Storybook: source-loader: TypeError: Cannot read property 'query' of undefined

Created on 13 Aug 2020  ·  1Comment  ·  Source: storybookjs/storybook

Describe the bug

An auto-generated storybook with @storybook/source-loader prints this error message and sources do not load, and no 'Story' tab appears.

To Reproduce

Demo Repo: (just run yarn start-storybook)

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

npx init storybook # choose react
npm i @storybook/source-loader --dev


module.exports = {
  stories: [
  addons: [
+    "@storybook/source-loader",
+  webpackFinal: async (config) => {
+    config.module.rules = [
+      ...config.module.rules,
+      {
+        test: /\.stories\.jsx?$/,
+        loaders: [
+          {
+            loader: require.resolve("@storybook/source-loader"),
+            options: { parser: "javascript" },
+          },
+        ],
+        enforce: "pre",
+      },
+    ];
+    return config;
+  },
info @storybook/react v6.0.5
info => Loading presets
WARN   Failed to load preset: {"name":"@storybook/source-loader","type":"presets"} on level 1
ERR! TypeError: Cannot read property 'query' of undefined
ERR!     at getOptions (/[REDACTED]/node_modules/loader-utils/lib/getOptions.js:6:31)
ERR!     at readAsObject (/[REDACTED]/node_modules/@storybook/source-loader/dist/dependencies-lookup/readAsObject.js:25:45)

Expected behavior

No error, story source code loads.


Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 9 06 38 PM

bug source-loader

Most helpful comment

My apologies-- I may have mis-read the documentation. I think my configuration listed above is incorrect. I've since updated my configuration. Most of my stories are now populating with source code.

Addons should be something like:

  addons: [
+   "@storybook/addon-storysource",

@storybook/addon-storysource uses @storybook/source-loader under the hood. If you're overriding webpack configs (e.g defining your own config.module.rules array, you'll need to setup @storybook/source-loader yourself.

>All comments

My apologies-- I may have mis-read the documentation. I think my configuration listed above is incorrect. I've since updated my configuration. Most of my stories are now populating with source code.

Addons should be something like:

  addons: [
+   "@storybook/addon-storysource",

@storybook/addon-storysource uses @storybook/source-loader under the hood. If you're overriding webpack configs (e.g defining your own config.module.rules array, you'll need to setup @storybook/source-loader yourself.

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