Vaadin-combo-box: Leaking input styles

Created on 20 Dec 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: vaadin/vaadin-combo-box


The vaadin-combo-box element styles affect globals scope when using bundling.
All my inputs have padding due to the following lines:

    #input {
      box-sizing: border-box;
      padding-right: 28px;

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I use polymer-build. AFAIK styles shouldn't live outside of templates, this is the thing which may break globals styles somehow. Will send a PR to fix that.

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What tools are you using for bundling styles? It’s a local style of <vaadin-combo-box>, I wonder why the tooling does not scope it.

It's probably due to <style> being defined outside <template> in

I use polymer-build. AFAIK styles shouldn't live outside of templates, this is the thing which may break globals styles somehow. Will send a PR to fix that.

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