Tensorflow: ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use.

Created on 8 Mar 2017  ·  102Comments  ·  Source: tensorflow/tensorflow

I am not sure if I am the first who met the following error:

ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use. First use of cell was with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell', this attempt is with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_1/basic_lstm_cell'. Please create a new instance of the cell if you would like it to use a different set of weights. If before you were using: MultiRNNCell([BasicLSTMCell(...)] * num_layers), change to: MultiRNNCell([BasicLSTMCell(...) for _ in range(num_layers)]). If before you were using the same cell instance as both the forward and reverse cell of a bidirectional RNN, simply create two instances (one for forward, one for reverse). In May 2017, we will start transitioning this cell's behavior to use existing stored weights, if any, when it is called with scope=None (which can lead to silent model degradation, so this error will remain until then.)

with the code fragment:

  import tensorflow as tf
  from tensorflow.contrib import rnn

  hidden_size = 100
  batch_size  = 100
  num_steps   = 100
  num_layers  = 100
  is_training = True
  keep_prob   = 0.4

  input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, num_steps])
  lstm_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(hidden_size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True)

  if is_training and keep_prob < 1:
      lstm_cell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell)
  cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True)

  _initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)

  iw = tf.get_variable("input_w", [1, hidden_size])
  ib = tf.get_variable("input_b", [hidden_size])
  inputs = [tf.nn.xw_plus_b(i_, iw, ib) for i_ in tf.split(input_data, num_steps, 1)]

  if is_training and keep_prob < 1:
      inputs = [tf.nn.dropout(input_, keep_prob) for input_ in inputs]

  outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=_initial_state)

I had googled around with no luck, can anyone show me a way out?

awaiting tensorflower

Most helpful comment

I met the same issue. If you are all using compiled version on master branch, I believe that we are the same issue caused by the recent commit. As the commit message says:

Make all RNNCells in tf.contrib.rnn act like tf.layers Layers, but with stricter semantics for no

  1. Upon first use of __call__, the used scope is stored in the cell. The RNNCell tries to create weights in that scope but if some are already set, an error is raised unless the RNNCell was constructed with argument reuse=True.

  2. A subsequent use of __call__ of the same cell instance must be in the same scope.
    If it is not, an error is raised.

From my case, which is running the ptb tutorial, the solution is just to add a parameter named with reuse like this at line 112:

def lstm_cell():
  return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
      size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True, reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)

Then it works.

All 102 comments

I am getting the same error when trying to run the translate example (even when doing the small self test) which can be found here: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/tutorials/rnn/translate

I met the same issue. If you are all using compiled version on master branch, I believe that we are the same issue caused by the recent commit. As the commit message says:

Make all RNNCells in tf.contrib.rnn act like tf.layers Layers, but with stricter semantics for no

  1. Upon first use of __call__, the used scope is stored in the cell. The RNNCell tries to create weights in that scope but if some are already set, an error is raised unless the RNNCell was constructed with argument reuse=True.

  2. A subsequent use of __call__ of the same cell instance must be in the same scope.
    If it is not, an error is raised.

From my case, which is running the ptb tutorial, the solution is just to add a parameter named with reuse like this at line 112:

def lstm_cell():
  return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
      size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True, reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)

Then it works.

@ebrevdo Could you please take a look at this?

The issue replicates for me when using the Windows/GPU build 105 on the Shakespeare RNN Repo.

When running the code with the Win 1.0.0/GPU Release, there is no issue.

That repo looks like it's targeted at tf 1.0, not intermediate releases.

On Mar 8, 2017 3:56 PM, "Tom Wanzek" notifications@github.com wrote:

The issue replicates for me when using the Windows/GPU build 105 on the Shakespeare
RNN Repo https://github.com/martin-gorner/tensorflow-rnn-shakespeare.

When running the code with the Win 1.0.0/GPU Release, there is no issue.

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@tongda , I am using the Release Version of Tensorflow 1.0, working on MacOS in cpu mode. I will switch to the master branch to see if it work by adding the "reuse" parameter, thanks.

doncat99: if you do, please ensure your code queries the tensorflow version
and raises a flag if the version is lower than the master branch version.
you may need to check against:

from tensorflow.core import versions

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 6:58 PM, doncat99 notifications@github.com wrote:

@tongda https://github.com/tongda , I am using the Release Version of
Tensorflow 1.0, working on MacOS in cpu mode. I will switch to the master
branch to see if it work by adding the "reuse" parameter, thanks.

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@ebrevdo So what would be the suggested changes to the Shakepeare RNN to allow it to work with the intermediate stable release?

Here is the key architectural section of the code, which now fails with build#105:

# the model (see FAQ in README.md)
lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lr')  # learning rate
pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='pkeep')  # dropout parameter
batchsize = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batchsize')

# inputs
X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='X')    # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN ]
Xo = tf.one_hot(X, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)                 # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, ALPHASIZE ]
# expected outputs = same sequence shifted by 1 since we are trying to predict the next character
Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='Y_')  # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN ]
Yo_ = tf.one_hot(Y_, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)               # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, ALPHASIZE ]
# input state
Hin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS], name='Hin')  # [ BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE * NLAYERS]

# using a NLAYERS=3 layers of GRU cells, unrolled SEQLEN=30 times
# dynamic_rnn infers SEQLEN from the size of the inputs Xo

onecell = rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE)
dropcell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(onecell, input_keep_prob=pkeep)
multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([dropcell for _ in range(NLAYERS)], state_is_tuple=False)
multicell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(multicell, output_keep_prob=pkeep)
Yr, H = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(multicell, Xo, dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=Hin)
# H:  [ BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS ] # this is the last state in the sequence

I do not seem to find any documentation regarding a reuse flag?

Thanks in advance.


multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.DropoutWrapper(rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE),
input_keep_prob=pkeep) for _ in range(NLAYERS)], state_is_tuple=False)

Which creates a separate grucell object for each layer.

On Mar 10, 2017 7:44 AM, "Tom Wanzek" notifications@github.com wrote:

@ebrevdo https://github.com/ebrevdo So what would be the suggested
changes to the Shakepeare RNN to allow it to work with the intermediate
stable release?

Here is the key architectural section of the code, which now fails with

the model (see FAQ in README.md)

lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lr') # learning rate
pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='pkeep') # dropout parameter
batchsize = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batchsize')


X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='X') # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN ]
Xo = tf.one_hot(X, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0) # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, ALPHASIZE ]# expected outputs = same sequence shifted by 1 since we are trying to predict the next character
Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='Y_') # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN ]
Yo_ = tf.one_hot(Y_, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0) # [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, ALPHASIZE ]# input state
Hin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS], name='Hin') # [ BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE * NLAYERS]

using a NLAYERS=3 layers of GRU cells, unrolled SEQLEN=30 times# dynamic_rnn infers SEQLEN from the size of the inputs Xo

onecell = rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE)
dropcell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(onecell, input_keep_prob=pkeep)
multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([dropcell for _ in range(NLAYERS)], state_is_tuple=False)
multicell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(multicell, output_keep_prob=pkeep)
Yr, H = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(multicell, Xo, dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=Hin)# Yr: [ BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, INTERNALSIZE ]# H: [ BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS ] # this is the last state in the sequence

I do not seem to find any documentation regarding a reuse flag?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't understand why I am getting this error with the seq2seq tutorial model:

cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])


where the cell is created with

def single_cell():
    return tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(size)

@ebrevdo Thanks for getting back to this issue. Unfortunately, the suggested change leaves matters as they are, with the aforementioned error. Given the above comment regarding the seq2seq tutorial, I suspect we are all in the same boat?

