Scratch-render: Rendering this costume is messed up

Created on 14 Nov 2017  ·  1Comment  ·  Source: LLK/scratch-render

Expected Behavior

_Please describe what should happen_

In scratch 2

Actual Behavior

_Describe what actually happens_


Steps to Reproduce

_Explain what someone needs to do in order to see what's described in Actual behavior above_

bug compatibility

Most helpful comment

Since helium is a limited resource, we've chosen to fill balloons like this on demand. It looks like the system didn't notice that this balloon was about to be displayed so you caught a glimpse of it in the deflated state.

(OK, fine... it looks like the stroke width is being ignored... will investigate...)

>All comments

Since helium is a limited resource, we've chosen to fill balloons like this on demand. It looks like the system didn't notice that this balloon was about to be displayed so you caught a glimpse of it in the deflated state.

(OK, fine... it looks like the stroke width is being ignored... will investigate...)

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