop_in_place(self.inner as *mut T);
    ptr::write(self.inner as *mut T, x);
  } }

Even if we do not want to add such a method, we should have an answer to the question of whether this is safe -- for PinMut, and also for PinBox which could have something similar.

I think it is certainly safe for PinBox, because I am taking care to call the destructor "in place" and then this is just re-using memory. However, I am a bit worried with PinMut about the value being dropped early, i.e., before its lifetime is over. It does not seem clear to me that this will always be okay, but I also cannot come up with a counterexample. @cramertj @withoutboats any thoughts?

(I would add this to @rfcbot if I could...)

@rfcbot concern replace

@RalfJung I could be wrong here but, couldn't that code double drop if T panics in drop?

@RalfJung We already have PinMut::set.

@cramertj D'oh. Yeah okay I could have been a little more thorough in checking this.

Sorry for the noise, my concern is resolved.

@rfcbot resolve replace

This is real code I'm writing right now for futures 0.1 => 0.3 compatibility with tokio_timer::Deadline. It needs to make a PinMut<Future01CompatExt<Delay>>, where Delay is a field of Deadline.

        let mut compat;
        let mut delay = unsafe {
            let me = PinMut::get_mut_unchecked(self);
            compat = Future01CompatExt::compat(&mut me.delay);
            PinMut::new_unchecked(&mut compat)

Besides the nontrivial use of unsafe, it also took me around 5 iterations on this code to find a version that compiled. Writing and thinking about what's going on here is pretty unergonomic.

I think there's a lot of room between a blanket prohibition on unsafe and this code. For example, map_unchecked is too restrictive to help with this code because it requires returning a reference, whereas this code requires returning Future01CompatExt<&mut Delay>.

Edit: Another source of unergonomy is you can't mutably borrow in match guards, so PinMut can't work with code like this:

match self.poll_listener(cx)? {
// used to be if self.open_connections > 0
Poll::Ready(None) if self.open_connections() > 0 => {
^^^^ borrowed mutably in pattern guard
return Poll::Pending;
Poll::Ready(None) => {
return Poll::Ready(None);

Your comment about map_unchecked is on point, maybe there's a more generic signature that can also allow returning temporaries around pointers.

Are there guidelines for when it's safe to get an &mut reference from a field of a PinMut<Type>? I think as long as Type never assumes the field is pinned, it's ok? Does it have to be private?

Yes either the field implements Unpin or you never construct a PinMut of the field.

@rfcbot variance

I'm writing a decent amount of PinMut-based code and one thing that has happened a lot is that i havie an operation that doesn't rely on pinning, but it takes self by PInMut rather than &mut as a way of saying "I promise I won't move out of this memory." However, this forces all users to have a pinned value, which is unnecessary. I've been thinking it over and couldn't come up with a good API for it, but it'd be wonderful if there was a way to separate "I need my argument to be pinned" from "I can work with a pinned argument".

I think "variance" is the wrong term there; what you want is associated type constructors to abstract over different reference types :D

@RalfJung Yes, that's true. However, I would settle for a type like could come from a PinMut or from an &mut but can only be used like a PinMut, tho I know this doesn't scale particularly well. I think that's more achievable than generic arbitrary_self_types :smile: Perhaps it's best just to close with "we're fairly confident that we're future-proof to function signatures like this":

impl MyType {
    fn foo(self: impl MutableRef<Self>, ...) { ... }

@rfcbot concern api-refactor

A bit of inspiration struct and last night I figured out how we could refactor this API so that there is only one Pin type, which wraps a pointer, rather than having to create a pinned version of every single pointer. This isn't a fundamental reshaping of the API in any way, but it feels better to pull the "pins the memory" component out into a composable piece.

When I was working on the network stack for nt-rs, I was told that pinned references would help with the "ownership dance" that I'm currently solving with fold as seen here (tx.send moves tx into a Send<<type of tx>> future, making it difficult to loop over incoming data to send packets.). In what way would pinning help with that sort of thing?

@Redrield send() takes &mut self in futures 0.3.

@withoutboats I'm eager to try this new API in futures-rs!

Since the new API uses different identifiers, I think it should be possible to have both APIs available simultaneously. I think it would be best to have a short transition period during which both APIs are available which lets us experiment, prepare a PR and port the futures API in libcore to the new style.