Are you sure it's the exact same error? Please copy and paste it here.

My bad, I just went through the change process to the relevant code again (from scratch) and re-ran it as proposed. The error has indeed been removed and the Old Bard is hallucinating just fine now 👍

So, thx, not sure where I went wrong yesterday, but it was clearly on me.

I met the same problem when using the Release Version of Tensorflow 1.0 and working on MacOS in cpu mode.Even if add the "reuse" parameter

def cell():
    return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(rnn_size,state_is_tuple=True,reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)

muticell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True)

your multicell looks wrong... you should be using "cell() for _ in

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 8:29 PM, cuiming notifications@github.com wrote:

I met the same problem when using the Release Version of Tensorflow 1.0
and working on MacOS in cpu mode.Even if add the "reuse" parameter

def cell():
return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(rnn_size,state_is_tuple=True,reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)

muticell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True)

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I was trying to run the translate example: python2.7 translate.py --data_dir data/ --train_dir train/ --size=256 --num_layers=2 --steps_per_checkpoint=50

It seems the way to use MultiRNNCell is correct:
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

But I got the same error:
ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use. First use of cell was with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/embedding_attention_decoder/attention_decoder/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell', this attempt is with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell'. Please create a new instance of the cell if you would like it to use a different set of weights. If before you were using: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...)] * num_layers), change to: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...) for _ in range(num_layers)]). If before you were using the same cell instance as both the forward and reverse cell of a bidirectional RNN, simply create two instances (one for forward, one for reverse). In May 2017, we will start transitioning this cell's behavior to use existing stored weights, if any, when it is called with scope=None (which can lead to silent model degradation, so this error will remain until then.)

@bowu - did you have any luck with this? if you haven't tried it yet, reinstall tensorflow from the latest source. there were some changes to some of the core_rnn files, among a few others. works for me now.

@robmsylvester I reinstall tensorflow from the latest source, still the same error. I was on branch master and the latest commit is commit 2a4811054a9e6b83e1f5a2705a92aab50e151b13. What's the latest commit when you build your repo?

Hi, I am using Tensorflow r1.0 using GPU built using source. I am trying to follow the unmodified Seq2Seq translation tutorial, but I'm getting the same error. i.e.

ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use. First use of cell was with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/embedding_attention_decoder/attention_decoder/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell', this attempt is with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell'.....

The relevant portion of the code in my seq2seq_model.py is:

 # Create the internal multi-layer cell for our RNN.
    def single_cell():
      return tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(size)
    if use_lstm:
      def single_cell():
        return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(size)
    cell = single_cell()
    if num_layers > 1:
      cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

What can I do to solve the problem?

adding "reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse" to the call where the GRUCell is created doesn't help.

Thanks a ton!

@prashantserai - see what happens if you remove the MultiRNNCell line from above, effectively making your network just one layer. Does it work then? It might be a bug somewhere in MultiRNNCell. I've read about that somewhere recently, probably on stack overflow.

If you implement the stacked lstm/gru yourself, you don't get this error, and you can implement the same functionality (actually more, because you're free to do whatever you want with bidirectional architectures, weird residual and skip connections, etc.)

@robmsylvester The same error persisted even when I tried with num_layers=1 which should effectively skip that line. Any other ideas? Thanks for the input.

Hmmm. One thing that stands out to me is in the referenced legacy seq2seq file:

encoder_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell)

This line appears to be used because the same architecture is used on both the encoder and decoder side. They make a copy of the cell, then pass the cell argument along to the attention decoder embedding function, then to the attention decoder itself.

What happens if you explicitly create the encoder cell AND the decoder cell in your seq2seq model file and pass both along to the legacy library file, making the small adjustments to the functions and their arguments?

@robmsylvester shouldn't making changes in the scopes of the cells work? It's working for the other two examples as well. In my opinion, this would be a very ugly workaround; a cleaner solution must exist; maybe we are missing something? ( I got the same error on the seq2seq tutorial as well, tried all of the above solutions).

@iamgroot42 - Yeah, that 'solution' is admittedly very ugly, but more so just trying to hunt down where an issue might be. I'll play with it in a few hours and see if I can track something down.

In fact, the copy.deepcopy is there because these are legacy functions and
we don't have the resources to maintain/update them. If you'd like to
introduce a backwards-compatible change that allows the user to provide a
second cell for the decoding step, and if it's None then to fallback on the
deepcopy, then I would be happy to review the PR. Keep in mind it would
have to be a backwards compatible change.

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Rob Sylvester notifications@github.com

@iamgroot42 https://github.com/iamgroot42 - Yeah, that 'solution' is
admittedly very ugly, but more so just trying to hunt down where an issue
might be. I'll play with it in a few hours and see if I can track something

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@ebrevdo - I'll think about it. I do have a translator that works pretty similar to this one but creates cells through a separate class that allows for inserting bidirectional layers where you want, residuals where you want, merging inputs with concat vs. sum, and a few other things. I think I could migrate my class over to this tutorial pretty easily by using static RNN's. I'll let you know.

@ebrevdo i am running Tensorflow r1.0 (tensorflow-1.0.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64) on Red Hat and have the latest version of the translation tutorial from Github.. is there a way you know to make this work currently?

It's unfortunate that the translation tutorial does not work with TF 1.0. We should fix that. @lukaszkaiser can you take a look? We're working on a new tutorial but it's still a few weeks off and will require a nightly version of TensorFlow (or TF 1.1 or 1.2) to work.

(lukasz; it's hard for me to identify from the various comments which part of the tutorial is faulty in TF 1.0. any chance you could identify the line and i can help get it working?)

@ebrevdo It's this tutorial. The error is in this cluster of lines. The cells passed here are used for both the backward and forward phase of the legacy seq2seq model, which throws an error because of same cells being used with different scopes.

@iamgroot42 do you want to make a PR with the needed changes? That would be great, I currently don't have the cycles to do that myself. Thanks!

I noticed that the TF 1.0 works fine with the newest version of translation tutorial if compiled from the source on branch remotes/origin/r1.0

$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
$ cd tensorflow
$ git checkout remotes/origin/r1.0

then build and install TensorFlow, it works fine.

On branch remotes/origin/r1.1 it has the "different variable scope" error.
I modified the code as @robmsylvester suggested

What happens if you explicitly create the encoder cell AND the decoder cell in your seq2seq model file and pass both along to the legacy library file, making the small adjustments to the functions and their arguments?

and it works for me now.

@oxwsds the Tensorflow I'm using is 1.0.1 so maybe that's having an error..

I had tried what @robmsylvester suggested then actually.. and the training had begun (2 days 13 hours done now).. it fails during decoding though with the error:

  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 883, in embedding_attention_seq2seq
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 787, in embedding_attention_decoder
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 686, in attention_decoder
    cell_output, state = cell(x, state)
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 796, in __call__
    % (len(self.state_size), state))
ValueError: Expected state to be a tuple of length 3, but received: Tensor("model_with_buckets/embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/gru_cell_4/add:0", shape=(?, 1024), dtype=float32)

Did you try decoding?

