Tslint: Allow comma for type literal delimiter

Created on 30 Sep 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: palantir/tslint


  • __TSLint version__: 5.7.0
  • __TypeScript version__: 2.5.3
  • __Running TSLint via__: CLI

Is it possible to let us decide which delimiter to use for type-literal-delimiter? Whether semicolon (default), comma or none ?

2787 Changed the default behavior of type-literal-delimiter from comma to semicolon.

While this can work for some, those of us with "semicolon": [true, "never"] rule would probably prefer not to use semicolon anywhere.
However, I do see the important of adding a delimiter for type literal, I just wish it wasn't semicolon.

Feature Request 🌹 R.I.P. 🌹

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Ideally it would be something like member-delimiter-style from eslint-plugin-typescript, which lets you choose "semi", "comma", or "none" for the delimiter.

All 3 comments

Do we have any solution for the same. I am also facing the same issue in my project. Any help how can i make it configurable to accept both comma and semi colon. Thanks

Ideally it would be something like member-delimiter-style from eslint-plugin-typescript, which lets you choose "semi", "comma", or "none" for the delimiter.

☠️ TSLint's time has come! ☠️

TSLint is no longer accepting most feature requests per #4534. See typescript-eslint.io for the new, shiny way to lint your TypeScript code with ESLint. ✨

It was a pleasure open sourcing with you all!

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