@MajorBreakfast it seems like we could potentially alias type PinMut<T> = Pin<&mut T>; and offer a number of the same methods, which would cut down on the sheer magnitude and immediacy of the breakage.


So with the new API:

  1. Pin<&T> and Pin<&mut T> have the "standard pinning" invariant, where the value behind them:
    1.a. is not a valid &T/&mut T anymore, unless Unpin
    1.b. will not be used as a Pin from another memory address.
    1.c. will be dropped before being memory invalidated.
  2. Pin<Smaht<T>> does not have any "special" guarantees, except that it returns valid Pin<&mut T> and Pin<&T> when asked (which is just the standard safety guarantee, given that the APIs are safe).
    2.a. Do we want a DerefPure guarantee, where Pin<Smaht<T>> is required to return the same value unless it is mutated? Does anyone want that?

Correction about the invariant.

The invariant for Pin<Smaht<T>> is:

  1. Calling Deref::deref(&self.inner) will give a valid Pin<&T::Target> (note that &self.inner need not be a safe &Smaht<T>).
  2. If Smaht<T>: DerefMut, calling DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut self.inner) will give a valid Pin<&mut T::Target> (note that &mut self.inner need not be a safe &mut Smaht<T>).
  3. Calling the destructor of self.inner in order to destroy it is OK as long as it is safe for destruction.
  4. self.inner does not have to be a safe Smaht<T> - it does not have to support other functions.

There was some feedback posted in the reddit post about @withoutboats proposal:

  • (multiple) Own is a weird name, see below for possible ways to solve this.

  • ryani asks why the implementations that constrain Deref<Target = T> have that extra generic T? Can't you just use P::Target?

  • jnicklas asks what the purpose is of the Own trait, what about adding pinned inherent methods by convention? This means the API users don't need to import the trait however you lose the ability to be generic over pinnable constructors. Is this a big deal? The motivation for the trait seems insufficiently motivated: _[they] have the same shape after all.'_

  • RustMeUp (myself) asks, in the Own trait, what is the purpose of the own method? Why can't the trait just leave pinned to be implemented by the types who want to opt in? This allows the trait to be safe and allows the trait to be named Pinned which feels less awkward than Own. The reason for the own method seems unsufficiently motivated.

I'll add another question:

Why are neither Pin<P> itself nor Pin<P>::new_unchecked restricted to P: Deref?

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Pin<P> {
    pointer: P,

impl<P: Deref> Pin<P> { // only change
    pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(pointer: P) -> Pin<P> {
        Pin { pointer }


#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Pin<P: Deref> { // changed
    pointer: P,

impl<P: Deref> Pin<P> { // changed
    pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(pointer: P) -> Pin<P> {
        Pin { pointer }

would both prevent Pin<P> where P: !Deref instances that are useless since there is no isn't anything you can with it unless extra methods are added. I think...

Here is a gist with mine and ryani's feedback addressed.

ryani asks why the implementations that constrain Deref have that extra generic T? Can't you just use P::Target?

There's no difference at all between these two impls other than how they're written.

Why are neither Pin

itself nor Pin

::new_unchecked restricted to P: Deref?

I have no opinion; historically the std library has not bound on structs, but I'm not sure if that policy is well motivated or a historical accident.

Planning to implement this after #53227 is landed, but will not implement the Own trait because its controversialish. For now, just a pinned inherent constructor on Box, Rc and Arc.

Following up somewhat on what @arielb1 wrote, I view Pin here as actually acting on "pointer type constructors" -- things like Box or &'a mut that have "kind" * -> *. Of course, we don't actually have syntax for that, but that is a way in which I can make sense of this in terms of invariants. We still have 4 (safety( invariants per type as in my blog post: Owned, Shared, Pinned-Owned, Pinned-Shared.

I think a proper formalization requires this view, because the idea is that Pin<Ptr><T> takes T's invariants, transforms them (using the pinned invariants everywhere), and then applies the Ptr constructor to that resulting type. (This requires changing the way we define Owned, but that is something I planned long-term anyway.) In terms of formalism, one would really prefer to write Ptr<Pin<T>>, but we've tried that and it does not work very well with Rust.