@prashantserai Don't exactly know, but what you met seems to be another issue.

@prashantserai If it fails only when you decode, perhaps it has something to do with using a batch size of one? Does the model still train if you lower the batch size to one during training?

@bowu Same error here. Mac OX Sierra, TensorFlow 1.1.0-rc1, Python 2.7.10 & Python 3.6.1.

@robmsylvester it did train successfully with a batch size of one too, but failed during decoding in the same way or similar way.. here's a full traceback.. the reason I was thinking of this as a connected error was because of the reference to seq2seq_f (which was one of the modified functions) (the #prashant comment from my code to signify a modified line is part of the trace)

2017-04-10 11:32:27.447042: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:887] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: GeForce GTX 780 Ti
major: 3 minor: 5 memoryClockRate (GHz) 0.928
pciBusID 0000:42:00.0
Total memory: 2.95GiB
Free memory: 2.88GiB
2017-04-10 11:32:27.447094: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:908] DMA: 0 
2017-04-10 11:32:27.447102: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:918] 0:   Y 
2017-04-10 11:32:27.447118: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:977] Creating TensorFlow device (/gpu:0) -> (device: 0, name: GeForce GTX 780 Ti, pci bus id: 0000:42:00.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "translate.py", line 322, in <module>
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/app.py", line 48, in run
    _sys.exit(main(_sys.argv[:1] + flags_passthrough))
  File "translate.py", line 317, in main
  File "translate.py", line 248, in decode
    model = create_model(sess, True)
  File "translate.py", line 136, in create_model
  File "/data/data6/scratch/serai/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 168, in __init__
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 1203, in model_with_buckets
  File "/data/data6/scratch/serai/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 167, in <lambda>
    self.target_weights, buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True),
  File "/data/data6/scratch/serai/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 144, in seq2seq_f
    dtype=dtype) #prashant
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 883, in embedding_attention_seq2seq
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 787, in embedding_attention_decoder
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 686, in attention_decoder
    cell_output, state = cell(x, state)
  File "/homes/3/serai/.conda/envs/tensorflow_r1.0_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 796, in __call__
    % (len(self.state_size), state))
ValueError: Expected state to be a tuple of length 3, but received: Tensor("model_with_buckets/embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/gru_cell_4/add:0", shape=(?, 1024), dtype=float32)

@oxwsds does your opinion change on the basis of the full trace above?

@prashantserai I tried decoding and it works fine. I just simply add a encoder_cell arg to function tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq and in translate/seq2seq_model.py create the cell and pass it to the function, which were called in function seq2seq_f. How did you change your code?

@oxwsds @robmsylvester @ebrevdo
I finally have something that's working now (I mean, results for my single layer 256 unit network are kind of appalling, but that's probably just because the network is ultra light weight and I didn't tune params AT ALL)
Thank you so much everyone...!!!!!

_Here's my thoughts at the end of this:_

@oxwsds comment that the tutorial (in it's current form) works without any need for modification when Tensorflow is compiled from the branch remotes/origin/r1.0 was TRUE. Although, the sad bit was that the version of Tensorflow I had for which modifications within Tensorflow code were needed, and the version in remotes/origin/r1.0 were both identically labelled.

@robmsylvester 's fix in the comment (copied below) DID WORK for my version of Tensorflow where the Tutorial didn't work out of the box (and should work for TF 1.1 too I guess). It is slightly messy to implement, but I could do it, which is saying something :-P
The error in my last two comments before this was due to my mistake. Like a dummy, I was specifying the layers and hidden units parameters only during training, I was leaving the code to use defaults during decoding. (this portion of the tutorial could be slightly more dummy proof: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/seq2seq#lets_run_it )

Hmmm. One thing that stands out to me is in the referenced legacy seq2seq file:

encoder_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell)

This line appears to be used because the same architecture is used on both the encoder and decoder side. They make a copy of the cell, then pass the cell argument along to the attention decoder embedding function, then to the attention decoder itself.

What happens if you explicitly create the encoder cell AND the decoder cell in your seq2seq model file and pass both along to the legacy library file, making the small adjustments to the functions and their arguments?

Thanks for the feedback! Seems there's something different between the TF
on pypi and at that tag? Gunhan, is that possible?

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:05 PM, prashantserai notifications@github.com

@oxwsds https://github.com/oxwsds @robmsylvester
https://github.com/robmsylvester @ebrevdo https://github.com/ebrevdo
I finally have something that's working now (I mean, results for my single
layer 256 unit network are kind of appalling, but that's probably just
because the network is ultra light weight and I didn't tune params AT ALL)

Here's my bottomline:

@oxwsds https://github.com/oxwsds comment that the tutorial (in it's
current form) works without any need for modification when Tensorflow is
compiled from the branch remotes/origin/r1.0 was TRUE
. The sad bit
although being that the version of Tensorflow I had for which modifications
within Tensorflow code were needed, and the version in remotes/origin/r1.0
were both identically labelled.

@robmsylvester https://github.com/robmsylvester 's fix in the comment
(copied below) DID WORK for my version of Tensorflow where the Tutorial
didn't work out of the box (and should work for TF 1.1 too I guess). It is
slightly messy to implement, but I could do it, which is saying something
The error in my last two comments before this was due to my mistake. Like
a dummy, I was specifying the layers and hidden units parameters only
during training, I was leaving the code to use defaults during decoding. (this
portion of the tutorial is could be slightly more dummy proof:
https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/seq2seq#lets_run_it )

Hmmm. One thing that stands out to me is in the referenced legacy seq2seq

encoder_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell)

This line appears to be used because the same architecture is used on both
the encoder and decoder side. They make a copy of the cell, then pass the
cell argument along to the attention decoder embedding function, then to
the attention decoder itself.

What happens if you explicitly create the encoder cell AND the decoder
cell in your seq2seq model file and pass both along to the legacy library
file, making the small adjustments to the functions and their arguments?

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For information I had this issue while trying to stack LSTM cells:
My orginial code was:

    lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(hidden_size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True)
    if is_training and keep_prob < 1:
      lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(
          lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)
    cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)

Then, with the following code, creating the model was ok, but I couldn't share the variable with another model. (for instance if you create a train_model and a valid_model supposed to share tensors, it will fail)

    lstm_creator = lambda: tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
                                        forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True)
    if is_training and keep_prob < 1:
      cell_creator = lambda:tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(
          lstm_creator(), output_keep_prob=keep_prob)
      cell_creator = lstm_creator

    cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell_creator() for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True)

So finally I used lstm_creator to be the function like lstm_cell in tensorflow/models/tutorials/rnn/ptb/ptb_word_lm.py#L112. I now have:

def lstm_cell():
      # With the latest TensorFlow source code (as of Mar 27, 2017),
      # the BasicLSTMCell will need a reuse parameter which is unfortunately not
      # defined in TensorFlow 1.0. To maintain backwards compatibility, we add
      # an argument check here:
      if 'reuse' in inspect.getargspec(
        return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
            size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True,
        return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
            size, forget_bias=0.0, state_is_tuple=True)
    attn_cell = lstm_cell

    lstm_creator = lstm_cell
    if is_training and keep_prob < 1:
      cell_creator = lambda:tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(
          lstm_creator(), output_keep_prob=keep_prob)
      cell_creator = lstm_creator

    cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell_creator() for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True)

It is now fully working

trying to get this thing running, which results in the same error:


@pltrdy 's solution didn't do it for me oddly. I'm getting

ValueError: Variable rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell/weights does not exist, or was not created with tf.get_variable(). Did you mean to set reuse=None in VarScope?

