Gitextensions: Support basic git-svn commands

Created on 16 Nov 2011  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: gitextensions/gitextensions

Basic Git-SVN Operation:

  • [ ] SVN DCommit Command
  • [ ] "SVN Rebase" command
  • [ ] "SVN Fetch" command
  • [ ] Support Git svn-clone at clone dialog.

P.S. Offer "DCommit" instead of "Push" when working as SVN client

feature request

All 11 comments

And "svn rebase" instead of pull, right?

This feature would be awesome.

And "svn rebase" instead of pull, right?

"svn rebase" or "svn fetch"

I'm getting an error, "Unable to determine upstream SVN information", when I try to use one of the git svn commands from the Commands menu, e.g. SVN Fetch. The repository was created using git svn clone and the remote tracking branches have a "svn/" prefix, e.g. "refs/remotes/svn/trunk".

This answer maybe help you

Thanks for that but git svn commands like git svn info and git svn fetch work fine from the command-line. I don't believe I have disjoint histories because this is a fresh clone of the SVN repo and I haven't made any commits using git yet.

I'm using git version 1.7.10.msysgit.1.


  1. Could you show your repository config file (at least “svn-remote” section)?
  2. You can use userscripts as a workaround, just add few buttons on toolbar with appropriate icons.

I have found the userscripts workaround, thanks. Here's my config file:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = false
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    symlinks = false
    ignorecase = true
    hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
[svn-remote "svn"]
    url = http://torsvn/repos
    fetch = PerformaSure/performasure/trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk
    branches = PerformaSure/performasure/branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/*
    tags = PerformaSure/performasure/tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/svn/*
    authorsfile = C:/dev/svnauthors

It would be awesome to have svn rebase\fetch instead of pull on pushing pull button when working with git-svn repository

I don't know if any of the core team members use svn...
So unless someone, who really needs the svn support, is willing to contribute - this isn't going to happen....

The support in GE is very limited. Is anyone using SVN at all in GE?
Is SVN really a use case with GE, why not use a separate client?
"Full" SVN support in GE will not happen unless someone with that interest put work into it.

SVN is not a major blocker for development, but it is still something I would like to remove rather than enhance.

SVN support was removed from master/3.00 in #4592

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