The promise, then, that a pointer type constructor makes when "opting in" to Pin is that applying Deref/DerefMut will be safe: That when the input is actually Ptr applied to the Pinned-Owned/Shared variant of the type, the output will satisfy the Pinnd-Owned/Shared variant of that type.

These are really the only two "unsafe methods" here (in the sense they must be careful about invariants):

impl<P, T> Pin<P> where
    P: Deref<Target = T>,
    pub fn as_ref(this: &Pin<P>) -> Pin<&T> {
        Pin { pointer: &*this.pointer }

impl<P, T> Pin<P> where
    P: DerefMut<Target = T>,
    pub fn as_mut(this: &mut Pin<P>) -> Pin<&mut T> {
        Pin { pointer: &mut *this.pointer }

Everything else that is safe to use can be implemented on top of this with safe code, exploiting that Pin<&T> -> &T is a safe conversion, and for Unpin types the same holds for Pin<&mut T> -> &mut T.

I'd prefer if we could change the Deref and DerefMut implementations for Pin to something like

impl<'a, T: Unpin> Pin<&'a mut T> {
    pub fn unpin_mut(this: Pin<&'a mut T>) -> &'a mut T {

impl<'a, T> Pin<&'a T> {
    // You cannot move out of a shared reference, so "unpinning" this
    // is always safe.
    pub fn unpin_shr(this: Pin<&'a T>) -> &'a T {

// The rest is now safe code that could be written by users as well
impl<P, T> Deref for Pin<P> where
    P: Deref<Target = T>,
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

impl<P, T> DerefMut for Pin<P> where
    P: DerefMut<Target = T>,
    T: Unpin,
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {

That would drive home the point that these two do not do anything new, they just compose as_ref/as_mut with a safe conversion from Pin<&[mut] T> to &[mut] T -- which clearly leaves as_ref/as_mut as the only thing that other pointer type constructors have to worry about.

The current PinMut has a borrow method taking &mut self for easier reborrowing (since this takes self, we get auto-borrowing). This method does exactly the same as Pin::as_mut. I suppose we would want something like this here as well?

I just noticed that slices have get_unchecked_mut, but pin has get_mut_unchecked. Seems like we should stick to something consistent?

Could someone add this to rfcbot's concerns?

@rfcbot concern get_mut_unchecked_mut_mut

I just realized we forgot about one situation where rustc will copy stuff around--- it's probably not a big deal though, for now. I am talking about packed structs. If a packed struct has a field that needs dropping, rustc will emit code to copy that field's data to somewhere aligned, and then call drop on that. That is to make sure that the &mut passed to drop is actually aligned.

For us, it means that a repr(packed) struct must not be "structural" or "recursive" wrt. pinning -- its fields cannot be considered pinned even if the struct itself is. In particular, it is unsafe to use the pin-accessor-macro on such a struct. That should be added to its documentation.

That seems like a giant footgun that should be plastered over all of the pinning docs.

@alercah I don't think it's much more of a footgun than the existing ability to impl Unpin or Drop-- certainly both are far more commonly seen alongside pinned values than #[repr(packed)].

That's fair. My concern is that someone might think that a projection is safe for a type that they didn't write, and not realize that packed makes it unsafe to do so, because it's decidedly non-obvious. It's true that whoever is doing the projection is responsible for being aware of this, but I think it needs to be additionally documented anywhere where such a projection might occur.

Hm, would this also mean that all packed structs could be Unpin regardless of field types since the pinning is not recursive?

@alercah I'm not super familiar with how packed types are implemented, but I believe its safe to pin to a packed type, just not to pin through a packed type. So the only case where you don't control the packed type is if you project to a public field of someone else's type, which could be just as unsafe because of Drop or anything else. In general, it seems illadvised to pin project to someone else's fields unless they provide a pin projection indicating that its safe.

Hm, would this also mean that all packed structs could be Unpin regardless of field types since the pinning is not recursive?

A use case I could imagine is an intrusive linked list, where you only care about the address of the whole struct, but its got a bunch of badly aligned data you want to squash together without caring about the address of that data.

I've had to learn the Pin API due to my work with Futures, and I have a question.

  • Box unconditionally implements Unpin.

  • Box unconditionally implements DerefMut.

  • The Pin::get_mut method always works on &mut Box<T> (because Box unconditionally implements Unpin).

Taken together, that allows for moving a pinned value with entirely safe code.