@aep did you use the function of https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/tutorials/rnn/ptb/ptb_word_lm.py#L112 I mention at the end of my post (now edited to be more clear)

for _ in range(15):
    cell = create_lstm_cell(config)
lsmt_layers = rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells)

it solved my problem

Managed to fix this issue by installing older version of Tensorflow:
pip install -Iv tensorflow==1.0

I was receiving the error when executing the seq2seq tutorial

In regards to what @ebrevdo said, I think the solution is not to fix the legacy seq2seq code, but to update the tutorial to use the contrib.seq2seq package instead, which is actively maintained. It is quite demoralizing when the first tensorflow program you ever run spits out a bunch of errors. If I have some time this week, I'll submit a PR.

We're working on a new seq2seq tutorial. We had hoped to release by end of
last month but are getting delayed. It will use the new API.

On May 1, 2017 8:07 AM, "Kyle Teague" notifications@github.com wrote:

In regards to what @ebrevdo https://github.com/ebrevdo said, I think
the solution is not to fix the legacy seq2seq code, but to update the
tutorial to use the contrib.seq2seq package instead, which is actively
maintained. It is quite demoralizing when the first tensorflow program you
ever run spits out a bunch of errors. If I have some time this week, I'll
submit a PR.

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@ebrevdo I meet the same error when running the sequence_to_sequence model on the tensorflow1.1 website. And I have try to use 'reuse' parameter but failed. Could you tell me when the new seq2seq tutorial will be released?

Looks like at the same time as tf 1.2, since we will rely on some new
features of that release.

On May 4, 2017 9:16 PM, "njuzrs" notifications@github.com wrote:

@ebrevdo https://github.com/ebrevdo I meet the same error when running
the sequence_to_sequence model on the tensorflow1.1 website. And I have try
to use 'reuse' parameter but failed. Could you tell me when the new seq2seq
tutorial will be released?

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@ebrevdo I am as well facing the same issue and unable to progress with seq2seq. It will be really helpful if you could let us/me know what is a probable date for a new tutorial.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Installing using pip install tensorflow==1.0 (Tensorflow 1.0) is working for me (translate tutorial).

I have version 1.1.0-rc2.

TF1.2 will solve this problem? Please help me how to continue training the model. TF 1.0 works but doesn't have devicewrapper api for multiple GPUs.

Having the same problem with tensor flow 1.1. Still working on a solution

I tried several things, at the end I was able to use tensorflow 1.1 but had to make these changes: (based on Tshzzz above)

Remove this:
multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([dropcell]*NLAYERS, state_is_tuple=False)

And add this:
for _ in range(NLAYERS):
cell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE), input_keep_prob=pkeep)
multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells, state_is_tuple=False)

@ebrevdo Congratulations, TF 1.2 just got released - was the new tutorial also released somewhere or is it being released anytime soon?


We'll plan to have an announcement when it's released. Working on it.

On May 19, 2017 7:02 PM, "prashantserai" notifications@github.com wrote:

@ebrevdo https://github.com/ebrevdo Congratulations, TF 1.2 just got
released - was the new tutorial also released somewhere or is it being
released anytime soon?


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For anyone using tensorflow-gpu==1.1.0 and getting this error, switching to 1.0.0 via pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.0.0 is not going to fix the problem, at least didn't work for me.

I ran into this issue on both mac and ubuntu and compiling from source worked both times. So:
pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/gpu/tensorflow_gpu-1.0.0-cp34-cp34m-linux_x86_64.whl

@ajaanbaahu Still waiting for tf1.2 new seq2seq tutorial.

It worked for me using pip install tensorflow==1.0.

For tf r1.2, got deepcopy error. As listed in sequence to sequence model error #1050

As the rookie, I raise some of my opinion.
The following code will make this similar mistake occure:
(Piece of my code)

lstm_cell = self.LSTMCell(self.num_hidden)
lstm_entity = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
layer = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_entity] * self.num_layer)
__, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(layer, self.data, dtype=tf.float64)

The error dump as the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "IntentNet.py", line 71, in <module>
    net = Net(data, target, 5, 1)
  File "IntentNet.py", line 45, in __init__
    __, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(layer, self.data, dtype=tf.float64)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn.py", line 553, in dynamic_rnn
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn.py", line 720, in _dynamic_rnn_loop
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/control_flow_ops.py", line 2623, in while_loop
    result = context.BuildLoop(cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/control_flow_ops.py", line 2456, in BuildLoop
    pred, body, original_loop_vars, loop_vars, shape_invariants)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/control_flow_ops.py", line 2406, in _BuildLoop
    body_result = body(*packed_vars_for_body)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn.py", line 705, in _time_step
    (output, new_state) = call_cell()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn.py", line 691, in <lambda>
    call_cell = lambda: cell(input_t, state)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 953, in __call__
    cur_inp, new_state = cell(cur_inp, cur_state)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 713, in __call__
    output, new_state = self._cell(inputs, state, scope)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 235, in __call__
    with _checked_scope(self, scope or "basic_lstm_cell", reuse=self._reuse):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 17, in __enter__
    return self.gen.next()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/core_rnn_cell_impl.py", line 77, in _checked_scope
ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell <tensorflow.contrib.rnn.python.ops.core_rnn_cell_impl.BasicLSTMCell object at 0x7fe4fc7bd150> with a different variable scope than its first use.  First use of cell was with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell', this attempt is with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_1/basic_lstm_cell'.  Please create a new instance of the cell if you would like it to use a different set of weights.  If before you were using: MultiRNNCell([BasicLSTMCell(...)] * num_layers), change to: MultiRNNCell([BasicLSTMCell(...) for _ in range(num_layers)]).  If before you were using the same cell instance as both the forward and reverse cell of a bidirectional RNN, simply create two instances (one for forward, one for reverse).  In May 2017, we will start transitioning this cell's behavior to use existing stored weights, if any, when it is called with scope=None (which can lead to silent model degradation, so this error will remain until then.)

But after I do the revision, It can work.

lstm_cell = self.LSTMCell(self.num_hidden)
lstm_entity = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
layer = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_entity] * self.num_layer)
layer = []
for i in range(self.num_layer):
    lstm_cell = self.LSTMCell(self.num_hidden)
    lstm_entity = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
layer = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(layer)
__, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(layer, self.data, dtype=tf.float64)

None of those workarounds worked for me with Tensorflow 1.1

I'm using seq2seq model with MultiRNNCell cells.

I had to reverse back to 1.0.1: pip3 install tensorflow==1.0

Anyone have these issues when working with legacy_seq2seq.rnn_decoder()?

