Sweetalert: Option to disable animation

Created on 7 Oct 2014  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: t4t5/sweetalert

Can we have an option to disable the animation? Thank you :)

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In 0.4.0 you can now pass animation: false to disable animations.

All 6 comments



Why would you disable the sexy animations? :( You can always remove the necessary lines in the CSS-file if it bugs you. Or do you mean that you want it to be animated in some cases, and static in others?

The animation that I mentioned is how the pop up dialog apear. I love the animation but sometimes for different projects, I need the dialog to appear without any animation.

Yes, I can do the hacking, but if the option is provided out of box, it will be better.

Btw, this is very good project. Thanks for your effort!


In 0.4.0 you can now pass animation: false to disable animations.

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