Is this intended? What is the rationale for why this is safe to do?

It looks like you have Pin<&mut Box<...>>, which pins Box, not the stuff inside Box. It's always safe to move a Box around, because Box never stores references to its location on the stack.

What you likely want is Pin<Box<...>>. Playground link.

EDIT: no longer accurate

@Pauan Just because a Box is pinned does not mean the thing _inside_ it is pinned. In other words, you cannot get a Pin<Foo> from a Pin<Box<Foo>>, and the latter does not provide the same guarantees as the former. Any code depending on this would be incorrect.

The thing you are looking for is probably PinBox, which disallows the behavior you mentioned, and allows you to get a PinMut<Foo>.

@tikue It’s still possible to move out of a Pin<Box<...>>, which I think is what they were trying to avoid.

@tmandry Correct me if I'm wrong, but Pin<Box<...>> pins the thing inside the Box, not the Box itself. In @Pauan's original example, they had a Pin<&mut Box<...>>, which only pinned the Box. See my playground link showing how Pin<Box<...>> prevents getting a mutable reference to the thing in the box.

Note that PinBox was recently removed, and Pin<Box<T>> now has the same semantics as PinBox.

@tmandry PinBox<T> has been removed and replaced with Pin<Box<T>> on Nightly (the doc link you gave is for Stable). Here is the correct Nightly link.

Oh, the rules must have changed since I last used these. Sorry for the confusion.

@tmandry Yes, the changes were very recent. Since things are still in flux, it's hard to keep up with all the changes.

The comment by @tikue is correct. You need to remember that pins only pin one level of indirection down.

@tikue @tmandry @withoutboats Thanks for the answers! It was very helpful.

So what are the states of the two concerns now? (api-refactor & get_mut_unchecked_mut_mut) As someone who's eagerly waiting for the async/await series feature, I wonder which rustc version will the Pin APIs target? Is there an estimation?

@crlf0710 see the stabilization proposal.

@withoutboats Seems done? Shall we close?

Ok I apologise if this is not the place to post this, but I have been thinking about the Drop + !Unpin issue, and have come out with the following idea:

  1. Ideally, if Drop::drop was fn(self: Pin<&mut Self>) there would be no issue. Let's call such a Drop PinDrop. We cannot just replace Drop by PinDrop because of retrocompatibility issues.
  1. since the only issue with Drop::drop(&mut self) is for the Drop + !Unpin case, we could derive a default impl of PinDrop for Drop + Unpin (since then Pin<&mut T> : DerefMut<Target = T>) and make PinDrop be the trait automagically used by rustc (thanks to Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self), since drop is the only case of stack pinning when we think about it).

Here is a sketchy PoC of the idea:

Anyways, imho this should remain in beta and not go stable yet, even if it has to be an exception. If there is a time where Drop behavior can depend on Unpin without breaking compat then that time is now.

@danielhenrymantilla I don't see how that solves the problem of compatibility with existing generic drop impls, like impl<T> Drop for Vec<T>.

You're right it requires another thing:
an implicit T: Unpin bound on all generics, with an opt-out using ?Unpin in the same manner as Sized

That should make it become

impl<T> Drop for Vec<T>
  T : Unpin, // implicit, which implies that Vec<T> : Unpin which "upgrades" `Drop` into `PinDrop`

an implicit T: Unpin bound on all generics, with an opt-out using ?Unpin in the same manner as Sized

This has a huge effect on the overall API design, and was discussed extensively as part of the ?Move proposals. For example, it would mean that many, many existing libraries would need updating to work with pinning. The conclusion was that going with a library-only solution such as what we got now is better because it requires none of this.

Yep, huge cost short term since all existing libraries would need to update to be !Unpin compatible, but in the long run we would end up with a "safer" Drop. It did not seem that bad at first, since at least we are not breaking anything.

But it is a fair concern (I did not know that it had been raised previously; thank you for pointing it out, @RalfJung ), and I guess that the short term practical drawbacks do out-weight the little safety gain of a drop(Pin<&mut Self>).

Has there been any discussion on Hash implementation for Pin types hashing on addresses?

Pin should probably have an implementation of Hash that simply delegates to the contained pointer, there's no precedence for hashing based on addresses (and I don't see any reason that pinning a value should change how it gets hashed).

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