@oxwsds As you said, I change input args cell of tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq to two different cell {encoder_cells, decoder_cells}. Finally, I get seq2seq model worked. After 73200 setps, I get perplexity 5.54.
Then I run decode part,

Who is the president of the United States?
Qui est le président des États-Unis ?

Problem solved. Thanks.

It seems that copy.deepcopy(cell) in seq2seq.py doesn't make effect.
So I change the related part in seq2seq_model.py to

if num_layers > 1:
      cell_enc = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])
      cell_dec = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

    # The seq2seq function: we use embedding for the input and attention.
    def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
      return seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(

@supermeatboy82 , Could you share your code?

Upgrading to Tensorflow 1.2.0 and generating the cells in a loop instead of list multiplication fixed this for me.

Got the error with TF1.2 when running translate.py, details:
name: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
major: 6 minor: 1 memoryClockRate (GHz) 1.582
pciBusID 0000:02:00.0
Total memory: 10.91GiB
Free memory: 10.76GiB
2017-06-22 09:15:04.485252: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:961] DMA: 0
2017-06-22 09:15:04.485256: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:971] 0: Y
2017-06-22 09:15:04.485265: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1030] Creating TensorFlow device (/gpu:0) -> (device: 0, name: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, pci bus id: 0000:02:00.0)
Creating 3 layers of 1024 units.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "translate.py", line 322, in
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/app.py", line 48, in run
_sys.exit(main(_sys.argv[:1] + flags_passthrough))
File "translate.py", line 319, in main
File "translate.py", line 178, in train
model = create_model(sess, False)
File "translate.py", line 136, in create_model
File "/data/research/github/dl/tensorflow/tensorflow/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 179, in __init__
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 1206, in model_with_buckets
File "/data/research/github/dl/tensorflow/tensorflow/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 178, in
lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False),
File "/data/research/github/dl/tensorflow/tensorflow/models/tutorials/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py", line 142, in seq2seq_f
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 848, in embedding_attention_seq2seq
encoder_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 174, in deepcopy
y = copier(memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/layers/base.py", line 476, in __deepcopy__
setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 237, in _deepcopy_tuple
y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
File "/home/lscm/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 343, in _reconstruct
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'

I also met the error caused by copy.deepcopy(cell) in embedding_attention_seq2seq() when running self_test() in the translate model in tutorial.
I tried to change the codes in seq2seq_f() in Seq2SeqModel as follows:

    def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode=False):
        tmp_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell) #new
        return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(
            tmp_cell, #new

Then there is no error now.
BUT as a rookie I don't know whether the codes here work as before and it seems the changes make the model run slower.

I would like to update everyone that I downgraded the tensorflow to 1.0.0 (tensorflow-GPU) and it is working for me. The models are performing as expected. I assume that the CPU version of 1.0.0 should function as expected? Or?.
Thanks :)

Hi guys, I don't know if you're still interested on it, but I found that the problem is related to the operation of copying the cell passed as params to the embedding_attention_seq2seq function. This is because the same cell definition is used both for encoder and decoder. I think the tutorial is deprecated since it uses a seq2seq model with bucketing in contrast to a dynamic seq2seq. But, I'm pasting a modified function that works. The function is updated in the file tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py.


def embedding_attention_seq2seq(encoder_inputs,
"""Embedding sequence-to-sequence model with attention.

This model first embeds encoder_inputs by a newly created embedding (of shape
[num_encoder_symbols x input_size]). Then it runs an RNN to encode
embedded encoder_inputs into a state vector. It keeps the outputs of this
RNN at every step to use for attention later. Next, it embeds decoder_inputs
by another newly created embedding (of shape [num_decoder_symbols x
input_size]). Then it runs attention decoder, initialized with the last
encoder state, on embedded decoder_inputs and attending to encoder outputs.

Warning: when output_projection is None, the size of the attention vectors
and variables will be made proportional to num_decoder_symbols, can be large.

encoder_inputs: A list of 1D int32 Tensors of shape [batch_size].
decoder_inputs: A list of 1D int32 Tensors of shape [batch_size].
cell: tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell defining the cell function and size.
num_encoder_symbols: Integer; number of symbols on the encoder side.
num_decoder_symbols: Integer; number of symbols on the decoder side.
embedding_size: Integer, the length of the embedding vector for each symbol.
num_heads: Number of attention heads that read from attention_states.
output_projection: None or a pair (W, B) of output projection weights and
biases; W has shape [output_size x num_decoder_symbols] and B has
shape [num_decoder_symbols]; if provided and feed_previous=True, each
fed previous output will first be multiplied by W and added B.
feed_previous: Boolean or scalar Boolean Tensor; if True, only the first
of decoder_inputs will be used (the "GO" symbol), and all other decoder
inputs will be taken from previous outputs (as in embedding_rnn_decoder).
If False, decoder_inputs are used as given (the standard decoder case).
dtype: The dtype of the initial RNN state (default: tf.float32).
scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to
initial_state_attention: If False (default), initial attentions are zero.
If True, initialize the attentions from the initial state and attention

A tuple of the form (outputs, state), where:
outputs: A list of the same length as decoder_inputs of 2D Tensors with
shape [batch_size x num_decoder_symbols] containing the generated
state: The state of each decoder cell at the final time-step.
It is a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x cell.state_size].
with variable_scope.variable_scope(
scope or "embedding_attention_seq2seq", dtype=dtype) as scope:
dtype = scope.dtype
# Encoder.

encoder_cell = enc_cell

encoder_cell = core_rnn_cell.EmbeddingWrapper(
encoder_outputs, encoder_state = rnn.static_rnn(
    encoder_cell, encoder_inputs, dtype=dtype)

# First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on.
top_states = [
    array_ops.reshape(e, [-1, 1, encoder_cell.output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs
attention_states = array_ops.concat(top_states, 1)

# Decoder.
output_size = None
if output_projection is None:
  dec_cell = core_rnn_cell.OutputProjectionWrapper(dec_cell, num_decoder_symbols)
  output_size = num_decoder_symbols

if isinstance(feed_previous, bool):
  return embedding_attention_decoder(

# If feed_previous is a Tensor, we construct 2 graphs and use cond.
def decoder(feed_previous_bool):
  reuse = None if feed_previous_bool else True
  with variable_scope.variable_scope(
      variable_scope.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse):
    outputs, state = embedding_attention_decoder(
    state_list = [state]
    if nest.is_sequence(state):
      state_list = nest.flatten(state)
    return outputs + state_list

outputs_and_state = control_flow_ops.cond(feed_previous,
                                          lambda: decoder(True),
                                          lambda: decoder(False))
outputs_len = len(decoder_inputs)  # Outputs length same as decoder inputs.
state_list = outputs_and_state[outputs_len:]
state = state_list[0]
if nest.is_sequence(encoder_state):
  state = nest.pack_sequence_as(
      structure=encoder_state, flat_sequence=state_list)
return outputs_and_state[:outputs_len], state


@fabiofumarola Thank you for the function. Looks really helpful. I also saw that the tutorial is deprecated. I am still waiting for an official tutorial release. Looks like you have used the new api. Do you have any code that can be looked up to start coding on the new api?
Any help is well appreciated. Thank you once again :)

@syw2014 Did you fix your issue?

