Sip.js: WebRTC error on Chrome 57

Created on 14 Feb 2017  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: onsip/SIP.js

Unable to make calls with Demo Phone, browser throws an error

sip-0.7.3.js:2884 DOMException: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Session error code: ERROR_CONTENT. Session error description: rtcpMuxPolicy is 'require', but media description does not contain 'a=rtcp-mux'..

Works fine on previous Chrome versions

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We've updated to 0.7.7 to fix this. The demo-phone is using 0.7.3, which we should update, but if you update to 0.7.7 and set the rtcpMuxPolicy to 'negotiate', you should be ok.


All 6 comments

We have the same issue and were not able to find a viable solution

This is very important. Our production systems rely on this and the new Chrome update seems to be breaking the functionality.

Did you try setting the rtcpmuxpolicy configuration setting to "negotiate" ?

We've updated to 0.7.7 to fix this. The demo-phone is using 0.7.3, which we should update, but if you update to 0.7.7 and set the rtcpMuxPolicy to 'negotiate', you should be ok.


@matthieusieben @james-criscuolo thanks, it works on 57
but still not working on 58.0.3004.3 / Linux 64 bit

I've been able to make it work on Version 58.0.3004.3 (Official Build) dev (64-bit) without problem after adding the rtcpMuxPolicy: 'negotiate' configuration.

Thank you @matthieusieben @james-criscuolo for fixing this. It worked!!!

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