Supervisor: Dynamic numproc change

Created on 30 Nov 2012  ·  49Comments  ·  Source: Supervisor/supervisor

This would be a great feature - command to dynamically set the numprocs variable and span or kill procrocs when it change

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Do the authors have any intention of implementing this? I'm evaluating similar tools and would like to know what to count on.

No one is currently working on it but this feature could also be implemented as a plugin.





How would plugin for this look like?
From what I can tell there is no way you can dynamically add processes into configuration. The only thing I can do is set up the [program:x] with numproces set to a large number. Then I can start and stop workers via XMLRPC, but I can not start more workers than what was configured.
Is this the idea of a plugin? It would be nice to have an option to increase numproces dynamically so you would not be limited by what you set in config file.

How would plugin for this look like?
From what I can tell there is no way you can dynamically add processes into configuration.

The supervisor_twiddler plugin does not adjust numprocs but it does dynamically add and remove programs. The same techniques it uses could be applied to make a plugin that adjusts numprocs.








I write a plugin supervisor_grace to solve this program forked from supervisor_twiddler. It's need to change the config file right now. I found it is complex to change the numproc online.

Is this now done? Or can this be done via changing config file only now?





























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