@w268wang not yet, still waiting for other solutions, but comments of @Miopas may have a try, and I am trying the solution of @fabiofumarola

it says TypeError: embedding_attention_seq2seq() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dec_cell'
after using the update that @fabiofumarola posted. Can you guys please help me?

Yes because the update I have proposed require you to change the
embedding_attention_seq2seq Function. If you go to the source file in you
tensorflow release you can change the method definition you re self.

On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 at 18:15, sachinh35 notifications@github.com trote

it says TypeError: embedding_attention_seq2seq() missing 1 required
positional argument: 'dec_cell'

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Yes i did the same thing. I changed the function in seq2seq.py file in the tensorflow release. Still i am getting the same error. Is there one more argument to the function?

Yes, now in you code you need to specify to rnn_cells. One for the encoder
and another for the decoder.

On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 at 20:54, fabio fumarola fabiofumarola@gmail.com wrote:


On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 at 18:50, sachinh35 notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes i did the same thing. I changed the function in seq2seq.py file in
the tensorflow release. Still i am getting the same error. Is there one
more argument to the function?

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I am totally new to this. Maybe this a pretty basic question but could you tell what argument to be passed as the decoder cell in this code? I am trying to develop the seq2seq as shown in the tensorflow tutorial using own dataset.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import random

import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import tensorflow as tf

import data_utils

class Seq2SeqModel(object):
def __init__(self,

self.source_vocab_size = source_vocab_size
self.target_vocab_size = target_vocab_size
self.buckets = buckets
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(
    float(learning_rate), trainable=False, dtype=dtype)
self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign(
    self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor)
self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

output_projection = None
softmax_loss_function = None

if num_samples > 0 and num_samples < self.target_vocab_size:
  w_t = tf.get_variable("proj_w", [self.target_vocab_size, size], dtype=dtype)
  w = tf.transpose(w_t)
  b = tf.get_variable("proj_b", [self.target_vocab_size], dtype=dtype)
  output_projection = (w, b)

  def sampled_loss(labels, inputs):
    labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1, 1])

    local_w_t = tf.cast(w_t, tf.float32)
    local_b = tf.cast(b, tf.float32)
    local_inputs = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32)
    return tf.cast(
        tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(local_w_t, local_b, local_inputs, labels,
                                   num_samples, self.target_vocab_size),
  softmax_loss_function = sampled_loss

def single_cell():
  return tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(size)
if use_lstm:
  def single_cell():
    return tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(size)
cell = single_cell()
if num_layers > 1:
  cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
  return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(

self.encoder_inputs = []
self.decoder_inputs = []
self.target_weights = []
for i in xrange(buckets[-1][0]):  # Last bucket is the biggest one.
  self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
for i in xrange(buckets[-1][1] + 1):
  self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
  self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=[None],

# Our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one.
targets = [self.decoder_inputs[i + 1]
           for i in xrange(len(self.decoder_inputs) - 1)]

# Training outputs and losses.
if forward_only:
  self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
      self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
      self.target_weights, buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True),
  # If we use output projection, we need to project outputs for decoding.
  if output_projection is not None:
    for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
      self.outputs[b] = [
          tf.matmul(output, output_projection[0]) + output_projection[1]
          for output in self.outputs[b]
  self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
      self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
      self.target_weights, buckets,
      lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False),

# Gradients and SGD update operation for training the model.
params = tf.trainable_variables()
if not forward_only:
  self.gradient_norms = []
  self.updates = []
  opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
  for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
    gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[b], params)
    clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients,
        zip(clipped_gradients, params), global_step=self.global_step))

self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())

def step(self, session, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights,
bucket_id, forward_only):

# Check if the sizes match.
encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
if len(encoder_inputs) != encoder_size:
  raise ValueError("Encoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
                   " %d != %d." % (len(encoder_inputs), encoder_size))
if len(decoder_inputs) != decoder_size:
  raise ValueError("Decoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
                   " %d != %d." % (len(decoder_inputs), decoder_size))
if len(target_weights) != decoder_size:
  raise ValueError("Weights length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
                   " %d != %d." % (len(target_weights), decoder_size))

# Input feed: encoder inputs, decoder inputs, target_weights, as provided.
input_feed = {}
for l in xrange(encoder_size):
  input_feed[self.encoder_inputs[l].name] = encoder_inputs[l]
for l in xrange(decoder_size):
  input_feed[self.decoder_inputs[l].name] = decoder_inputs[l]
  input_feed[self.target_weights[l].name] = target_weights[l]

# Since our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one, we need one more.
last_target = self.decoder_inputs[decoder_size].name
input_feed[last_target] = np.zeros([self.batch_size], dtype=np.int32)

# Output feed: depends on whether we do a backward step or not.
if not forward_only:
  output_feed = [self.updates[bucket_id],  # Update Op that does SGD.
                 self.gradient_norms[bucket_id],  # Gradient norm.
                 self.losses[bucket_id]]  # Loss for this batch.
  output_feed = [self.losses[bucket_id]]  # Loss for this batch.
  for l in xrange(decoder_size):  # Output logits.

outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed)
if not forward_only:
  return outputs[1], outputs[2], None  # Gradient norm, loss, no outputs.
  return None, outputs[0], outputs[1:]  # No gradient norm, loss, outputs.

def get_batch(self, data, bucket_id):

encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs = [], []

# Get a random batch of encoder and decoder inputs from data,
# pad them if needed, reverse encoder inputs and add GO to decoder.
for _ in xrange(self.batch_size):
  encoder_input, decoder_input = random.choice(data[bucket_id])

  # Encoder inputs are padded and then reversed.
  encoder_pad = [data_utils.PAD_ID] * (encoder_size - len(encoder_input))
  encoder_inputs.append(list(reversed(encoder_input + encoder_pad)))

  # Decoder inputs get an extra "GO" symbol, and are padded then.
  decoder_pad_size = decoder_size - len(decoder_input) - 1
  decoder_inputs.append([data_utils.GO_ID] + decoder_input +
                        [data_utils.PAD_ID] * decoder_pad_size)

# Now we create batch-major vectors from the data selected above.
batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights = [], [], []

# Batch encoder inputs are just re-indexed encoder_inputs.
for length_idx in xrange(encoder_size):
                for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))

# Batch decoder inputs are re-indexed decoder_inputs, we create weights.
for length_idx in xrange(decoder_size):
                for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))

  # Create target_weights to be 0 for targets that are padding.
  batch_weight = np.ones(self.batch_size, dtype=np.float32)
  for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size):
    # We set weight to 0 if the corresponding target is a PAD symbol.
    # The corresponding target is decoder_input shifted by 1 forward.
    if length_idx < decoder_size - 1:
      target = decoder_inputs[batch_idx][length_idx + 1]
    if length_idx == decoder_size - 1 or target == data_utils.PAD_ID:
      batch_weight[batch_idx] = 0.0
return batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights`

This is a good question for stack overflow.

On Jul 3, 2017 8:46 AM, "sachinh35" notifications@github.com wrote:

I am totally new to this. Maybe this a pretty basic question but could you
tell what argument to be passed as the decoder cell in this code? I am
trying to develop the seq2seq as shown in the tensorflow tutorial using own
`# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the

License. ============================================================

"""Sequence-to-sequence model with an attention mechanism."""

from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import print_function

import random

import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import tensorflow as tf

import data_utils

class Seq2SeqModel(object):
"""Sequence-to-sequence model with attention and for multiple buckets.

