Swagger-codegen: [Java] Cannot build code generated by Maven plugin

Created on 30 Nov 2016  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: swagger-api/swagger-codegen


I'm using the Maven plugin to generate Java code. Following the generation, I get errors compiling the generated code such as:

package com.google.gson.annotations does not exist
package okio does not exist

I'm surprised because I expect _Jersey client 1.18. JSON processing: Jackson 2.4.2_ to be used, as documented in the readme - why do I need GSON or OKIO. If I do, I can't find which dependencies I would need to add to resolve this issue - I am using the examples in the swagger-maven-plugin documentation, but the build is still failing

Swagger-codegen version

2.2.1 - it was working in 2.1.6

Swagger declaration file content or url


Command line used for generation

Codegen config


Dependencies and properties

        <!-- dependencies are needed for the client being generated -->

        <!-- HTTP client: jersey-client -->

        <!-- JSON processing: jackson -->

        <!-- Base64 encoding that works in both JVM and Android -->
        <!-- test dependencies -->


Steps to reproduce

Clone and build https://github.com/tadhgpearson/swagger-maven-plugin-dependencies
I'm using Java 8 & Maven 3.3

Related issues

Perhaps #3261 ?

Suggest a Fix

Behaviour suggests the default is now using GSON + OK HTTP - maybe that's where the bug is?

Question Swagger Codegen Maven Plugin

All 7 comments

Aha - the clue is in JavaClientCodegen:56 which was updated in #3919

CliOption libraryOption = new CliOption(CodegenConstants.LIBRARY, "library template (sub-template) to use"); libraryOption.setEnum(supportedLibraries); // set okhttp-gson as the default libraryOption.setDefault("okhttp-gson"); cliOptions.add(libraryOption); setLibrary("okhttp-gson");

If you want to keep this as the default (I prefer Jackson / Jersey, but that's just my little opinion), then the maven codegen examples need to be updated, and the documentation should tell me how I can now invoke what used to be the default option (is that jersey1?)

OK - I managed to resolve this looking through the code and provided the above pull request to update the documentation. Hope that helps!

I recently updated from 2.1.6 to 2.2.1 as i needed the new "templateDirectory" feature that works in 2.2.1. but as soon as i did that i get same complier errors. how did you resolve this? help!

is there a way to still use jersy and ignore the new default GSON library?

@aparnarus: use the jersey1 switch, as documented in the readme.

Thank you! im not sure how i missed it - but yes that worked.

@aparnarus: use the jersey1 switch, as documented in the readme.

<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>io.swagger</groupId> <artifactId>swagger-codegen-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3.1</version> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>generate</goal> </goals> <configuration> <inputSpec>/src/main/resources/swagger.json</inputSpec> <language>java</language> <output></output> <apiPackage>it.eng.sil.scoop</apiPackage> <modelPackage>it.eng.sil.ws.scoop.client.model</modelPackage> <generateModels>true</generateModels> <generateApis>false</generateApis> <generateApiTests>false</generateApiTests> <generateApiDocumentation>false</generateApiDocumentation> <generateSupportingFiles>false</generateSupportingFiles> <generateModelDocumentation>false</generateModelDocumentation> **<library>jersey1</library>** <configOptions> <dateLibrary>java8</dateLibrary> <sourceFolder>src/main/java</sourceFolder> </configOptions> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build>

it solved for me

many thanks

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