Terminal: Ability to select/copy all the text in the session

Created on 23 Jun 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/terminal

Summary of the new feature/enhancement

Sometimes there are situations when you need to select/copy all the text in the session.

ConEmu has such functionality (MenuEditCopy All).

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

  • Keybinding for action Select All Text.

May intersect with #715.

Area-TerminalControl Help Wanted Issue-Feature Product-Terminal

Most helpful comment

For what its worth and to whomever finds this useful, if you zoom out really far with ctrl + scroll wheel highlighting the complete buffer is much less painful even for relatively long histories. Not ideal of course, workable.

All 3 comments

I should add this to the #4993 scenario.

@carlos-zamora what is the plan for this feature? Looks like an important feature.
Select by mouse/trackpad works. Adding by keyboard short cut would be easy to use.

For what its worth and to whomever finds this useful, if you zoom out really far with ctrl + scroll wheel highlighting the complete buffer is much less painful even for relatively long histories. Not ideal of course, workable.

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