This class implements a multi-layer recurrent neural network as encoder,
and an attention-based decoder. This is the same as the model described in
this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7449 - please look there for
or into the seq2seq library for complete model implementation.
This class also allows to use GRU cells in addition to LSTM cells, and
sampled softmax to handle large output vocabulary size. A single-layer
version of this model, but with bi-directional encoder, was presented in
and sampled softmax is described in Section 3 of the following paper.

def init(self,
"""Create the model.

source_vocab_size: size of the source vocabulary.
target_vocab_size: size of the target vocabulary.
buckets: a list of pairs (I, O), where I specifies maximum input length
that will be processed in that bucket, and O specifies maximum output
length. Training instances that have inputs longer than I or outputs
longer than O will be pushed to the next bucket and padded accordingly.
We assume that the list is sorted, e.g., [(2, 4), (8, 16)].
size: number of units in each layer of the model.
num_layers: number of layers in the model.
max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm.
batch_size: the size of the batches used during training;
the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be
changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding.
learning_rate: learning rate to start with.
learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed.
use_lstm: if true, we use LSTM cells instead of GRU cells.
num_samples: number of samples for sampled softmax.
forward_only: if set, we do not construct the backward pass in the model.
dtype: the data type to use to store internal variables.
self.source_vocab_size = source_vocab_size
self.target_vocab_size = target_vocab_size
self.buckets = buckets
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(
float(learning_rate), trainable=False, dtype=dtype)
self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign(
self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor)
self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

If we use sampled softmax, we need an output projection.

output_projection = None
softmax_loss_function = None

Sampled softmax only makes sense if we sample less than vocabulary size.

if num_samples > 0 and num_samples < self.target_vocab_size:
w_t = tf.get_variable("proj_w", [self.target_vocab_size, size], dtype=dtype)
w = tf.transpose(w_t)
b = tf.get_variable("proj_b", [self.target_vocab_size], dtype=dtype)
output_projection = (w, b)

def sampled_loss(labels, inputs):
labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1, 1])
# We need to compute the sampled_softmax_loss using 32bit floats to
# avoid numerical instabilities.
local_w_t = tf.cast(w_t, tf.float32)
local_b = tf.cast(b, tf.float32)
local_inputs = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32)
return tf.cast(
tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(local_w_t, local_b, local_inputs, labels,
num_samples, self.target_vocab_size),
softmax_loss_function = sampled_loss

Create the internal multi-layer cell for our RNN.

def single_cell():
return tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(size)
if use_lstm:
def single_cell():
return tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(size)
cell = single_cell()
if num_layers > 1:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

The seq2seq function: we use embedding for the input and attention.

def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(

Feeds for inputs.

self.encoder_inputs = []
self.decoder_inputs = []
self.target_weights = []
for i in xrange(buckets[-1][0]): # Last bucket is the biggest one.
self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
for i in xrange(buckets[-1][1] + 1):
self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=[None],

Our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one.

targets = [self.decoder_inputs[i + 1]
for i in xrange(len(self.decoder_inputs) - 1)]

Training outputs and losses.

if forward_only:
self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
self.target_weights, buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True),
# If we use output projection, we need to project outputs for decoding.
if output_projection is not None:
for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
self.outputs[b] = [
tf.matmul(output, output_projection[0]) + output_projection[1]
for output in self.outputs[b]
self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
self.target_weights, buckets,
lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False),

Gradients and SGD update operation for training the model.

params = tf.trainable_variables()
if not forward_only:
self.gradient_norms = []
self.updates = []
opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[b], params)
clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients,
zip(clipped_gradients, params), global_step=self.global_step))

self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())

def step(self, session, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights,
bucket_id, forward_only):
"""Run a step of the model feeding the given inputs.

session: tensorflow session to use.
encoder_inputs: list of numpy int vectors to feed as encoder inputs.
decoder_inputs: list of numpy int vectors to feed as decoder inputs.
target_weights: list of numpy float vectors to feed as target weights.
bucket_id: which bucket of the model to use.
forward_only: whether to do the backward step or only forward.

A triple consisting of gradient norm (or None if we did not do backward),
average perplexity, and the outputs.

ValueError: if length of encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, or
target_weights disagrees with bucket size for the specified bucket_id.

Check if the sizes match.

encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
if len(encoder_inputs) != encoder_size:
raise ValueError("Encoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
" %d != %d." % (len(encoder_inputs), encoder_size))
if len(decoder_inputs) != decoder_size:
raise ValueError("Decoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
" %d != %d." % (len(decoder_inputs), decoder_size))
if len(target_weights) != decoder_size:
raise ValueError("Weights length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
" %d != %d." % (len(target_weights), decoder_size))

Input feed: encoder inputs, decoder inputs, target_weights, as provided.

input_feed = {}
for l in xrange(encoder_size):
input_feed[self.encoder_inputs[l].name] = encoder_inputs[l]
for l in xrange(decoder_size):
input_feed[self.decoder_inputs[l].name] = decoder_inputs[l]
input_feed[self.target_weights[l].name] = target_weights[l]

Since our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one, we need one more.

last_target = self.decoder_inputs[decoder_size].name
input_feed[last_target] = np.zeros([self.batch_size], dtype=np.int32)

Output feed: depends on whether we do a backward step or not.

if not forward_only:
output_feed = [self.updates[bucket_id], # Update Op that does SGD.
self.gradient_norms[bucket_id], # Gradient norm.
self.losses[bucket_id]] # Loss for this batch.
output_feed = [self.losses[bucket_id]] # Loss for this batch.
for l in xrange(decoder_size): # Output logits.

outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed)
if not forward_only:
return outputs[1], outputs[2], None # Gradient norm, loss, no outputs.
return None, outputs[0], outputs[1:] # No gradient norm, loss, outputs.

def get_batch(self, data, bucket_id):
"""Get a random batch of data from the specified bucket, prepare for step.

To feed data in step(..) it must be a list of batch-major vectors, while
data here contains single length-major cases. So the main logic of this
function is to re-index data cases to be in the proper format for feeding.

data: a tuple of size len(self.buckets) in which each element contains
lists of pairs of input and output data that we use to create a batch.
bucket_id: integer, which bucket to get the batch for.

