Trying to add in angular getting 404

Created on 6 Feb 2017  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: socketio/

I am Trying to add in angular 2.
I already installed the modules and all and probably more than I need of the typings:

npm install @types/ --save-dev
npm install @types/ --save-dev
typings install --save --global
typings install --save --global

And I tried importing it in my component attempting two different ways:

import * as io from "";
//declare var io:any;

Yet, im still getting this error in my browser:

http://localhost:4200/ 404 (Not Found)

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@darrachequesne our problem was the nginx configuration we had to add this location

location ~/(socket\.io).*$ { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; }

then it worked :)

All 7 comments

same problem for me, I currently trying to connect to a test socket from wss:// but automatically / is added which leads to a 404-response

Any updates? I'm getting the same thing trying to integrate into our app. Using Angular CLI, installed the types, and included them in the, but I'm still getting the same 404 error. Seems like it works for everybody else, but not for us!

Could you please provide the configuration for the server?

@darrachequesne Hi! Yup it worked after I checked the server configuration the next day. It was a really silly oversight on my part... Sorry for bumping the issue! Not sure about the others above though. Thanks again!

@crebuh you won't be able to connect to wss://, as is not a Websocket implementation (it uses Websocket as a possible transport).

@AhadCove Could you please provide the configuration for the server?

@darrachequesne our problem was the nginx configuration we had to add this location

location ~/(socket\.io).*$ { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; }

then it worked :)

@crebuh great! I think we can close this issue now, please reopen if needed.

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