Springfox: @ApiResponse response parameter not used in 3.0.0

Created on 17 Aug 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: springfox/springfox

Starting with 3.0.0 (in 2.9.2 it worked properly)

@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Not Found", response = CustomError::class)

The 404 - Not Found is in the documentation, but the defined response (CustomError in example) not shown in the generated documentation (response sample and model)


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To workaround it for now, add: springfox.documentation.swagger.use-model-v3=false

The prescribed workaround doesn't seem to work for ResponseEntity<?> return types. I'm not sure if that's a separate issue or if it's part and parcel to this bug.

All 6 comments

@varjasz do you find any solution?

@varjasz do you find any solution?

No, but I wasn't looking for it.

Thanks for reporting @varjasz

Same issue here.
After some debugging, root cause should be: https://github.com/springfox/springfox/blob/07a4c86d70b791f21c2d2f656a863920b8c883c7/springfox-swagger2/src/main/java/springfox/documentation/swagger2/mappers/ServiceModelToSwagger2Mapper.java#L117

Springfox 3.0 uses v3 models by default, but source.getResponses() gives wrong type. To workaround it for now, add:
springfox.documentation.swagger.use-model-v3=false in your application.properties.

To workaround it for now, add: springfox.documentation.swagger.use-model-v3=false

The prescribed workaround doesn't seem to work for ResponseEntity<?> return types. I'm not sure if that's a separate issue or if it's part and parcel to this bug.

I can confirm the fix with springfox.documentation.swagger.use-model-v3=false for doc type DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2.

On the other hand, shouldn't it work out of the box with doc type DocumentationType.OAS_30? I tried it both with and without the app.prop setting but it behaves the same as the initial issue by not showing up at all.

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