The triple (encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights) for
the constructed batch that has the proper format to call step(...) later.
encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs = [], []

Get a random batch of encoder and decoder inputs from data,

pad them if needed, reverse encoder inputs and add GO to decoder.

for _ in xrange(self.batch_size):
encoder_input, decoder_input = random.choice(data[bucket_id])

# Encoder inputs are padded and then reversed.
encoder_pad = [data_utils.PAD_ID] * (encoder_size - len(encoder_input))
encoder_inputs.append(list(reversed(encoder_input + encoder_pad)))

# Decoder inputs get an extra "GO" symbol, and are padded then.
decoder_pad_size = decoder_size - len(decoder_input) - 1
decoder_inputs.append([data_utils.GO_ID] + decoder_input +
[data_utils.PAD_ID] * decoder_pad_size)

Now we create batch-major vectors from the data selected above.

batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights = [], [], []

Batch encoder inputs are just re-indexed encoder_inputs.

for length_idx in xrange(encoder_size):
for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))

Batch decoder inputs are re-indexed decoder_inputs, we create weights.

for length_idx in xrange(decoder_size):
for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))

# Create target_weights to be 0 for targets that are padding.
batch_weight = np.ones(self.batch_size, dtype=np.float32)
for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size):
# We set weight to 0 if the corresponding target is a PAD symbol.
# The corresponding target is decoder_input shifted by 1 forward.
if length_idx < decoder_size - 1:
target = decoder_inputs[batch_idx][length_idx + 1]
if length_idx == decoder_size - 1 or target == data_utils.PAD_ID:
batch_weight[batch_idx] = 0.0
return batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights`

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Okay! thanks though! :)

@ebrevdo is there any update on when the new tutorial of seq2seq using new api will come out?
Thank you. Amazing work!.

yeah waiting for the new tutorial... would be great to know if it's planned to be released anytime soon.. @ebrevdo

tried to take code in the kernel tests and retrofit the beam search with the legacy seq2seq, but it was challenging...

We're hoping for this coming week!

On Jul 3, 2017 10:16 AM, "prashantserai" notifications@github.com wrote:

yeah waiting for the new tutorial... would be great to know if it's
planned to be released anytime soon.. @ebrevdo

tried to take code in the kernel tests and retrofit the beam search with
the legacy seq2seq, but it seemed challenging...

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Hi guys,

Any update to this issue, I'm experiencing the same on tensorflow 1.1-gpu for mac os x

I got the same problem with tensorflow 1.1-gpu for ubuntu.
I upgrade to tf 1.2. It still doesn't work.
Then I change the function embedding_attention_seq2seq in file
to the one as @fabiofumarola suggested above.
Now it starts training. I haven't tested decoding yet.

Move the code on cell definition into seq2seq_f:

def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
      def single_cell():
        return tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(size)
      if use_lstm:
        def single_cell():
          return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(size)
      cell = single_cell()
      if num_layers > 1:
        cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])
      return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(

Then "python translate.py --data_dir data/ --train_dir checkpoint/ --size=256 --num_layers=2 --steps_per_checkpoint=50" can work.

@huxuanlai it works! At least it's training now, thx!

@huxuanlai Works for me as well.

I am receiving the same AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update' but with tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets. I am running tf 1.2.1 (GPU) on ubuntu 16.04 lts.

This only seems to occur when I have more than 1 bucket.

full traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chatbot.py", line 262, in <module>
  File "chatbot.py", line 257, in main
  File "chatbot.py", line 138, in train
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Projects/cs20/code/hw/a3/model.py", line 134, in build_graph
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Projects/cs20/code/hw/a3/model.py", line 102, in _create_loss
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 1206, in model_with_buckets
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Projects/cs20/code/hw/a3/model.py", line 101, in <lambda>
    lambda x, y: _seq2seq_f(x, y, False),
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Projects/cs20/code/hw/a3/model.py", line 76, in _seq2seq_f
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/python/ops/seq2seq.py", line 848, in embedding_attention_seq2seq
    encoder_cell = copy.deepcopy(cell)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 174, in deepcopy
    y = copier(memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/layers/base.py", line 476, in __deepcopy__
    setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
    y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
    y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 230, in _deepcopy_list
    y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 237, in _deepcopy_tuple
    y.append(deepcopy(a, memo))
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 334, in _reconstruct
    state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 163, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 257, in _deepcopy_dict
    y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 190, in deepcopy
    y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File "/home/jkarimi91/Apps/anaconda2/envs/tf/lib/python2.7/copy.py", line 343, in _reconstruct
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'

@Tshzzz @jtubert
thx, your solution worked for me. My tf verstion is 1.1.0.

I changed from:

    lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(HIDDEN_SIZE, state_is_tuple=True)
    cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell() for _ in range(NUM_LAYERS)])
    output, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, X, dtype=tf.float32)  


    for _ in range(NUM_LAYERS):
        cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(HIDDEN_SIZE, state_is_tuple=True)
    multicell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells, state_is_tuple=True)
    output, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(multicell, X, dtype=tf.float32)

This is still not fixed , tried all possible solutions , ones mentioned in this thread and stackoverflow , it doesn't work with tensorflow 1.3 or 1.2 or 1.1

I'm facing this error:
TypeError: embedding_attention_seq2seq() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dec_cell'

The error points to this function in seq2seq_model.py which is line 142 in seq2seq_model.py:

def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode): return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq( encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, cell, num_encoder_symbols=source_vocab_size, num_decoder_symbols=target_vocab_size, embedding_size=size, output_projection=output_projection, feed_previous=do_decode, dtype=dtype)

Anyone who came across with this error and managed to solve this, please help me correct this issue.

ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use. First use of cell was with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell', this attempt is with scope 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_1/gru_cell'. Please create a new instance of the cell if you would like it to use a different set of weights. If before you were using: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...)] * num_layers), change to: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...) for _ in range(num_layers)]). If before you were using the same cell instance as both the forward and reverse cell of a bidirectional RNN, simply create two instances (one for forward, one for reverse). In May 2017, we will start transitioning this cell's behavior to use existing stored weights, if any, when it is called with scope=None (which can lead to silent model degradation, so this error will remain until then.)

the origin code:
from tensorflow.contrib import rnn
inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name="inputs")
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="keep_prob")
cell = rnn.GRUCell(10)
cell = rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell=cell, input_keep_prob=keep_prob)
cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell for _ in range(5)], state_is_tuple=True)

outs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cell, inputs=look_up, dtype=tf.float32)
inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name="inputs")
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="keep_prob")
cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.DropoutWrapper(rnn.GRUCell(10), input_keep_prob=keep_prob) for _ in range(5)] , state_is_tuple=True)

Do you have this issue with the tf nightlies?

On Oct 1, 2017 8:34 AM, "Baohua Zhou" notifications@github.com wrote:

I have the same issue when using tensorflow 1.1 on cpu with ios.

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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'

in tf=1.3

ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first use. First use of cell was with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell', this attempt is with scope 'embedding_attention_seq2seq/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_1/gru_cell'. Please create a new instance of the cell if you would like it to use a different set of weights. If before you were using: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...)] * num_layers), change to: MultiRNNCell([GRUCell(...) for _ in range(num_layers)]). If before you were using the same cell instance as both the forward and reverse cell of a bidirectional RNN, simply create two instances (one for forward, one for reverse). In May 2017, we will start transitioning this cell's behavior to use existing stored weights, if any, when it is called with scope=None (which can lead to silent model degradation, so this error will remain until then.)

It has been 14 days with no activity and the awaiting tensorflower label was assigned. Please update the label and/or status accordingly.

Nagging Awaiting TensorFlower: It has been 14 days with no activityand the awaiting tensorflower label was assigned. Please update the label and/or status accordingly.

The solution is to move to a newer version of TF. This thread has drastically diverged from its original issue. Closing.

If you want instant solution you can try what i tried :

pip install tensorflow==1.0
The issue is with tenorflow 1.1 version , it worked for me.

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