Sweetalert: Why you doing this to me!?

Created on 17 Apr 2015  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: t4t5/sweetalert

Please, stop changing files path, it's breaking my stuff!
Few days ago this link was perfectly fine:
Now it's broken becouse of your pointless moves.

Thank you.

Most helpful comment

Both the README and the project site clearly state what the best practice is for using this library. If you choose to ignore that because you have "no time to lose", then that's your problem.

All 4 comments

If you're using SweetAlert in an app, you really shouldn't link to a URL that you have absolutely no control over. Instead, download the files with Bower or NPM, or link to a CDN which uses version numbers.

Since this is 1.0.0 though, you'll be happy to know that the file structure won't change again. But please change the way you link to external files, it's destined to go bad!

I know what i'm doing. There is no time to lose when building simple, couple hundreds line apps.
Clearly github recognizes that giving us rawgit.com. So wash the f*** dishes, and sftu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SyJ-ZCW3FI&feature=youtu.be&t=2m3s

Both the README and the project site clearly state what the best practice is for using this library. If you choose to ignore that because you have "no time to lose", then that's your problem.

@mateuszjarewaski clearly you had no idea what you are doing because you'd know that rawgit.com is in no way affiliated with GitHub

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